Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Quote of the Day!

"The biggest thing you don't know-is the biggest thing you don't know!

Just a Question

Far be it for me to be negative but it has been a long day and I am a little tired-So!
It occurred to me the first people to turn on Jenna Talackova will come from our own community.
To quote Jimmy Buffet "Fins to the left, Fins to the right (sharks) and she's the only game in town!

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Chinese Womanless Pageant?

 Read this story from "China Daily":
"Male students dressed up as models perform during an animation show in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province, April 8, 2012. About 20 male students from several universities in Wuhan formed a group to perform in various animation shows and became popular locally. Each student makes on average 500 yuan for one show, Wuhan Evening News reported. A member, who wanted to be identified as Hao Ge, said he learned to act feminine in speaking and walking from his girlfriend. "This is only a temporary student group and we will not continue this job after graduation," the group has announced."
 (Unless they were asked, got paid or liked it?) 
Then again I might just  be cynical. After all, they are just a bunch of guys working their way through college!
We all should have been that lucky or looked that good!

I also added another picture of one of the performers in the "Den"!

Odds and Ends from the Gender Spectrum

I came across a video from "Genderf*kation" which I'm actually going to going to post over at "Trannsnation".
I believe it follows closely in the "Gender Queer" theme I passed along here in the Condo not long ago. The video is very interesting in the sense it covers a wide spectrum of gender issues. Just not our own inter community binary of transgendered and transsexual. (No I'm not leaving cross dressers out of this-that is more complex and will be a topic in a coming post).
Speaking of the trans binary, I saw "Jenna Talackova" this morning Abc's "The View".
Not only is she drop dead tall, blond and gorgeous, she comes across as a very sweet and real spokesperson for our culture.
Having written all that, everyone of us should be as lucky to have her attorney "Gloria Allred" on our side!
Allred (pictured right with Jenna) is known for representing high-profile clients, such as: English actress Charlotte Lewis, who alleged that director Roman Polanski had sexually abused her as a teen; Nicole Brown Simpson’s family during the O.J. Simpson murder trial; and a number of Tiger Woods’ ex-lovers.
It's no wonder "The Donald" Trump threw in the towel so quickly!
" A man is what his mother makes him".
Ralph Waldo Emerson

(That's why my Mom was so defensive?)

The World Wide Transgendered Web!

I so enjoy seeing and passing along stories from around the world about our transgendered sisters and brothers around the world.
However they choose to be identified, for many (in many societies) it's a huge and often dangerous step to take.
This story from "Gay Star News" says it all! A documentary about drag queens in Southwestern China is premiering in Amsterdam soon:
"CinemAsia Film Festival in Amsterdam starts tomorrow with a Queer & Asian section screening seven films from Indonesia, China, Singapore, The Philippines and Japan."

Here's one of the questions:

" There are different styles in different cities. In the city of Nanning, where my documentary was filmed, they learnt a lot from Thailand (since it's only a one hour flight from Bangkok). You feel the Southeast Asia influence in their performance. The performers do enjoy their work and life, though they don't have very high income."
Follow the link for more!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Shaping Up.

For whatever reason, I have not slowed down to write about the changes my body is going through as I enter month four  on hormones.
Physically "the girls" continue to be the most noticeable change physically.  They are starting the change from an enlarged "man boob" shape to more of a feminine breast appearance.
Mentally, I did experience my first major "cry" for no apparent real reason and some sort of real melancholy I did not know where it was coming from.
My facial skin continues to be dry while my body skin seems to be softening.
A friend told me others would notice the changes before I would, so I'm telling you what I see.
It's very difficult not to wish away time in this situation.
On the other hand, time does fly by and before we all know it I will have more wonderful changes to pass along!

Spring Beauty

Check the "Boutique Page" for more!


Just when you want to say "OK Cyrsti, enough is enough! Get off the terminology already!".
Yes, you are right- but here is one more. Bi-gendered by physical definition.  I bring it up after interacting with a friend who actually lives and agonizes over a life like this.
The article is actually an in depth psychological look at the "no man's or woman's land" between what our community has chosen as transgendered or transsexual. Ironically, you may be able to think our "TG" or "TS" labels may be just a starting point. As a comparison, you may be able to use man and woman (on either end) with gay or bi in the middle.
I've added a few excerpts or you can read the whole article here.
respondents agreed that their gender switches were "predictable." The period of gender switches was highly variable, ranging from multiple times per day to several times per year. A majority (23/32) of respondents, however, reported that their gender switched at least weekly [with 14 saying it switched at least once per day]. What are the switches like? Some respondents are quoted -

"I still have the same values and beliefs, but a change in gender is really a change in the filter through which I interact with the world and through which it interacts with me."

"My voice usually ends up being higher than other times, I’ll be more emotional, my views on things like politics tend not to change, but how I react to certain things does. Like if I’m in male mode and I see someone crying I’ll think more along the lines of, 'Man up...' while if I’m in girl mode I’ll think more along the lines of ‘Oh sweety!’"
This being Ramachandran, the paper also touches on left handedness, brain hemispheres, phantom genitals and more, but it's fair to say that all this is pretty speculative -

"(In the survey) respondents agreed that their gender switches were "predictable." The period of gender switches was highly variable, ranging from multiple times per day to several times per year. A majority (23/32) of respondents, however, reported that their gender switched at least weekly [with 14 saying it switched at least once per day]. What are the switches like? Some respondents are quoted -

Great food for thought!

Running Against the Tide

Sarah McBride is running for the United States House of Representatives from the state of Delaware. Sarah grew up in Wilmington, and current...