Friday, October 24, 2014

All That Jazz!

Life has been moving so fast for me again, I have neglected to pass along the latest transgender person to venture out into the world, stay in the world and make a difference.  Her name is Jazz Jennings and she probably is not a stranger to you. If you didn't know though,  (from Yahoo News and Katie Couric)Now, at 14, Jazz has co-authored an illustrated memoir aimed at children called "I Am Jazz." The book chronicles the early years of Jazz's life, from her diagnosis to her struggles at school, and it's not just for kids in the LGBTQ community but for anyone who feels like they don't fit in. All of this comes just weeks after being named one of Time magazine's "25 Most Influential Teens of 2014."

Looking back, I can try hard and remember when I was 14 (maybe) and  how I would  have had no way to imagine now how wonderful and exciting it would be to get up, turn my computer on (huh? couldn't do that -they were as big as my room) and see one of Time Magazine's 25 top teens was transgender?
We will attempt to discuss the "golden age" of gender transition in a future post in Cyrsti's Condo!

Cyrsti's Condo "Vintage Pin Up"

Pleeeeeeenty.... ask... (Mena =)I just loved this and needed to pass it along to all of you here in the "Condo!"
Use your imagination!!
Thanks "Bobbie Jo Kaye"!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

My Bucket is Leaking?

Here are a couple well placed comments on the very loosely based Cyrsti's Condo post on personal "trans bucket lists":

Take every opportunity you can, when you get to where Stana and I are, you'll have a shorter list!

The older we get and the more things we do the less firsts there are left

Thanks ladies!  Holly, if by chance you are talking about you and Stana in the age department, I think I qualify! (65)
And Paula, you are completely right in that we "more mature" humans should have less firsts to do- but don't you think being transgender wipes the slate clean?  Plus, as I read a few of the comments in Femulate, I realized yet again what a fine line it is to be able to check many of the bucket list items at all. Let alone have the courage to do them!

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl of the Day"

Anderson BrooksOur feature today is the very androgynous Anderson Brooks:

One Foot in the Bucket?

At my age, I can't say I don't pay attention to "bucket-lists" especially now a days when it seems they are popping  up again. I read with interest on Stana's Femulate blog in particular (of course) when she came up with a bucket list of sorts for "femulators" to accomplish.

Not that it makes me any better than any other cross dresser or transgender person, but many of the items on the list I could check off. I began to wonder at what point did I subconsciously realize checking items off the list led me to where I am now? Or was I doing what came naturally?

I guess my friends thought so- much of the credit for checking off  most of the major items, go to my friends. Early examples were the invites to professional sports games and to real live girl's night outs. Of course I was scared to death and none of it came easily. And then, there were the early vacations with Liz, including a week long trip to New Orleans and Mardi Gras.  Really? No pressure packing for that with no guy clothes-right?

You see,  my friends and lover just crushed my bucket list.  They saw past all my petty paranoia's for who I was.  I'm still amazed they see nothing special about what they did. I'm just one of their girlfriends. Wow.

Yes, I did see and few items on the list I had not accomplished and that's cool too. One of which was getting a mani-pedi. Can't say I haven't had the chance and I really want to but I also want to keep a couple of new and mysterious/fun girl things to do.

So, I really never had the chance to check off all those items on my list if I ever had one.  I suppose I would change the title of "bucket list" to "dream list" because I still can't believe this all is happening to me!

Plus, I have never been one who didn't think I wasn't living on borrowed time and I better get to whatever I wanted to do before the curtains closed. I suppose I'm lucky that my biggest regret out side of transitioning earlier, was not taking that trip to Kathmandu we had planned when we were in the Army.

I still don't have both feet in the bucket! There is still time!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...