Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Horse's What?

Yesterday, I was heading through the grocery store and in a rare moment of energy, I had a little "spring to my step" because Spring actually looks as if it may be here. (50 degrees yesterday! Whhoo Hooo!)

As I bounced down the aisles, I noticed the fun feeling of my pony tail flipping around behind me. I entertain easily and started doing it on purpose as my hair is very close to the middle of my back now.  I quickly wondered if the young girls I see with flowing bouncing pony tails feel the same way?  I'm guessing they do and don't. I'm fairly sure the feeling is reassurance of their overall femininity but on the other hand, their hair after awhile just becomes part of their everyday being.

Plus, long hair does take extra maintenance too, so I can see why girls such as my 12 year old grand daughter cut their long hair. She is more of a science and math nerd, so long hair as a boy magnet isn't so important to her...yet. Plus she did donate her hair to a cancer organization - to add to wigs.

Following all this heavy thinking in the store, I became even hungrier and headed for the salad section thinking what the heck, the whole experience was just an extension of the numerous times I have been referred to as a certain part of a horses anatomy. To give you a clue, the pony tail is attached to it!. Mine of course is attached to my head. Some would say, there is a certain symmetry there!

Of Course he IS!

 It was just a matter of time. The androgynous super model Andrej Pejic modeling as a man and a woman for the MCM Spring Line. This photo is almost spooky in a clone sense!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Can You Imagine?

From the Press Enterprise:

A Chapman University senior became the first transgender contestant in the school’s annual all-girls pageant Wednesday night, winning the title of Miss Congeniality. Addie Vincent, 21, faced off against 15 other competitors for the title of Miss Delta Queen, a competition organized by the school’s Greek system.

For the talent competition, Vincent recited an original poem called “The Look,” which chronicled the stares and stereotypes transgender individuals experience daily. In the poem, Vincent encouraged compassion and understanding for those who don’t fit traditional gender roles. Following the poem, students shouted, “We love you Addie,” and gave Vincent the night’s only standing ovation. “Addie has inspired so many people,” said Lauren Shouinard, a friend and former pageant contestant. “Addie sent a message so many people needed to hear.”

How encouraging it is to see the joy on the faces of the other participants!  To paraphrase John Lennon's Imagine, Imagine there's no gender bias, it's easy if you try.

Addie is working on that too, she is attempting to create Chapman’s first gender-neutral “frarority,” and said a goal for participation in the pageant was to bring awareness to “trans-visibility.”

The Inner You

sevilla 824
I just love it when I find the occasional "free spirit" on line who happens to be trans or gender fluid about themselves. Here is my latest "fave".

Perhaps you remember not long ago I mentioned the Androgyn Beauty Blog. She has a "killer" wonderful attitude to go along with those "killer" legs!

Follow the link above and read her "philosophy". The only thing I am missing is - I will be damned if I can find her name!

It helps I do agree with her belief that "androgyny is the new human future."

Vintage Female Impersonation

Much has been made recently about the "birth" of the internet (along with social media) and how we "more mature" individuals were able to even exist at all back then.  Truthfully, those days were exceedingly difficult times to communicate with others in the culture. Plus,  if you didn't know, the concept of a transgender woman or man was just beginning to develop and most all cross dressers in the media were up to no good. Early on, female impersonator Michael Andrews was undoubtedly one of the most popular entertainers of his era. Check out this YouTube clip on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Our feature cover here in the Condo today is Russian MtF transgender woman
Charlie Somik Chan.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

None of your business.

Doing the "Right" Thing

I caught this story from an Associated Press release. As an American and a transgender veteran it quickly caught my eye:

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - An independent commission led by a former U.S. surgeon general has concluded there "is no compelling medical reason" for the U.S. armed forces to prohibit transgender Americans from serving and that President Barack Obama could lift the decades-old ban without approval from Congress, according to a report being released Thursday. The report said Department of Defense regulations designed to keep transgender people from joining or remaining in the military on the grounds of psychological and physical unfitness are based on outdated beliefs that require thousands of current service members either to leave the service or to forego the medical procedures and other changes that could align their bodies and gender identities.

 "We determined not only that there is no compelling medical reason for the ban, but also that the ban itself is an expensive, damaging and unfair barrier to health care access for the approximately 15,450 transgender personnel who serve currently in the active, Guard and reserve components," said the commission led by Dr. Joycelyn Elders, who served as surgeon general during Bill Clinton's first term as president, and Rear Adm. Alan Steinman, a former chief health and safety director for the Coast Guard.

The ban itself of course is blatantly Un-American in that it discriminates precisely against transgender service members who are expressly working to protect many rights they have no access to. There is much more to this story. Go here to read it.

"Pop" Goes the Transgender Culture

Rhys (left) with Zackary
As in many social areas, the transgender presence is also growing quickly in today's pop culture and here's an example from The New York Times. The"Times"  recently featured two aspiring artists, Rhys Ernst, and his partner, Zackary Drucker. Rhys had recently graduated from Hampshire College and was working for MTV networks. Zackary had graduated from the School of Visual Arts and was appearing on a reality TV show called “Artstar,” hosted by Jeffrey Deitch.

Over the last five years, Zackary has transitioned from male to female, Rhys from female to male. And in “Relationship,” a photo exhibition currently on view at the Whitney Biennial, the two have chronicled that process and the evolution of their own love affair.

The post goes on to say that a show by two transgender artists should be so prominently featured at the 2014 Biennial should come as a surprise to no one. It is just more evidence of the increasing presence of trans people at the center of popular culture. Go here for an in depth look of familiar and not so familiar names you may not recognize.

Feeling the Pain

  Image from Eugenia  Maximova  on UnSplash. Learning on the fly all I needed to know concerning my authentic life as a transgender woman of...