Saturday, November 22, 2014

Gender Fluxing and Other "Stuff"

Such a week!  I went from leggings, boots and my fun new blue nail polish on Wednesday, to selling a couple heavy pieces of vintage furniture Thursday and back to my new green polish today. (Saturday)

The more I "flux" the harder it is of course.  At times, I think the whole process comes under the "cruel and unusual" punishment.  On the other hand, I know that there is little I can do about it except keep on doing what I am doing...and stop my whining! No problem I have ever occurred was solved by laying in a corner whimpering about it. 

I'm working diligently towards my transgender goals and that is all that matters- except the results from my doctor Tuesday.  My health is everything of course!

Plus, there is a veritable "ton" of stuff coming up before Christmas to do, including a Laverne Cox (left) appearance at a nearby university in  December.

Finally, as I think about it, what is a transgender goal anyhow?  Undoubtedly, a subject for a later post!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Left Over Coffee

Yesterday here in Cyrsti's Condo I re posted a comment Stana received on her Femulate site.  I can only speculate from afar on what motivated what turned out of be a very pessimistic one sided look at a cross dresser's life. 
One sided from the aspect (among other things) that pure appearance is the primary and only end goal to dressing like generics.

Paula Goodwin commented on Femulate and here with one of the most classic comments I have ever read about a trans girl's relationship with her mirror:
"There are now quite a few very good comments (including mine) on Stana's original post, so I will limit myself here. I generally now use my mirror to check that I have put things on in the right place, I then ask myself two questions, "Could I go to Tescos like this?" and my golden rule "Will I frighten the horses?"  (Every time I read this golden rule Paula, I normally almost pee myself laughing!)

There have been occasions in the past where my mirror has lied to me, the photos have told me that I got it wrong. As for the hair thing, oh if only I could."

And Mandy:  "Amen on the long locks, sister! The only real grief I've gotten about them (mostly when I was working, not much since I retired) was from "follicly-challenged" males - translation: bald or balding!"

True Mandy, a touch of jealousy may just be creeping in!  It's important to note though, form my angle, I never have taken my ability to grow all this hair lightly-until I have to go through the contortions to care for it!

I have an idea (of course) from where this person was coming from in my next post.

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

"Some of the best things in life-are on the other side of fear."  Rusty Funk

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mirror Mirror on the Blog

I had an OMG moment this morning when I read a comment on Stana's Femulate blog.

Here's an excerpt:

I am a life-long TV, so I feel able to comment. My advice to nearly all those who contribute to your blog is simple: Throw away the cameras and look long and hard in the mirror. Look at the women around you; you should blush with embarrassment. Cover your shoulders and knees and get rid of those “long luscious locks.” Very few women over 40 look good with long hair. None of you (and me) really look anything like women and that is a tragedy.
Stop being delusional. A mirror does not lie except at a fairground.

I think this comment is tragically misdirected on one hand but does have some socially redeeming value on the other.First the value-no you can't live in the mirror and expect to navigate the feminine world.    No you can't squeeze into the short skirt and 4" heels and shop at the grocery but if you do look around at the women around you-chances are you can make it happen. I would question the writer about the generics who don't fit his "ideal of a woman?"  Some of the most delightful women I know wouldn't make his cut.
I feel sorry for him that he has seemed to miss the whole point of this trip we are on. I know of course paths are somewhat different for cross dressers and transgender women but in my life, every "GSB" (Gender slur Bitch) I have encountered has been countered with five or ten wonderful people.
Sounds like he has let the mirror ruin his life.  He may be surprised at what the world has to offer for him!
But!!! I have to draw the line at my "long luscious locks". I have waited 60+ years for them, so come hell or high water, they are mine to enjoy!  

Cyrsti's Condo "OOOPPS!"

Brittany! You didn't tell me my blind date was with one of my golfing buddies!

Unidentified cross dresser

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Honey, You Won't Beleive This!"

Transvestite in a harem
Well honey, since cleaning out the attic was on my "Honey-Do" list, I found this old bottle up there. I started to rub it and clean it - and this genie jumped out and made me part of his harem! (Or, you came home early!)

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

I found this quote on Twitter from "My Daughter's Army"

Charles Manson granted marriage license to wed his 26yr girlfriend.17 States still ban same-sex marriage. Can we agree this is f***ked up?

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! And "Karma Speaks!"

In 2013 an Oregon based bakery ‘Sweet Cakes’ made news headlines when owners Aaron and Melissa Klein refused to make a wedding cake for a customer because they were a lesbian, siting ‘religious reason’ for doing so. The couple have since closed their bakery and now operate exclusively online from their home.
This week, however, they face a court hearing on October 7th, and could face fines as high as $150,00 that could leave them bankrupt. State investigators found that the case was a gross violation of the lesbian couples civil rights as Oregon state law bans discrimination against LGBT people in businesses.

**From "Planet Transgender"

I Painted my Nails for This?

Cincinnati, Ohio is an old Ohio River town built on hill after hill.  Much of it is scenic in good weather and hell in snow.
So, last night, Liz and I braved the snowy cold elements to go to the Cincinnati Women's Political Caucus meeting.  When we drove a half hour and were within sight of the church where the meeting was to be held-you guessed it- it was cancelled.
I'm disappointed I have no news to pass along from a trip into what I think could have been similar to walking into the "Lioness' Den." Sorry.
Pam commented:

Good luck Cyrsti!!! My experience with rad feminists was they could not hear what I had to say!! They were too busy condemning me!!

:-) Pamela

Thanks Pam and you too Mandy!  The height of hypocrisy would have been if I had been approached by a rad feminist-it would have been in a church.  SUPPOSEDLY a place of worship and acceptance.  On the other hand, live and in person, I'm a slice of fresh meat for someone who has built up a huge amount of unreasonable dislike from afar.

After all, who am I to disrespect the sanctity of being born with a vagina?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Trans Feminist?

Tonight as I wrote in a previous "Cyrsti's Condo" post today, I'm going with Liz to a "Cincinnati Women's Political Caucus" meeting.

Right now, I'm interested in exactly what it will mean to me as a transgender woman?

Number one, I know damn well, some of the attendees will question my right to be there at all?

Just between you and I, I know I do have a right to be there because like it or not for some of the more radical feminist generics, I bring a whole different view to the proceedings.

What's in it for me?  My future as a participant in a feminine world!  If generics are being increasingly violently abused, my chances of the same are even more so.  If generics go increasing underemployed and underpaid, then my trans sisters will be even more so.

What's in it for them? Just an ally who may have more insight than they want to believe?

I will let you know.

It's Mammogram Day

  JJ Hart, image from Columbus, Ohio. Once a year, my doctor puts in a request for a mammogram screening for me. Mainly because breast cance...