Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Spindled and Mutilated?

As I have written in a previous post about our Trans Ohio Symposium weekend, the impact of ally's this year was the biggest surprise to me.  Of course the cynical side of me thought "well they only came to see the freaks in the zoo." Again, of course-none of that was true.

I believe many did/do wonder what does make a transgender person "tick." I can tell you I have never had that many strangers reach out to me with a mixture of kindness and sympathy which truthfully made me feel a bit guilty. After all, I have pretty much come to terms of what living a transgender life means to me. Selfishly I thought, where the hell were you when I needed all of you??

 In truth though, we all know where I was-in the closet. Just like all the trans women MIA (Missing in Action) from the weekend. The trans woman turnout was close to tragic. More than likely five or less of my age, five younger and fewer yet trans women of color. (Last year, they formed the biggest group.)

In my opinion there are several reasons. The younger the participant this year, the more gender "labels" they could and did use on themselves. The future is bright. On the other end, I met two "Jacks who became Jill's" and became giant "Jackasses." Finally, there are the stealth dwellers who don't see the need to attend for any number of reasons. Maybe they have another closet to come out of these days or like the "Jackasses" I met-don't give a horse's rear.

To be sure, many deep questions still to be answered. In a couple weeks or so, the Symposium "powers to be" will be sending out survey's. Of course I already have a few suggestions to address broader questions in at least areas which effect trans women-if any more show up next year. Then again, more might with a bigger agenda. Plus, those of you who have ever dealt with a volunteer organization, the rule of thumb is "That's a great idea! YOU do it!"

I also think it is tough because the Trans Ohio Symposium does not do double duty as a "get away" weekend for questioning cross dressers seeking to explore their feminine sides. No organized drag shows or "pub crawls" are part of the weekend.  What you see is what you get-knowledge.

The good thing this year was again I learned much more than I ever even thought I knew.

The picture above is yet another "attempt" at a better than average picture from either of our camera phones. The guy to my right is Lachlan a transman. I think we all know by now pictures are not my forte anyhow! Lachlan was delightful as we registered attendees on Friday.

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due?

brad-dacus- ira hansenOne of the potential problems I see coming out of the HUGE Caitlin Jenner coming out is all of the sudden she will get credit for the transgender advances many people have worked very hard to achieve. Here's a prime example from the LEXIE CANNES STATE OF TRANS — 

UPDATE-3 June 2, 2015. According to blogger Monica Roberts, Texas’ various anti-trans bills, including “bathroom bills” have failed to become law following the end of the Texas legislative session. This means “bathroom bills” in all 5 states have failed. Follow the link above for more.

Another very pleasant departure from the recent Jenner hoopla last night was NOT hearing or seeing any jabbering from Zoey Tur on anything I watched. Instead I saw the very credible and experienced trans woman Eden Lane.

Eden Lane
 The transgender community desperately needs to seize the "Jenner/Gender" moment with quality trans women journalists such as Eden Lane-not one who fell on their head out of a helicopter like Zoey Tur.

Waffles and Bikers

Remember the ancient movie "The Poseidon Adventure"? One of the songs from the movie was "There Has to be a Morning After - A perfect description of our Sunday morning.I will write about why in another post about Liz and I's traditional Saturday nights during the Trans Ohio Symposium weekend.  Let's just say plenty of adult beverages and good food are involved.

However, one "pays" for one's good time and Sunday morning, breakfast along with gallons of coffee was in order! The closest place to our motel to get a reasonably priced quick breakfast was a Waffle House. Truly, I was a little sensitive about going there as the "Houses" are good, basic restaurants but aren't known for an upscale clientele in many places. Plus we were quoted a 20 minute wait time. Plenty of time for inquisitive eyes and comments.

I quickly relaxed as not much happened and hunger increased. Hell, I almost asked the hostess if the two seats beside the Bikers from Maine were open. Seemed like a good idea until Liz's elbow landed in my side.

The moral to the story was neither of us climbed on the back of a Harley motorcycle and headed for Maine. We just headed to the nearest "Cup O Joe" Columbus coffee house and ordered our fave "Buckeye". A "Buckeye"" is a decadent blend of coffee, peanut butter and chocolate. Then we headed back to Springfield, Dayton, and finally Cincinnati. Plenty of time to discuss all of the weekend!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Talking Shop

Ideally, the core reason for attending the Trans Ohio Symposium for Liz and I was the hour set aside for my workshop on the transgender senior citizen.  What really happened (again) is I learned as much (or more) than I brought to the Symposium.  Plus, I got to meet a few very fascinating peeps.

My workshop this year was interesting in it's demographics which not unsurprisingly fit the whole group. Fully half of my group were allies but adding in a dash of spice was a person  who had transitioned years ago on the job, worked as a drag queen and contracted HIV. We also had a person who by her own admission, did the life balancing act living as a man, father and husband - and a woman when she could.

The allies? They were there because they had a niece who is trans and a brother who has written a book on having a transgender child.(Who attended.)

As promised, my agenda for the group was a blank piece of paper and I only ended up talking about myself for 15 minutes and let them fill the rest. Only jumping in to "facilitate" the discussion to those most qualified to talk on the subject.

This year at least I was pleased about the outcome and extra pleased from the ally input which was to be a theme throughout the weekend. Not one I expected.

So, there you go. The pic above shows The Ohio State Union building behind me and is from day one when Liz and I volunteered to help check everyone in. As I wrote earlier here in Cyrsti's Condo-the side stories from the weekend were classic!

Meet Caitlyn Jenner

Bruce Jenner Reveals Caitlyn on Vanity Fair CoverCaitlyn Jenner, photographed by Annie Leibovitz on the cover of June’s Vanity Fair. 

Over Whelmed

Liz and I are back from the Trans Ohio Symposium and she has one final day of vacation to play with. In the meantime, not to be ruder than I can be on occasion, I am going to try to keep my posts here in Cyrsti's Condo to a minimum.

Briefly, here are a few of the future posts: (In no particular order.)

"Letting your hair down with the Blues."
"Where have all the Trans Women Gone?"
"Gone but Not Forgotten."
"Waffles and Bikers from Maine."
"God Bless the Ally's."

Knowing my noggin, these will spur on other ideas and memories from a wonderful weekend of transgender introspection and learning.

Stay tuned!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Trans Ohio Day Two

Headed off to day two of the Trans Ohio Symposium which is actually the day of my workshop. Attended one excellent workshop yesterday which I will pass along in a later post! Have to get going!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Trans Ohio Day One

The three day Trans Ohio Symposium is being held this year again at THE Ohio State University Union.

This year, Liz and I both cuddled up to the Buckeye Mascot "Brutus Buckeye" for a picture!

FYI Connie-Brutus is holding up one finger because we are-National Champions-still eating roast Duck.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

On the Road Again

Liz has this week off and we have taken the opportunity to take some day trips around Cincinnati before we finish up the week at the Trans Ohio Symposium. Yesterday we headed "upriver" towards Pittsburgh (but not nearly as far) and found ourselves in Ripley, Ohio. Ripley could be described these days as one of those "sleepy" old small river towns. Once upon a time though, Ripley was a huge station on the "Under Ground Railroad" As slaves made their way north to freedom, the Ohio River marked the boundary between a slave state (Kentucky) and a free state in Ohio.

Enough history except for the fact there is a place called the "Rankin House" with a breathtaking view across the Ohio River Valley and down into Ripley. The Rankin House is credited with being the real story behind "Eliza" the slave and Harriet Beecher Stowe's fictional Uncle Tom's Cabin.

On the way home we took a small river ferry across the Ohio. We stopped for lunch in the small town of Augusta, Kentucky.

My paranoia going into the day stemmed mainly from where we we where going. As some would point out (me) - not potentially the most liberal part of Ohio. But you know, the places we stopped and the place we ate-no one gave me much of a second look. Then again, I was just "passing" through?

Feeling the Pain

  Image from Eugenia  Maximova  on UnSplash. Learning on the fly all I needed to know concerning my authentic life as a transgender woman of...