Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo Words to Live By

"The world is three drinks behind, when it catches up - it will be a better place to live."
Humphrey Bogart

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I Felt the Earth Move

I live in Ohio, not quite the epicenter of earthquakes in the country although I know there could be one anytime.

The earth did move around here this week when the Pope said he couldn't or shouldn't pass judgement on gay people. Then the nearly not as revered but probably more wealthy than the Pope, Pat Robertson came out and said he has no problem with transgender individuals. Then, there are the reports of the hate monger Rush Limbaugh being on the ropes as he addressed reports that he is getting dropped from Cumulus, the second-largest radio network in the country, on Monday. "Nothing is gonna happen that you will notice," Limbaugh said on his radio show. "Nothing is going to change. You are going to be able to get this radio program on as many if not more radio stations down the road than it's on now, and what you're being treated to is just a public business negotiation. Negotiations have been taken public by one side of this and I thought it was done!"

The difference in what the Nazi Rush didn't say was advertising dollars drive the viability of a network radio show and he just lost one in the Bojangle's Food Chain. When you have him on the run, it's easier to provide monetary pressure on him- not unlike the major fast food chicken chain I'm sure I don't have to mention to you. An effective boycott for them is when they cater an event, just casually spread the word about how inherently wrong it is to support their company and what the owner stands for.

Look, I know people are sheep and there are major problems in our country with mini Limbaugh's out there to cash in. Just look at the giant Clear Channel radio conglomerate. It has single highhandedly killed free speech over the airways in this country by buying tons of radio stations in the same markets. Clear Channel  specializes in right wing shock jocks on every level in every market spewing easy answers to tough problems. You can bet they have "superstar" or two lined up to fill Limbaugh's shoes.  In the meantime though we need to keep the pressure on the Nazi. Everytime he sticks his mug in a microphone, it's time to complain to the advertiser on his show.

That's our own small way to keep the earth moving in Ohio, except for the never ending interstate highway projects!

Oh, by the way, here's Pat:

It's a Start

According to theAdvocate and BuzzFeed,
Transgender military service will be examined with a $1.35 Million Grant from the Pal Center. The initiative will explore how the U.S. military could include trans troops without disruption.

Read more here.

Welcome to my World.

I used to hear it from genetic women a lot. I certainly understand why I did and I think I understand why I'm not so much anymore.

Perhaps you have heard me refer to the transgender learning experience as "playing in the girls sandbox". Until you climb in, you really don't know how the process works. The only certainty is the lessons come at you fast.

Women of course wonder what the hell you are doing in the sandbox at all?  Are you creepy, are you serious and/or are you sane. If you aren't creepy, are serious and reasonably sane (me) then you are allowed into the mix. Of course you will get get sand kicked in your face until you find which group of women you can bond with.

You know how guys bond with sports, business success or cars and women bond with- well - being women. Relationships, kids, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends and men at large form the bond. Early in the process I learned I needed to bring my personal past into play.  When I was asked did I have any kids, I simply said yes but I never needed to say I birthed her. Also, I'm fairly sure all of my close women friends know I'm a widow and I was married to a woman for over 25 years. For the longest time, that was a "need to know" fact which I didn't toss around easily.  The bottom line was though, I became a real person.  So what if I was transgender, I didn't B.S. anyone and to the best of my ability  I was good people. Quickly it seemed I was making the leap from "welcome to my world" to "where have you been?"

For all of you who are still fixated on appearance getting you a spot in the sandbox, I can't say enough if you are blessed with a good head of hair, go with it! Hair is such a huge selling point to presenting as a woman and the girl stuff like clothes, hair and makeup are just fun play toys. Older genetic women just don't understand and I don't want to be a geek and tell them I still am like a teen aged girl in a makeup or clothing store! In fact it's times like that I want to say "Welcome to MY trans World". It's a blessing from somewhere to be transgender and living like I am.  Thanks "Mother Karma" I love my spot in the "box".

It's Nailed Down in Cyrsti's Condo

This morning as I was removing my best attempt ever at applying my own nail color. several thoughts came to mind.
First of all I am finally past the bitterness of the manual labor I did last week which precluded pretty, pretty nails and back on the path of learning the nuances of femininity.  As far as the nail polish issue goes, I could never quite conquer the smooth look and the need to be ambidextrous. I am right handed and applying polish to my left hand was always twice as easy as my left.
I also this morning learned of a "root touch up" product which will extend the life of my hair coloring.  We will see how easy it is to cover up gray!

Once again I'm amazed at the number of nuances there are to this transgender lifestyle. With all possible apologies to those of you who embrace the "sissy" lifestyle. changing your gender isn't for sissies.

Do I miss the days of the five minute shower, quick shave and out the door?  On occasion I do because I'm such a mentally disorganized person.  I'm pretty sure my GF gets a gold star for putting up with me as I packed for my first week long vacations as a girl! But hey, it's getting better and I sure as heck don't want to go back. It would kill me as I found out first hand last week.

My much maligned project which has depleted the ibuprofen supply here in town also netted me five "visits" from my past.  These acquaintances from my life as are all good guys but don't get me wrong, I have no desire to connect the dots with them as a guy again. Of course they sensed something was different with the long copper highlighted pony tail coming out of the back of my ball hat and smoother HRT transitioned skin. Then again, they are guys and sometimes just don't notice as much.

It's a huge long boring story of why I had to do the project at all. I will leave it at there was no choice.  If  I want to get out of where I live and sever all ties with my physical past, certain projects have to be done.

Very simply though, the week was a very graphic example to me that I am on the right path.  Now where is the new shade of nail polish?

Cross Dress Cafe

The "Ideal Cross Dresser"

On the Crytsi's Condo big screen, a clip from the British sitcom "Ideal"

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Glamour Drag"

Every once in a while I run across a video of a "boy" in drag who is simply stunning.  At that point I start to look for Drag Queen "secrets" such as hip padding and multiple layers of hose to shape and soften the legs.  This "boy in drag" does it well!

Trans Safety

Every so often here in Cyrsti's Condo, I get up on my soapbox and preach to the choir about our security as transgender women, or cross dressers or genetic women for that matter.
I'm passing along a video from Egypt which focuses on the huge problem there and I can't image how dangerous life would be there for a transgender woman.

Truth of the matter is, it's dangerous everywhere. Every time I write this post I receive wonderful feedback from women who have been navigating society much longer than I. If you are starting your journey into the world though, it's a whole new experience.

I've heard from trans girls who were bullied and beaten up when they were dressed as a guy too. Been there and came close before I developed a fake macho image.  Of course not to discriminate I have had a couple of real close calls on the girl side too.

Genetic women learn the process early. Simply try to use common sense and not be in places you shouldn't be. What they don't say is you need to develop better senses of who is in the space you are at the same time.

The worst misjudgments come from transgender women and cross dressers who think most type of male attention is great validation of their femininity.  The tragedy is when they get hurt instead of validated. I'm not a "male basher" in the strictest sense but it is no secret how fragile the male ego is and how easily many guys can reach out to violence to save it.

Finally before we take a look at the video, just be careful out there in the world.  The more you become comfortable in your female role, the more you will understand the nuances of safety.  Surely we can't insure nothing will happen but we can cut back on the chances.

Running but not Hiding

  Inage from JJ Hart at the Cincinnati Witches Ball. Over the years I considered myself the complete procrastinator. If I could put off anyt...