Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Crossdressing Bathroom Case

Recently I've seen an upsurge in articles concerning transgendered law. In my opinion, this is yet another incredible step forward for our culture as trans women or trans men.
The latest I've seen is from "The Seattle University Law Review"
I'm not much into the "legal languages" but I'm going to pass along the opening abstract:


"While transgender rights advocates have won many battles in the fight for equality, bathroom discrimination remains a significant obstacle to transgender people’s full participation in society. This Article discusses the reasoning behind the cases that have rejected transgender people’s discrimination claims based on bathroom exclusion. The Article then demonstrates how these arguments mirror the rationales offered by supporters of long-dead, unconstitutional cross-dressing laws. Synthesizing the two bodies of case law, Levi and Redman offer a new way forward for transgender advocates seeking bathroom equality."

Check the link of course for more.
As I have told you, restroom issues have and will continue to be a major problem for me on occasion. I never feel totally comfortable.
An article such as this at the least explained where all of the "restroom" paranoia started in this country and what is being done to combat this.
All I have ever wanted to do is just pee!!!! AND

This picture from "Autostraddle" says it all!
He Thinks We Belong in the Same Bathroom  
On the left is the "esteemed" Tennessee leigislator Richard Floyd who said this: "I believe if I was standing at a dressing room and my wife or one of my daughters was in the dressing room and a man tried to go in there — I don’t care if he thinks he’s a woman and tries on clothes with them in there — I’d just try to stomp a mudhole in him and then stomp him dry. Don’t ask me to adjust to their perverted way of thinking and put my family at risk. We cannot continue to let these people dominate how society acts and reacts. Now if somebody thinks he’s a woman and he’s a man and wants to try on women’s clothes, let him take them into the men’s bathroom or dressing room."

 On the right is is "Annika" who describes herself as a "femme lesbian" and a former USC frat boy.
A picture is worth a thousand words!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Transgendered Actress Flashback 2004

Stephanie Michelini starred in "Wildside".
About a transsexual who survives prostituting herself in Paris, returns - with her two male lovers in tow - to her family home in the countryside to look after her dying mother.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Just a Distant Tranny Cousin

By now I'm sure you have heard RuPaul's "Drag Race" is set for season four.
Perhaps you heard that "Clown Paul" used the "T" word again.
I have never taken him seriously anyhow. His existence and mine are as different as the straightest man in the world and I.  "Clown Paul's" over the top act is a disservice to transsexuals, transgenders and crossdressers alike.
Another person who really has disliked "RuClown" for a number of years is "Monica Robert's" of Transgriot who wrote a couple years ago:
"“The gay media has a bad habit of referring to RuPaul as a
transgender person when he’s not. The fact that he’s (allegedly) Black
on the outside and has a penchant for dressing up in feminine attire
doesn’t make him transgender. He’s also not highly regarded by many
people in the SGL and transgender community for his unwavering support
of a certain obese white gay man who does a blackface minstrel show.”


    “So please stop calling on him as an ‘expert’ on what the Black
transgender community or our community in general is thinking because
there are others who are far more qualified to do so than this serial
apologist for Chuck Knipp.”

Should white people be the arbiters of  appropriateness in using the
“n” word in reference to him?  Should we poll a straight men to see if
it’s acceptable to call him faggot?  No. RuPaul is a gay man that
shouldn’t have any say on who uses the “T” word.

Perez Hilton asked of Rupaul

    Do U think RuPaul has a point or should he be the next celeb
apologizing <http://perezhilton.com/2011-11-18-kelly-osbourne-apologizes-for-tranny-comments#.TxHpEyNG5K4>
for casually using the offesnive word?

I don’t think RuPaul will ever apologize, but he should. And if he
doesn’t, he should be called what he is…

an insensitive bigot. Kelly Osbourne didn’t know any better. Neil
Patrick Harris was careless. RuPaul’s statement is just arrogant,
blatant bigotry."

All so true.
I'm not so sure "Clown Paul's Drag Race Four" isn't the "Logo's" Network very own "Work It!"

More "Claudia" and Transgender Models!

Our second picture of "Claudia" in a week!

It is hard to believe that Claudia Charriez was born a man. Her past wasn’t a barrier to her extremely successful career. Claudia won America's Next Top Transsexual Model in 2009.

I have posted a couple other photos on the "Gallery" page!

Transgender Girl Scout Vote

From "TransGriot" comes a chance to vote on an important issue!
"Washington DC television station WJLA-TV in the wake of transphobes calling for a boycott of the 2012 Girl Scout cookie drive because of the admittance of trans child Bobbi Montoya is asking this question on its site.

Should the Girl Scouts allow transgender children to join?"

Follow the link to vote!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Hormonal Update

My Friday the 13th hormonal update is very exciting!
As previously reported I started on Estrogen and a Testosterone blocker on New Years Eve.
Fourteen days later I have begun to feel a very unmistakeable change in the sensistivity in my breast area. Specifically with my nipples.
I tried to have no expectations on timing and effects, but I didn't expect those little green tablets I'm taking to have much effect for at least a month. The changes have been a pleasant surprise!
My daughter just asked me yesterday morning if I had felt any effects yet and I told her "only a strange calmness". Went I went home and changed sweaters in a chilly room, I experienced a unmistaken effect.
I can only describe my feelings as elation with a new toy!
So now that changes are officially underway, my trip to the Doc on the 23rd will be a more interesting visit!

The Last Six Transgendered Misconceptions

Wow tomorrow is here quicker than I imagined! Here are "Natalie Reed's" last six reasons from her "Queereka" site. My comments are in parenthesise.
8. You’re appropriating the female body.
Appropriation is about co-opting someone else’s identity. We’re not doing that. We’re expressing our identity. It is not an act of attempting to emulate or express ourselves as The Other, we are attempting to more accurately and honestly express The Self. We don’t transition into being a new or different person. We become more ourselves. We don’t put on a mask, we take one off.
(Agreed, well said)
9. Why can’t you just accept yourself? Why not just learn to be comfortable with who you are?
( She answers it well and in depth. My answer is simple. I have accepted myself and I am comfortable.)
10. You don’t really become female. The process is only cosmetic. You’re still technically a man.
To summarize: there is no particularly valid reason to prioritize the genetic definition of sex above all other aspects of physical sex: hormones, secondary sexual characteristics, genital configuration, etc. Chromosomes actually don’t play nearly as much of a role in human sexual differentiation as we often think they do. The Y chromosome is mostly deteriorating junk DNA that’s only real function is to turn the gonads into testes. In an XX cell, one of the X chromosomes is deactivated. As such, there’s no real functional difference between a “female” cell and a “male” cell. The process of sexual differentiation in humans is not genetic in nature, but hormonal.
(That's quite the answer and a little too complex for my small brain. My simplistic answer goes back to the difference between gender and sex. I always will be a biological male and a mental female. It just could be I'm a better woman than some females.)
11. Drag queens, transsexuals, transgenders, cross-dressers, what’s the difference?
(Big discussion, she does an in depth discussion. Much too long for my train of thought here.)
12. Transsexuality is just an invention of the modern medical establishment, a symptom of Western culture.
13. You’re infiltrating women’s spaces and making them unsafe.
First of all, we are women. So there’s that.
I’m not sure why whatever discomfort may arise from a cis woman’s hang-ups about the thought of a trans woman in the same bathroom or changing room or whatever, and the perceived risk, should take precedence over the extreme discomfort and actual physical risk that a trans woman would be forced to endure in using men’s facilities.
An argument I’ve encountered repeatedly is “well what’s to stop some male rapist or child molester or voyeur from putting on some lipstick, claiming to be transgender, and then sexually assaulting your daughters!”  (Ominous scary organ chord!).
(A topic near and dear to my heart. We have discussed the fact that I think the whole problem stems from the fact that some women still hang to some sort of archaic idea the ladies room is some sort of a mystical retreat from the world and a sanction for sisterhood. BUT
The "room" is also the last and easiest way to attack trans women.
My opinion is the world is changing, We are being perceived as transgendered women in a restroom. Not some guy in a dress.

Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Halloween Image from the JJ Hart Archives.  Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgen...