Showing posts with label GLBT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GLBT. Show all posts

Monday, August 3, 2015

Smile! You Are On Transgender Camera!

In an earlier Cyrsti's Condo post, I wrote of my recent public interactions and how  we now have the potential to do more than ever to take the transgender person from a caricature to a living breathing human being. 

As she has a tendency to do, Liz and I had a discussion of the "phenomena"  yesterday. Plus-as I have a tendency to do-I unloaded a hell if I do and a hell if I don't speech. Why aren't we coming any closer to transgender equal rights and more "grass roots" visibility? But, why are all these peeps bugging me about being a trans woman?

Liz is nice to me and starts out mentioning my wonderful personality, engaging mind and (sometimes) my endless flirting. Most certainly all of that does sound wonderful and I am sure my humble self wishes it all was true - but it isn't. 

Similar to many of you, we are all part of the Caitlin Jenner back lash. The public has been educated to a degree about the "T's" of the GLBT loose coalition. So now, perhaps more than ever before, it is contingent on all of us to put our best trans selves forward. 

As far as Liz goes, she still says I can be bought off with home cooking. Friday I took advantage of a lunch invitation with one of our friends. It just so happened she had four boys there -all under 16-maybe the most inquisitive and potentially the most transphobic group of humans there are. After all, we all know the problems (deserved or not) cis men have with trans women.

Forget all of that though-lunch was fantastic!!! Thanks Nancy!!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Tyra Scott- Sexual Hybrid?

You may want to put the kids to bed as this is one of the few "adult rated" posts you will see in Cyrsti's Condo.  I'm passing it along because the story actually goes past Tyra Scott just being a transsexual adult performer.

She discusses connections with the everyday transgender community, why she is still "pre opt" and what her life was like growing up.

From the Daily Loaf

in Tampa, Florida:

(Tyra Scott) : "Straight men are traditionally the most intolerant of the transgender community. Straight men are also the primary consumers of transsexual porn. This is why adult tube sites pepper clips of transsexuals in with other, "straight" offerings. These companies know that, behind closed doors, many straight men sample transsexual porn. In this way, ts performers have become X-rated ambassadors of the transgender community.

The more comfortable straight men become masturbating in private to these performers, the more tolerant they will be in public of the transgender community. Not only do these rogue performers represent the transgender community, they also embody the rainbow of diversity that exists in human sexuality and gender. In an effort to better understand this increasingly popular form of erotica, as well as the GLBT community as a whole."

So now, you don't have to be so critical of your friends watching porn! They are learning the attraction of sexual hybrids! Like so many of you I'm sure you view this with distaste. Not because so much because of content but once again we trans women are being portrayed in exactly the wrong light.  The same problems genetic women face.

At the least,  interesting ideas and you can follow the link above for more.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Trans Ohio Symposium

Well, before I knew it April is here and the Trans Ohio Symposium is coming up quick! Here's the scoop from their site:

"2013 Trans & Ally Symposium - Early bird registration is open! Registration is now open for our 5th TransOhio Trans & Ally Symposium. Prices go up if you wait to purchase tickets at the door! Save Money! Early Bird Registration! Our keynote speaker this year is writer and poet Andrea Jenkins. In addition to Andrea's keynote, she'll be presenting two workshops: Issues for Transpeople of Color and The Role of Art in Transgender Movement, so plan to attend! Andrea is the author of two chapbooks, “tributaries: poems celebrating black history and “Pieces of Scream”. Recently elected to chair the newly established GLBT Caucus of the Association of Writers and Writing Programs, Andrea is lives in Minneapolis and works as a Senior Policy Aide for the 8th Ward City Councilmember, Elizabeth Glidden. For more information about Andrea Jenkins, please visit her website at Photo provided by Waning Moon Images, Ayana Muata."

I'm going to be a workshop presenter this year with my partner and if you happen to be going stop and say Hi!
Here's another link for prices and tickets. The annual event is in Columbus this year.

What Came First?

  Image from Alexander Grey on UnSplash.  Today was "patch" day, when I changed out my gender affirming hormonal estradiol patches...