Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Transgender Success in the Workplace!

From the Washington Blade:
"Mia Macy"

"Transgender victims of workplace discrimination are for the first time finding restitution in a pair of decisions handed down from the federal government finding anti-trans job bias at two institutions — one a federal contractor, the other an arm of the U.S. government.

 The two decisions — first reported by Buzzfeed — are the result of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which is charged with enforcing laws against workplace discrimination, finding last year in a historic, unanimous decision transgender workplace discrimination amounts to gender discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. One of the decisions is the culmination of litigation in that very case, known as Macy v. Holder, was initiated by the Transgender Law Center after the plaintiff was told she wouldn’t receive a job at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives’s crime laboratory in Walnut Creek, Calif., after she announced she would transition from male to female.

 On July 8, the Department of Justice — to which the case was remanded after the EEOC made its decision last year — issued a final decision finding Macy indeed faced discrimination when she applied for the position and awarding her relief."

Go here for more.

Day Old Sushi and Zombies for Breakfast

I'm glad Pat and others have questioned my use of the "Zombie" term in a recent Cyrsti's Condo post. Since I just might have a tendency to veer off the beaten path on occasion, I can understand! To clarify my position I went to
"A zombie is a person whose behavior or responses are wooden, listless, or seemingly rote; automaton. b. an eccentric or peculiar person.
I was disappointed! No where could I find a "c" definition which said "a leering face or faces in a crowd with  unmoving inhuman smirks on their faces".

So I guess that's the direction my pea brain was moving kids!

On a brighter note, my public life as a transgender woman went back to it's basic normal the next day. I saw no zombies peering from behind trees and cars as I went about my everyday life. I was relieved because I gladly would have given up my on sale- grocery store sushi for safe passage!

And on a serious note, zombie night was a wake up call. I have the tendency to forget my transgender journey is far from over and on occasion I slip up and flip too far back into my dark side or very simply don't pay enough attention to my appearance.

We all know if we show those pesky zombies any weakness, they don't hesitate to respond.

Now if you will excuse me, my sushi will be extra good with plenty of soy sauce!

All The Makeup Mistakes I Have Made!

I picked this video for the Cyrsti's Condo big screen because this person someone captured all the make up mistakes I have made in two minutes!

Cyrsti's Condo Quote of the Day

You know you are old when:

"If all of the sudden not only does everyone under the age of 30 look like a teenager but the people on the "I've fallen and can't get up" commercials look your age. Or:

When someone says it's time to "throw in the towel, you can't because you don't have enough strength to lift it!"


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Enough with the Zombies!

I rarely spend the extra time and energy to get upset about a situation, but last night was getting to that point.

I met with two trans friends (one male and one female) at a relatively liberal pub which does have a mixed clientele of straight, gay and lesbian peeps. For some reason last night, I was attacked by the 20 something zombie leering women.  Look, I'm used to the so called little "I know what you are looks".  Is it too much to ask for you not to lean in towards me to do it?

Fortunately, it's happening less and less these days, so I was surprised when the zombies were out last night. Furthermore all of you know I really don't care what the public thinks. I own who I am. I know it's too much to ask to cut back the stupid reactions but I have a plan.  Maybe I should redo my business cards and just hand them out to each zombie.  Word them very simply "Yes I am a Transgender Woman" feel free to ask any respectful question you have-but don't just walk by with that incredibly cheesy look on your face. I could rant on but I ran out of room on my imaginary card already.

I know I'm speaking to the choir here in Cyrsti's Condo.

The comment made by my trans woman friend last night said it perfectly: "Maybe after a certain time here, they don't serve our kind in here?"

No, they do and I was the unpaid free entertainment. I could have at the least got a free drink. I got more attention than the two women singing.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Did You Know?

PJ Torokvei was an alum of Second City and SCTV where she worked with John Candy. She later became producer and head writer of WKRP in Cincinnati, a situation comedy that ran from 1979 to 1982 and is no doubt still appearing in reruns across the nation. PJ and her colleagues won two Emmy nominations for Outstanding Comedy Series. PJ also cowrote the films Real Genius, Back to School, Caddyshack II and Guarding Tess. PJ transitioned from male to female in 2001. On July 3 she died of complications from liver failure. R.I.P....

Cyrsti's Condo "HorrorScope"

This week's "scope" is a little scary:

Libra (September 23-October 22):

 "Weird values you were raised with will come back to haunt you. While you accept there were lots of lovely ideals in there, there were also a lot more conservative thoughts you have long let go. However, those issues somehow always come back to haunt you. This week is, again, one of those times, leaving you the choice of ultimately educating or evacuating."

 As I look back to my child hood days of "Ozzie and Harriet" and "Leave it to Beaver" on television, hell yes I do have several rather conservative long buried thoughts deep in my noggin- where they can stay! . I can't see myself as June Cleaver doing the housework in heels and hose anytime soon! Wouldn't that be festive! The next move may be doing the housework in a french maids costume with fishnets and heels...oh wait..wrong horrorscope!

 If you are a "youngun" and don't remember these shows, follow the links above.

Lest I forget...your scope is here from theFrisky!

Educating the "G"

We talk a lot about the lack of understanding of the transgender community in the gay and lesbian cultures. Today I found a great "educational" video on YouTube by a gay man I'm passing along on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Poy Time

According to TheNation Thailand's former Miss International Queen winner is on her way to establishing a film career in Asia: "Former Miss TU and Miss International Queen Treechada "Poy" Petcharat has been dubbed one of the top transsexual entertainers in Asia, giving her the chance to "go inter" in the big-budget Hong Kong film "The White Storm"." Poy wasn't sure she'd get the role. "Maybe I got it because I have a Chinese ['Ar-muay'] look that suited the character, a mafia chief's daughter," she says. It evidently made no difference that she's transgender. She blended in. "I mingled with hairdressers and makeup artists!" The movie is heading for China, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia. Poy isn't sure if it's coming to Thailand, but she would certainly love to attend that premiere. Meanwhile she's landed a modelling job with Japanese magazine Common Sense. "I'll be surrounded by Louis Vuitton products and another set will reflect me as a Thai beauty."

From her pictures, it's easy to see why!

Running but not Hiding

  Inage from JJ Hart at the Cincinnati Witches Ball. Over the years I considered myself the complete procrastinator. If I could put off anyt...