Saturday, February 5, 2011


I just had to pass this bit of reality to you all...we are being discriminated against because we are transgendered?
Here's the headline:

Groundbreaking Report Reflects Persistent Discrimination Against Transgender Community 

The National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force are receiving significant media coverage for “Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey,” released by the two organizations on Friday morning.

Certainly it is great for this earth shattering information to be placed in the public eye. Maybe now the new governor of my home state (Ohio) will reinsert the transgender protection clauses? (He conveniently deleted)

He probably didn't know we were discriminated against until now!

I know I'm just a bit cynical. Hopefully every bit of this attention truly does help our cause!

Trans and the VA

More and more transgendered veteran information is showing up in the media with the recent repeal of "don't ask don't tell." in the military.
Reports are surfacing about the VA providing meaningful care but seemingly has no real policy. Not a surprise that we are falling through another set of cracks.
Along the way, I did find a transgendered vet story that closely follows mine.
The VA actually prescribed hormones to a bi-polar vet and let her work three months in their library to pass the requirements. I have to believe this is a very rare instance.
I too am bi-polar and I take a very good regimen of drugs that keep me as normal as I can be! Every couple months I check in with a "junior shrink". I call her that because she is more qualified to dispense meds than counsel. However, I'm one step away from telling her my condition and seeing the real shrink.
Problems are cropping up however when transgendered veterans actually have legal name changes.  All important records are being disturbed and if you ever have been in the military, you know how disturbed that can make you!
I am reaching a juncture in my life where this is all so important to me.  Do I think anything meaningful will happen soon? No, but that won't stop me from trying to lend what support I can to make it happen!


Several years ago "MSNBC" did a show on a transgendered person who was going the distance to live as her chosen gender until a church entered her life. Here is one of the "after" pictures.
The entire story is at"A Gender Variance..Who's Who? . I remember being fascinated and saddened by Micheal Burke's story but I never knew she went to "Wright State University" which is in my backyard so to speak.
To make a very long story short, Micheal spent nearly 80 grand to become "Michelle". She never completed the SRS and ended up in Florida.  Somewhere along the line in the "Sunshine State" Michelle fell under the spell of a mega church and reverted back to Micheal.

Now Michelle is stuck again as Micheal unable to raise 80 grand to go back.

There really is no "moral" to this story. Looking back , it seemed "MSNBC" took the mega church to task for meddling in a fragile person's life. Seemingly Michelle was a more comfortable, complete person than Michael ever was. Maybe, confidence and courage  were her greatest shortcomings.

Link up with the "Gender Variance" site for more stories such as Michelle's.

Vacation Post

  Image from Johannis Keys on UnSplash. The day finally is here before my wife Liz, and I depart for our long-awaited journey to the Florida...