Saturday, November 13, 2010

What IF?

Working on very little sleep this morning, I made a quick deduction I had no food in the house.
Since I'm off today, I figured I would make the quick trip down the street to a convenience store that sells those breakfast biscuits. Not healthy but a quick hunger fix.
As always, I looked around to notice the other females in the store  No surprises as they were all dressed in jeans and sweat shirts. The only makeup on anyone was probably the trace of left over mascara on my eyes.
I started to think...if I was genetic female how would I be dressed?
Would I have taken the time to put on a little mascara and lip gloss? Would my jeans fit a little better?  How about my hair? If I didn't take the time to brush it out, would I have least pulled it back or hidden it under a hat? Was I a hypocrite? My guy clothes were a little on the shabby side and I was unshaven. The rough, casual male look! lol!
I would like to think I would do all  the girl work above.
How much time would that have taken? I can go from guy to girl in about a half hour. Certainly I could go from girl to presentable girl in five minutes. Would have growing up as a girl erased my passion for looking the best I can? I hope not!
Years ago my very attractive sister in law would always take the time to so some eye work before ever leaving the house. She would say "I never know whom I going to meet and what is HE going to think of me."
She had a lot going for her to start with and she always tried to make herself better. You see that with a lot of attractive women.
Or do you?  What came first, good looks or good makeup?  Looks for sure but attractive women just seem to care more. That makes them attractive! There are many women do a wonderful job of looking nice but just as many around here who haven't seen a make up isle since Clinton was in office.
Life goes on. I grabbed my taste treats and headed home to the delight of two begging dogs.As I returned , I was safe in my belief I would put effort into being a presentable woman. Even if I was genetic. All was right in my little transgender world.
After all, it was time to turn my thoughts to what football jersey, boots and jeans I will be wearing this afternoon. It's game day and I'm watching college football with a girlfriend. It's a challenge to look girly in a football jersey but  I've watched many women look really feminine doing it. I plan on giving it my best shot!
Most of the time a little effort produces great results!

"Viewing" A good Idea?

During a mindless bout of channel surfing I ended up on "The View". For those of you lucky enough to know nothing about it, "The View" features four or five women such as Whoopi Goldberg and Barbra Walters. The girls discuss current topics and even manage to get in trouble on occasion. Not my cup of tea, even if it is served properly by Martha Stewart.  I would rather watch the trashy Kardashians and wonder how Kim does her eye makeup. Am I the only one to think Bruce Jenner is the biggest girl on that show?
At any rate, as soon as I flipped on the girls, they started talking about that poor kid who got so much publicity for wanting to go out on Halloween as a female Scooby Doo character. Their point was if the boy did it...Dad should have done it too.
Not a bad idea! Why should the ordeal have fallen directly on Mom's shoulders?
If my feeble mind serves me correct, wasn't there an old "Life according to Jim" TV show episode with a similar topic? The son wanted to be a female character on Halloween and after some protest Jim put on a dress and went with him.
The cynical side of me thinks that Mom wanted all this publicity? Boys being girls on Halloween has obviously been going on forever. In my youth, the kid down the street who was transformed into a very pretty girl never made the press. Most kids like that probably never dressed up like a girl again. Totally unlike the kid who went as a football player and now spends most of his time as a girl. (Guess who?)
So as always, "The View" missed the true point. In typical fashion, one of them made some off the wall comment about a man walking around in their underwear.  The conclusion? It was OK if it wasn't their man!
My expectations were low and they were met. Now what channel are the Kardashians on?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Indian Summer In Ohio

Days like yesterday we pay for later around here!Veteran's Day (A big thanks to all of you) Sunshine and high's near 70?
To top it all off...a day off.  I ran some mundane errands during the morning  and then got ready to go about 4 ish.
Plenty of time to roam the one mall I go to and take advantage of a free appetizer coupon at a restaurant.
I was forced to stop for gas at the last station in town. Car just doesn't run without it! As I pulled in, I did notice the television news van parked at one of the pumps.
I started to pump my gas and here he comes. Mr. young reporter enthusiastically asking me questions about a story that happened yesterday.  What was I doing, what did I think? I answered and then he said would I like to come over to the van and talk to them?
I quickly said "No, I have to be at work." He insisted and I said no I REALLY have to be at work and jumped in my car.
That would have been a real hoot.  A TV on TV! I can hear it now. Hey, there was a person who looked a lot like you on the 6 o clock news. Do you have a twin sister?
First the NFL this week and now this!
Well it didn't happen and the remainder of the day was pure heaven. I was able to be the real me with no negative public reaction. So much fun mixed in with relaxation is difficult to find!
I'm sure soon the warmer weather will be difficult to find to! I'm prepared though! Fuzzy warm sweater and fur lined boots are standing by to battle the elements!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's theory time girls.In one of the groups I follow, we were having a lively discussion of why a man would date a Trans Girl anyway. Hence the reason my ten ideas resurfaced.
A spouse posted that both of them go out on occasion and "s/he" always has an  aggressive edge of real challenge when "s/he" is hit on. She went on to say the men involved usually "perk" up.
I put a link up for the book she mentioned "Why Men Love Bitches" as a possible explanation.
I immediately thought of the woman I ran into a couple weeks ago.  She was the one I had the seat incident with .(I Touched A Girl) She is the stereotypical bitch and I was amazed at how fast I came back on her as a bitch too. Like it mattered!
Before I had left, the one woman in her group had left and she was with 3 guys.  Theory correct?
Non of this however is really a part of my personality. Nor have I read the book.  All of this is just speculation. Yet another unique idea of going out in the world as female. AND! There is more.
Another idea being discussed is the hormone testosterone.  Very simply, it's the sex hormone in humans.  Obviously men have more but women have it too to varying degrees and it aids the sex drive.
How all of this effects a fully transitioned woman with no testosterone is the question.
I'm no scientist and if anything really interesting comes of this I'll pass it along.
In the meantime girls...get that "bitch slap" ready!

Top Ten Reasons!

Here they are! The Top 10 reasons to date a trans girl!
1.- guy has been trashed by g-girls in the dating scene.
2.-guy wants a girl who will do her best to look good for him...always
3.-guy wants a girl who can really understand him.
4.-guy wants a girl who is not a nag and knows when to shut up.
5.-guy wants a girl who is NOT after his money or wants to get married.
6.-guy wants a girl whose biological clock is non existent along with periods and mood swings.
7.-guy wants a girl who only shares his interests for the short period of time needed to "catch him".
8.-guy wants a girl who knows what "space" is and how to give it to him.
9.-guy wants an "old school type girl" Sometimes it takes a man to know what a woman should act like. Many women have forgotten.
10.-guy is bored and wants a new and exotic person in his life.

Cyrsti "Letterman"!
I know I've done these before but I just answered a question in a yahoo group I'm still allowed in. I thought I would pass it along!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Take Me Out To the Ballgame!

I'm certainly not the first transgender girl to go to an NFL game and hopefully I won't be the last. It's a god given right to love football if you are a guy or a girl or both!
Yes I did go to a Monday night NFL game with 3 friends.  My initial reaction was WOW - this trip is not for the faint of heart!
I have been to a bunch of games, but never as a girl. So I knew what to expect from the other side.
Game time temperature was about 55 degrees which was beautiful for Cincinnati in November. I was able to wear flats, jeans and a vest coat over a sweater. That's all good.
We had a great parking pass and only had to walk through one tailgate area. My major problem was   worrying about how my hair looked. LoL! On the other hand,  I just couldn't loosen up and feel the moment. Remember, a couple years ago, you couldn't have convinced me to do this.
At this point we are moving with the mob of people into the stadium and through a security checkpoint. We all had to open our jackets for a pat down. Not much choice but I tried to pick a younger female guard.  She patted me down and knew I wasn't all I appeared to be and kind of smiled as I went through and on to the ticket gate. Internally, I breathed a sigh of relief although I didn't really think this spot would be a problem.
The ticket taker was a breeze since they never look up anyhow and we all got into to the stadium as a group.
One of the other two women had to use the bathroom, so I rounded us up some beers while she was in there. I went to one of the vendors just selling out of his case and he did look up enough to see he didn't have to card me. Good, but not a compliment?
At this point the theme of the evening was being set. Yes I did get some recognition but not much and no real negatives. The problem was still me! I didn't have enough courage to use the restroom to check my look I felt as if I was flying blind.
The good thing was I didn't have time to dwell on it as we were headed for our seats and they were excellent!  We were within a comfortable distance of the field and sitting around a more "upscale" clientele.  I only had to shuffle past four older guys to get to my seat and they showed no signs of recognition. I did think I heard "that's a dude" on the way down the steps, but I can't be sure.
At this point, I had mixed emotions. If you are a sports fan and are in a NFL Stadium, they do it right. It's a spectacle and I was excited to be there! BUT those damn lights were not doing me any favors! I did manage to pull out my compact and sneak a peek and that was a mistake! Too late to run and hide!
Game time was still about ten minutes away and the camera that travels on the wires above the field was roving all over. If you never have seen one, it is about 50' above the field and has tremendous flexibility on where they can go with it. Well, here's my fantasy story of the evening. I was watching it as it came to our area of the stands and literally stopped right in front of us. So here was "Big Brother" staring at me! Now, logic dictates the camera was shooting the whole section and the live broadcast of the game hadn't even started yet. But logic also could dictate the control room guys had spotted the TG girl in the crowd. It's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Finally the game got started and everyone decided to stand through the whole half.  Not so much a problem but I'm glad I'm wore the comfortable flats and not my new boots! The best part was that no one in the section was really giving me a second glance. Maybe this won't be so bad after all? I still had a long way to go however and  the next big decision was coming up. Do I stay put or go during halftime?
Well, I didn't have to "go" so I stayed put. I got out my cell phone and got busy sending some pix of the stadium and text's to friends. Many of which didn't know "how" I attended the game.
If you don't know, NFL halftimes aren't very long and everyone was back and ready for the second half. With the new half a few new problems appeared. One of which was sitting next to my friend who got the tix. He switched seats with a friend and was very obnoxious.  He was bothering her about her Steeler" coat and looking over her shoulder at me. I kept thinking "here it comes" but it never did from him. The worst that ever happened was some guys behind me tapping me on my shoulder for a "high 5" or two. In addition, there were three or four middle aged guys a couple rows down who would look over their shoulders and lean in and talk.
So! All of this could have been just paranoia.
As we were leaving, I had a guy stop be and thought he knew me and an obnoxious woman get in my face and stare. That was it.
Bottom line is I'm really happy that I went. I'm really unhappy I didn't ALLOW myself to enjoy it more.Yes,  the major determination of you being able to do this is how you look but there is so much more.
I'm very sure there will be a next time. Everyone in the group seemed to really enjoy themselves and the lady who got the tix and I get along well.
The only problem I see is the next invite is mine!
The next time I will relax and be me!

Monday, November 8, 2010

"Old" Quote of the Day!

From "M. Butterfly":
Song Liling: Comrade! Why in Beijing opera are woman's roles traditionally played by men?
 Comrade Chin: I don't know. Most probably a remnant of the reactionary and patriarchal social structure.
Song Liling: No. It's because only a man knows how a woman is supposed to act.
Kind of says it all?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Touched A Girl.

As I left work last night, I figured I could actually go out and enjoy myself alone...with others. Get a seat, watch a couple of the late college football games and sort of "zone" out.
Good plan until I got to my pub and found only two seats open at the whole bar. One of which had a jacket on it. A woman was standing one seat away from the open one so I asked her was the seat taken? She was every bit as tall as me and we locked eyes as she verbally bitched slapped me with "yes, and I'm sitting there!" I really didn't know (or care) if she read me as TG or just another woman invading her space. I wasn't asking about that seat anyhow and just took the next one down.
About five minutes later she turned back to me and said she knew me and we had talked in another spot. Did I remember her? I wanted to desperately and finally did. One afternoon we had sat close to each other in a tavern downtown. At that time I had mentally labeled her as either bi or gay . She is very attractive in an assertive way. I followed her lead (with my own personal confidence) and we got along and talked until her brother came to pick her up.I figured I wouldn't probably see her again. Until last night!
We chatted for awhile and she introduced me to her 3 friends and they went on their way. I thought they had left until about a half hour later someone was lightly rubbing my back and saying "pretty lady". Fortunately it was her. I obviously thanked her and ordered another beer.
This time I could see her in the mirror and was trying to muster enough courage to return the "touch" on the way out. Assuming I left before her.  I always (in both genders) have never had the courage to do this. Until last night.
I paid my tab and walked by her group on the way out.. I stopped and lightly brushed her bare arm with my fingernails and said "thanks and I'll see you!" I kept on walking and she said wait and motioned me back. I got a hug and a chance to talk to the group for a couple minutes.
I'm so glad a finally found the courage to step forward a little with others. Better yet, I hope I see her again!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Scared to Death!

What the heck did I do?
NFL Monday Night Football??? Really?
Well girl, it's almost time to put your game face on. Game time is this Monday.
What was I thinking? I was euphoric about this event until last night when I really started to think about it.
I don't have much problem presenting as a woman so what would be the problems? Plenty!
 Let's start with Footwear. 
Monday will not be the time or place for heels! Both set of boots I own have about a 2" heel.  The good thing is I still have plenty of time to pick up some low heel options. I know what I want but finding my size is always a challenge. I am fortunate to be just on the high end of women's sizes (10 1/2-11) so anything is possible.  I would love a suede pair with fur lined tops! '
Weather. Perfect! 5 day forecast calling for clear and a low of 36 Monday night. I have a couple different options for coats.  A sleeveless shell worn over a sweater or a sweater coat I have.  Sleeveless shell probably best choice.  The shell also has a couple of pockets which I will need.
No purse for this outing..Security outside of stadium really only checks bags and purses so I should be OK. Will have to utilize pockets! I can store cash and ID in my jeans pockets and stash some light makeup in my shell pockets. I would imagine the make up I start with will have to last. Probably won't be much chance for touch ups. Long lasting lipstick should work.
Once we are in the stadium, I'm with a group of four, so blending with them should get me to our seats.
Now the problems? Number one is the bathroom. My host wants the group to stop and eat and drink a couple cold ones on the way down. Plus we will probably consume at least one of the ultra expensive beers in the stadium. Somewhere along the way I will have to go.
I have had almost no problem with rest rooms for years but Monday would not be the time to start! Best case scenario would be to go with two of the other women in the group. One guy makes up the foursome.
Number two is probably pure paranoia but what if one person where I'm sitting picks me out of the crowd and wants to make a scene? More likely, all should be intent on the game. I hope it stays close so everyone stays with the game.
There you have it girlfriends. My hopes and fears for a once in a lifetime trip to an NFL Monday Night Game as a girl.
I'll keep you posted!

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...