Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mirror Mirror on the Blog

I had an OMG moment this morning when I read a comment on Stana's Femulate blog.

Here's an excerpt:

I am a life-long TV, so I feel able to comment. My advice to nearly all those who contribute to your blog is simple: Throw away the cameras and look long and hard in the mirror. Look at the women around you; you should blush with embarrassment. Cover your shoulders and knees and get rid of those “long luscious locks.” Very few women over 40 look good with long hair. None of you (and me) really look anything like women and that is a tragedy.
Stop being delusional. A mirror does not lie except at a fairground.

I think this comment is tragically misdirected on one hand but does have some socially redeeming value on the other.First the value-no you can't live in the mirror and expect to navigate the feminine world.    No you can't squeeze into the short skirt and 4" heels and shop at the grocery but if you do look around at the women around you-chances are you can make it happen. I would question the writer about the generics who don't fit his "ideal of a woman?"  Some of the most delightful women I know wouldn't make his cut.
I feel sorry for him that he has seemed to miss the whole point of this trip we are on. I know of course paths are somewhat different for cross dressers and transgender women but in my life, every "GSB" (Gender slur Bitch) I have encountered has been countered with five or ten wonderful people.
Sounds like he has let the mirror ruin his life.  He may be surprised at what the world has to offer for him!
But!!! I have to draw the line at my "long luscious locks". I have waited 60+ years for them, so come hell or high water, they are mine to enjoy!  

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The Grand Search for Discovery

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