Monday, May 28, 2012

Not Just Another Transgender Pretty Face!

Yollada "Nok" Suanyot is officially Thailand's highest-ranking
transgender politician

Patrick Winn from the "Global Post" May 28, 2012 04:39

It's official. Yollada "Nok" Suanyot, one of Thailand's more famous
transgender cover girls, has gathered enough votes to become the
country's highest-ranking transexual politician.

According to the Thai-language outlet Matichon
, Nok, running as an independent candidate, successfully took on a
ruling party candidate in an election deciding who will help govern
their province's "provincial administration organization."

Trans Surfing

You all know I always catch "CD Janie's" blog.
Her insights are wonderful!
Once a year she attends a party with friends in "Vegas". From the way she describes it, it is a PARTY!
More importantly she has been writing about her "afterthoughts" recently.
Her latest post says a lot about accepting our lives as transgender folks.
Read it here.

Just a Tweet Away!

Sometimes I have a tendenency to forget about the growing number of readers here in Cyrsti's Condo that access us through "Twitter".
I did receive a comment from "Girl-Blossoming" on the recent "Male Privilege" post.
Very simply she said "What Privilege?"
Certainly, many of us agree with that or would argue there are intrinsic privileges which come with either gender.
Being who we are in the gender world as trans women or men, we just get a better view of both sides.

For all of you who access the blog on "Twitter" thanks so much!
Here's the bad thing about it. Communication (Tweets) are kept very short. The good thing? The tweets are kept very short!

Memorial Salute!

First of all, there are a couple of you here that have gone out of your way to thank me for my service to our country.  You other Vietnam Era vets know that thanks was never part of the deal for us. So I want to sincerely thank all of you for remembering!
In turn, I would like to thank all the others who have served for popular and non popular causes.
Popular or not, the sacrifice is still no different for the veteran and the family. Draftees or volunteers all stepped up for a way of life we believe in.
I am the first to say the system is far from perfect but still very much worth fighting for.
Memorial Day is second only to Christmas in our country as a holiday that can very easily lose it's real meaning.
It's so much more than just another day off to so many people!
Take a second to remember!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Male Privilege

Much has been written by many peeps on both sides of the gender fence about "male privilege".
Very simply privilege is the benefits one receives from simply being birthed as a male.
When I say "much" has been written, I'm not overstating the fact. I have even read several radical fem bigots use the male privilege term to even justify hating transsexual women. Somehow the TS women used their male privilege to cross the gender divide-or something like that.
On a much more personal and basic level, Sherri Lynn recently wrote a post on her blog about the subject.
Check it out here.


Yet another term! "Bishonen" literally means "beautiful boy" and is "Yohio's" preferred term for himself.

And another famous "Bishonen":
Andrej Pejic

Beware of Cougars!

The "Honey" moon is over?
Or just beginning?

Just A Moment to Think

When I see all the thousands of words written on all the nuances of the transgender or transsexual or bi gender or gender queer or the gender of the earth worms in your back yard- it has occurred to me it all comes down to this video:

All of the sudden the real problem is so clear and exceeding sad.

It's Time to be Proud!

It's the time of year when almost any community of size in the USA commemorates the anniversary of the 1969 "Stonewall" neighborhood bar incident  in New York City.
"Pride" events of all forms are happening across the country-as they should.
As basically the lowest common denominator, where does the everyday transgender person stack up in the situation?
I'm not real positive. Most of the public pride events I see- two things always happen (which are linked to the transgendered community) by people who don't know any better.
The two are drag queens and cross dressers. The queens are doing what they do best, presenting their flamboyant images of women and the cross dressers presenting their flamboyant image of the queens.
NOW, let me say I see nothing wrong with that. After all, the Stonewall incident was the result of queens protests. Also, if a cross dresser is tired of getting busted in the mall in 4 inch heels and 4 inch mini skirt-then this is a chance for another Halloween. Cool!
Neither of these images do me as a transgender woman any good. It's like saying "no that was not me you saw on Jerry Springer."
So I do have an immense amount of respect and pride for all who have stood up, been counted and effected change in our community.
Just forgive me if you happen to see my girlfriend and I kind of strolling hand in hand-totally unnoticed.
Should we call it "stealth-pride"?

Running but not Hiding

  Inage from JJ Hart at the Cincinnati Witches Ball. Over the years I considered myself the complete procrastinator. If I could put off anyt...