Friday, January 31, 2014

A "Natural" Crossdresser

It's no secret a few men are born with bodies which scream "woman".  Many don't ever act upon their "gift", others "cross dress" their bodies and yet another segment augments their femininity with HRT.

Here's a natural on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

As the Olympics approach, here's a look at an alternative Russia that Thug Putin has not managed to squash. We feature Alexandr Shtrauh (also known as Armago Andante) a young musician and model from Russia.

Honey "Boo Hoo?"

I'm dying.This is just funny and I got it off of Pinterest:

I "Doesn't Know It"

For all of you who followed the links to Jasmine Ford's show that I was supposed to be on, as you know I wasn't.
The only answer (txt) I ever got after waiting for over an hour and changing my plans for the evening was "running out of time."
I apologize to any and all for bringing it up at all here in Cyrsti's Condo.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tune in Tonight!

JasmineFord_face.jpgTonight (Thursday) I'm going to be a phone in guest to Jasmine Ford's new Internet Gender Experience Show on  at 10:00 p.m. I will be on around around 10:30 or so don't panic if you don't see me right away and think I'm another Janet Mock no show. I think she got bumped when Morgan became embroiled in a gun control argument with a politician from Oklahoma.

At any rate, Here is Jasmine's shows "bio":

Jasmine Ford, along with her co-host, Renee Singleton, will discuss "thought provoking material from an unconventional perspective". "This talk show was created to take a hard look at the social construct of sex, sexuality, and relationships as they occur across the gender spectrum."

To put it mildly, I'm way across the gender spectrum from Jasmine's experience.  In her pre interview with me, Jasmine said the absolute oldest transgender person she has ever met was in her early 40's. Not to mention, I'm far removed from the Miami, Florida culture-which is exactly why I need to be interviewed.

Amazingly to me, during my half hour or so on the phone with Jasmine, I was surprised how similar our idea's actually were. A prime example was when she said most transsexual women were just interested in the next operation she could afford to make her beautiful.  The real beauty they were lacking was on the inside.

Here is a link to see missed episodes .

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Liz's Post

Recently I read a post from a fairly populated blog when the transsexual author wrote something to the point that cross dressers have the best of both worlds.  I thought immediately the comment was simply the work of yet another elitist transsexual and then began to wonder if someone would blitz me with the same.  As of yet no one has. My simple answer is "I don't have the best of both worlds, I earned the right to exist in them."

Here in the "Condo" we received several responses to the post Now You See Me, Now You Don't including this one from Pat:

You are spot on in noting that the male presentation is more convenient. Just the simple act of going to the end of the driveway to get the mail demonstrates the ease of male presentation as opposed to the needs for a proper female presentation. It does seem like you have a wonderful relationship with your girlfriend. Does she read this blog?

Pat, YES! Liz, my gf or partner does read the blog so I really have to be careful about what I write! (Just kidding!)  Our relationship is much more than I could ever imagine finding at this juncture of my life.  As I have written here in Cyrsti's Condo, she only sees the female side of me, no matter what my exterior says.  At times she is a mentor of sorts when I need in depth feminine instruction but more importantly she has helped me to believe in myself. I never really lacked for male confidence but had very little self esteem as a trans woman-until Liz. It's important to point out Liz met me very early into my serious transition years, so she had a chance to run like hell.

Why me, why now and why her is a big question.  I never have been a believer in luck per se. Success in anything to me ends up falling in the lap of those who are persistent enough to be in the right place at the right time.  Plus, I'm a firm believer in positive karma and I was attracted to Liz's interest in organic spirituality.  My term, hers is, she is a Wiccan.

Why now?  It's her fault! We were both on a dating site, lived close together and she contacted me. It wasn't easy, at one point in time I was on about four different social dating/networking sites and after many months and mega idiots, I found Liz and another very close friend.  It's hard to believe it was three years ago.

Why her?  I touched on her spirituality a bit earlier.  Her religion I think gives her a basis for an understanding of a transgender person-not unlike the certain ancient Native American cultures who accepted "Dual Spirited" gender people.  To mention her faith only, is a real insult to her because she is a very multi faceted person.  She is so much more and so am I. Similar to a huge puzzle, we have so many pieces to put together.  I just hope I live long enough to see it happen.

Also, Liz shares a vision of me which is the same as mine.  She is an artist of sorts and now she has a very human subject to work with- in transition.  I just read today HRT takes three years to really sink in and I have a way to go.

Finally, to give you all an idea of how tough it is to me around me for any length of time, I'm a bi polar, dyslexic, hyper active person who happens to be transgender.

So at about now, Liz has read this and has opened a bottle of wine and is trying to figure out just what the hell she got herself into!

Thanks for the question, Pat!

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl of the Day"

Julieta Biesa, Argentinina transgender actress, before and after herMtF transformationJulieta Biesa, Argentinina transgender actress, before and after her transformation

Cyrsti's Condo "Horrorscope"

I have been a "dolla short" and a "day late" forever-specifically the "dolla short" part.  The scopes are a day a late in the Condo this week and I'm sure you all have been in a "tizzy"- It's OK, calm down kids, Momma Cyrsti has you covered! Here's a scope:

Libra-September 23-October 22): Whoever said you can only have just one is a liar and bore. You’re under no obligation to be frugal with what makes you happy. If there is more than one seducing you now, get seduced by all. The worst that can happen is that you won’t know who deserves more of your time. All the balls are in your court, so fondle them all for fun and fabulousness.

I have always said be careful...don't drop other balls!

For your scope, go here to theFrisky.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Today we feature drag artist, female impersonator from Thailand Sira Soda, plus a video on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen.

What Would Mom Say

Image from Jenna Norman on UnSplash This week my question to answer on the year long bio I am writing for my daughter and family as well as ...