Thursday, July 4, 2013

On the Cyrsti's Condo Big Screen

I grew more and more transfixed by the ups and downs of Emma in this YouTube video. Quite the in depth no holds barred look at her transition:

Happy Fourth of July!!!!

Justin Vivian Bond
Unbelievable! Here we are at the 4th of July already.

To paraphrase John Lennon, the country is another year older and what have we done?

Actually from his Happy Christmas: "So this is Christmas And what have you done Another year over And a new one just begun" I'm sure you get the point.

 I have decided to not pull  my soapbox out and going political on this occasion. Except to say even though our system does have it flaws, we still are maybe the world's best chance to lead by example.

On this 4th of July, let's raise a toast  and look at the strides our country could be on the verge of making if we keep up the fight!  When we do, our trans cup will indeed be half full. - A tasty enjoyable adult beverage for you on our nation's birthday.

Finally,  be careful not to burn a hole in your new summer blouse with a stray firecracker!!!

Here's hoping you have a safe and enjoyable fourth!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


On occasion my ADD brain slows down enough to look around  here in Cyrsti's Condo and notice the number of followers we are adding, a couple of link requests and the number of comments I receive here and through my email.

As always I am flattered and humbled when you think enough to stop in!

Speaking of comments, I have a couple to pass along...the first comes from Angel who made me feel a little better concerning my "liquid" eyeliner paranoia from the Three Years of Work post

"Liquid eyeliner? I can hardly blame you! The first time I ever tried using eyeliner, it was liquid, and the result was so horrible that I was scared of it for a long time. Luckily, a girlfriend showed me the error of my ways and introduced me to the crayon type of eyeliner, which is so much more forgiving. I do use liquid eyeliner these days, but only occasionally, like when I want a more dramatic look... and have extra time, in case I make a mistake. Oh, I guess I should also say something about Elladonna. Hubby watched the video with me and we both agree... very nice."

Thanks Angel! After watching Elladonna's  video in what looks like her room- I wonder if she has ever been out?

The next comment comes from my "Bitchdom" post from Pat:
"It seems that more and more of us are getting out and about and mixing with the civilian population on a more and more regular basis. Nevertheless there is still a large level of lack of understanding when civilians encounter someone presenting in their non-natal gender.

There are many folks who think that they are liberal and open minded but their level of pandering and patronizing is just below the surface. My advise is to always work to be comfortable with yourself and let the pretenders wallow in their own thoughts. Keep a smile on your face and perhaps those you meet may learn a thing or two."

A little background on Pat's comment. She is one by her own admission may not present as the most attractive woman in the world but still loves to go out and enjoy herself and engage others. Her words are another very effective way to network your feminine self and open the door to a new circle of friends!!!!

Once again my appreciation to all of you!!!!

On the Road Again

From Billboard

"With punk outfit Against Me! returning to the stage this September, frontwoman Laura Jane Grace (left) will warm-up with a mini-tour of her own. Ticket buyers for her north coast dates will get first taste of new Against Me! music.
They’ll receive a download link to two stripped-down versions of songs that'll appear on Against Me!’s upcoming full-length album “Transgender Dysphoria Blues”. The limited edition ”True Trans” recording will be available for purchase at the upcoming acoustic shows. The six solo acoustic shows start Aug. 10 in Philadelphia under the banner “Jane Grace Sings The Transgender Dysphoria Blues” – a name that plays on the artist’s real life turn of events."

Obviously a huge plus for the transgender community and I hope Laura Jane exceeds all her expectations! Oh, by the way- love the T-shirt!

Cyrsti's Condo Quote of the Day

"If it doesn't kill you, it should at least make you smarter!"

Who knows I may have read this true statement somewhere.  Perhaps on a bathroom wall?  It seems the bathroom philosophy is going the way of the dinosaurs. From my lengthy days in the bar business, from an operators stand point- it's a good thing. As I have said here many times, my belief in the "pristine" women's room was shattered early and often as a manager.
Un named graffiti proof women's room.

As I started to transition and began to visit more women's restrooms, I did read with interest the difference in each gender's bathroom graffiti.  I noticed the sexual content was comparable.  Women got the nod for "marking" their guys by name on the wall positively.  If you are a woman and get mentioned on a men's restroom wall 99% of the time it's probably not a positive-unless you want to be sexually active with strangers.

Finally, I do have to give the genetic women the edge in creativity.  I can not say the quote above didn't come from a women's rest room visit.  My "best of" male wall quote comes years ago 1971, from a college bar called Howard's in Bowling Green, Ohio and evokes the unholy alliance between hockey and religion: Someone wrote "Jesus Saves" and someone added "And Esposito (hockey player) slaps it in"! Nice!

All in all, this lost art form did speak volumes on the difference between the genders on a whole different stage!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Cyrti's Condo Quote of the Day

"I simply want to inhabit my very clear vision of myself.” Mx Justin Vivian Bond.

Three Years of Work

I really liked this video and decided to pass it along on Cyrsti's Condo big screen. I was fond of it for a number of reasons:
1.-In her own words "Elladonna" does not consider her look to be "drag" but rather cross dressing. 2.-It looks as if she starts her makeup with a wig on for the video and 3.- her skill with the liquid black eyeliner! To age myself,  I had such a hard time getting it on and off before my parents came home- 190 years later- I'm still scared of it! 4.- Finally, unless I missing some reference to HRT...she does one hell of a job with her hip padding! Oh and she has been working on her look for 3 three years.  Take a look:

The Principality of "Bitchdom"

Maybe I should have spelled this little "queendom" queendumb. 

No kids, I'm not doing my usual "throwing rocks in glass houses", yes I have been to "Bitchdom".

"Don't make me pull this wig off and bitch slap you with it!"
Where is this place? Well,  I define the location as synthetic. Brought on by synthetic PMS brought on by synthetic hormones.

Allow me to pick up a big rock and heave it here in Cyrsti's Condo/Bitchdom tonight. Very simply I have found recently I'm being patronized on occasion.

I know you have probably seen the "look behind the fake smile" people think they have perfected. It's like they are thinking, first I had to like black people, then gay people and now you?  
No, they really don' t have to like me because I am transgender and worse yet- they think I'm so cool. Has nothing to do with me, it's because they have met a trans woman. They think they are special being  one of the 10% of the population who has met a me or saw a me on television.

Through the years I saw a similar version happen in the restaurants I worked in. All of a sudden it became  so cool to go to a gay dance club for my female crew members.

Truth is I'm not so cool and this doesn't happen to me frequently. Then again anymore,  I'm fortunate to have a nice circle of friends and the same places I go so it shouldn't.   As I have written though, I am starting to expand out into a few "active" organizations, so we will see what the future holds.

Maybe tonight, I just needed something to bitch about and maybe I am cool dammit!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Extra Syrup on my Pancake Please!

This is the "Sexy Pancake" video from Thailand that is going viral on YouTube.  Here's ex laborer "Sexy Pancake" on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen. Check out the kids watching!

What Would Mom Say

Image from Jenna Norman on UnSplash This week my question to answer on the year long bio I am writing for my daughter and family as well as ...