Friday, November 24, 2017

Transgender Hypocrite?

This morning I got into a political disagreement on Facebook! Imagine that :).

As you Cyrsti's Condo regulars know, I don't hide my contempt for the current president or his administration. On the other hand though, for the most part, I allow others to express their opinions on my feed except in the rare? occasion I can't help it and come out with some of my cynical replies.

Plus, if the truth be known, some days I just look to get a rise out of whomever.

This morning though, I chided someone for being trans and liking the Cheeto. I feel like I can't support an anti LGBT president...I just can't. Call me a leftist or whatever...I just can't.

Writing the Blog
Somehow this morning, the conversation proceeded with me pointing that out to the other person. She ended up writing I was questioning her transness. Now, I may have been questioning her rationale (which I just don't understand) and, I know so many don't understand mine.

The end result was she blocked me and I called her a hypocritical bitch.

The sad thing is, I always enjoyed discussing politics and can't anymore plus I could give a rat's arse less about being more or less transgender than another person!

Transgender Black Friday Shopping

For years I wanted to brave the crowds and go shopping on Black Friday.  It seemed like one of the ultimate feminine things to do and I wanted to check it off my cross dressing bucket list.

I just couldn't connect the dots, having my work schedule combining with my deceased wife working at the same time, so I could go out. For years though, I always was able to arrange at least one day to do my special feminine shopping. During the trips, I was able to learn loads about the possibility of going 24/7 as a full fledged transgender woman.

An example was the night I bought a piece of oak furniture for my wife and needed help to load it. The male employees ended up loading the whole item in my SUV as I stood back and watched. It felt so good!

Back to my first actual Black Friday experience: I chose the closest big mall to me and got a reasonable start after I dressed to blend. Once I arrived and battled for a parking spot, I made it into a mall full of mainly women. The estrogen was palpable!

Lesson number one, no one paid a damned bit of attention to me.  Everyone was on a mission.

All too soon, my trip was over as I had to get home and get ready for an afternoon shift. I finished the morning with a lot more confidence in my ability to live as a trans woman, and I checked another item off my bucket list.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Transgender Thanksgiving Day

As I have said/written many times, how grateful I am for the support I receive from my inner family and my daughters family/extended family.

Ironically enough though, I continue to be estranged from my only brother. He essentially picked his red neck in laws over me, so that was his choice and problem.

I also know many sad/tragic stories of those in the trans LGBT community who suffer alone during the holidays. I urge anyone who is to seek out any local LGBT groups which may exist. Often they have holiday get together s.

Often, the groups can extend a wonderful extended family opportunity to those who need it.

One way or another, here is my wish to you to have a great Thanksgiving and thanks for stopping by Cyrsti's Condo.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Transgender Thanksgiving Mail

Received a couple interesting comments to pass along:
  1. Thickness can be a problem above the neck, too. :-)

    The job I got with UPS has me burning more calories than I am taking in. 100 yards is a cakewalk for me these days! Plus, Seattle is very hilly, so I'm up and down lots of stairs. I don't, however, get lots of stares. ;-) I am a driver's helper, which is a grunt job, doing everything but drive the truck - all in an ugly brown uniform. I was assigned to work with a woman driver who is the same height as me (5'9"), and I think we may weigh about the same, as well. This is a far different way of blending in than I had ever considered before! It's OK though, as yesterday I got to be all prettied-up with a group of ladies at a baby shower for my daughter, and I blended right in there, too. I'm so excited, by the way, that I will have a granddaughter soon who will never know me as "Grandpa" first, as it has been for my other four grandchildren.

    Lots and lots to be thankful for!!!!!
  2. Here in the UK we don't do thanksgiving, after all it was for getting away from us that you are being thankful! But I often remind myself how much I have to be thankful for, I live in a modern western liberal democracy, which recognizes my right to exist, offers me the protection of the law, and provides a society that not only accepts, but embraces me.

    After TDOR this week this means a lot!"
  3. Thanks to both of you!  Congratulations Connie :)
  4. Of course this week I am also grateful for my super accepting friends, family and medical professionals!
  5. More tomorrow!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Transgender Thanksgiving Week

Here in the United States at least, we are heading into the official week of Thanksgiving. Liz and I braved the hustle and bustle of our mega grocery store yesterday to do her "Turkey Day" shopping. Per norm, there and at a Walmart we went to, no one paid me any attention. This time of year, people are too wrapped up in themselves anyway to notice the occasional transgender woman.

Plus, as I found out from Paula, my height may not be much of a factor anyhow:
"Paula GoodwinNovember 20, 2017 at 5:08 AM
I used to "go out" with a girl who admitted to being five foot twelve inches tall. Of the three of us who (occasionally) work for my business at 5 10 I am the shortest and both the others are Cis women!"
Thanks Paula (follow her link to her blog) I like the five foot twelve inches!
My problem too, is my thickness. There is nothing I can do about being "big boned" but I walk the distance of a football field (100 yards) at least everyday and I am starting to watch my diet I don't have to watch my mid section instead. I have the opposite problem of most cis-women in that I want the weight to go to my hips. Which it doesn't so much.
Through out the week, I will try to post what I am most thankful for. Today, I would like to thank all of you for stopping into Cyrsti's Condo as much as you do. There is no way I would have ever thought my humble efforts would go this far!
Much more to come :)

Sunday, November 19, 2017

A Great Time to be Transgender?

With "TDOR" upon us (Transgender Day of Remembrance), it's easy to overlook the recent strides the LGBT trans community has made at the polls.

While indeed, it's a dramatic start, TDOR is a sobering reminder of the violence directed at the transgender community. At one of my support meetings, someone called last year's ceremony in the Greater Cincinnati area "dark."

Doesn't it have to be? I suppose too, some would argue the world as a whole is much more violence and we are just a sub portion. I don't buy that because as long as hate crimes are directed at the trans community, we are no different than other minorities. And deserve the same protections, rather than trying to take them away as we are seeing under the current administration.

The bottom line for all of us to remember on TDOR is none of us are safe from the violence. Especially those who have a difficult time "passing" naturally.

So, let TDOR be a reminder to be careful out there.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Twin Towers

It is not often I see a cis woman with a clear height advantage over me, but I did this morning during one of Liz's classes I went to.

Of course, the first things I look for are any signs the woman may be of the transgender variety, and I am convinced she wasn't.

I am about five foot ten inches tall, so it's not like I am a seven footer and I suspected this woman was "six-two" or slightly more. She was flat out gorgeous and I did my best to get in line behind her to check out her height and more. I could only hope that someday my hips would fill out like hers and fill out a nice set of stretch jeans. (A girl can dream!)

One nice thing about her being close to me was she took all of any possible attention from me!

***As you may have noticed, I am trying out new blog platforms, so I'm trying to keep posts short until I figure out all the bells and whistles...if there are any!

Friday, November 17, 2017


It is not often I can find nothing to write about, even to the point of dredging up one of my 5200 plus old posts. I can often get ideas from other blogs or your comments. Today for some reason, not so much.

I have already written about looking ahead to the holidays and the fact I have another fun filled VA Hospital/Doctor's visit next week. Liz is off all next week and maybe she will take a break from her cleaning/cooking Thanksgiving ritual to go with me. :)

I am thinking about procrastinating a bit longer about putting my ancient old dog down. She (of course) is not getting any better, is blind and has a hard time moving at the age of 18. The whole prospect saddens me so much though, it is hard to do the right thing.

I wish I could write a cheery post about shaved legs and hose, but this blog has always been from the "heart" no pun intended, so I just can't. Plus I don't want to be "Debbie Downer" (I think I went to school with her.) So, I will say the sun is out, I have had my Cheerios and life is good.

There is no way, so many years ago when I started this journey, I would have thought I would end up here. I always thought I could put on my hose and heels and prance in front of a mirror and all would be well. It was for a day or a year until I started to go out in the world cross dressed and found I felt so natural I could not live without being a woman. It was about that time transgender began to be popularized and I began to consider the unthinkable...was I trans?

The rest, as they say was history and here I sit with hair down my back, my own breasts and hips starting to form. Exciting? You bet 'ya' but nothing to write home about everyday.

I guess I did have something to write about.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Back Again!

After a day of rest following my brisk day of activity, this old girl has rested and relaxed. Being retired, it was the perfect day to do so around here with the gray, raining cold weather we experienced all day yesterday.

It also provided me some time to think ahead to where Liz and I are headed soon and what I have to wear.

Interestingly, wardrobe has passed restrooms as the first thing I normally think about when I mentally plan my day. Of course blending is a major importance. This time of year too, I normally have a choice of leggings and/or jeans to wear and plenty of soft sweaters. Plus I still am planning a shopping trip centered around a generous gift card my daughter gave me for my birthday!

Plus, with the holidays upon us, it is time to plan ahead what I am going to wear for Liz and I's annual New Years Eve celebration at our usual Ohio Riverfront venue in downtown Cincinnati. New Years is always an extra special night for me because it marks the anniversary of when I took my first dosage of estrogen (HRT) and started this phase of my transgender woman journey in earnest. It was five years ago,not subtracting the six months I had to stop the process due to health reasons.

During the season too, there are extra LGBT events, planned plus my grand kids high school orchestra concerts to attend.

So, the season will be picking up for me soon with hopefully more great trans experiences to share with all of you here in Cyrsti's Condo! 

Real Life Impostors

JJ Hart at Key Largo.  At various times in my life, I have suffered from impostor's syndrome when I was out with other women celebrating...