Showing posts with label graffiti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graffiti. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Writing is on the Wall- in the UK

In response to my Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day" post which touched on graffiti in men and woman's restrooms, Paula Gee came up with a few "classics" from the UK:

" I am something of a fan of graffiti , our UK version of the "Jesus saves" one is "and St John scores of the rebound" Ian St John being the Liverpool striker of the day, I have fond recollections of "My Mother made me Homosexual" then added later "If I gave her the wool would she make me one as well" and of course the classic during the Irish "troubles" "Free the Heinz 57" My all time favourite involved the old roller towel manufacture Advance who used to make a product called Towelmaster, so the graffiti read ADVANCE TOWEL MASTER "and be recognized""

Love it! Thanks Paula!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo Quote of the Day

"If it doesn't kill you, it should at least make you smarter!"

Who knows I may have read this true statement somewhere.  Perhaps on a bathroom wall?  It seems the bathroom philosophy is going the way of the dinosaurs. From my lengthy days in the bar business, from an operators stand point- it's a good thing. As I have said here many times, my belief in the "pristine" women's room was shattered early and often as a manager.
Un named graffiti proof women's room.

As I started to transition and began to visit more women's restrooms, I did read with interest the difference in each gender's bathroom graffiti.  I noticed the sexual content was comparable.  Women got the nod for "marking" their guys by name on the wall positively.  If you are a woman and get mentioned on a men's restroom wall 99% of the time it's probably not a positive-unless you want to be sexually active with strangers.

Finally, I do have to give the genetic women the edge in creativity.  I can not say the quote above didn't come from a women's rest room visit.  My "best of" male wall quote comes years ago 1971, from a college bar called Howard's in Bowling Green, Ohio and evokes the unholy alliance between hockey and religion: Someone wrote "Jesus Saves" and someone added "And Esposito (hockey player) slaps it in"! Nice!

All in all, this lost art form did speak volumes on the difference between the genders on a whole different stage!

Real Life Impostors

JJ Hart at Key Largo.  At various times in my life, I have suffered from impostor's syndrome when I was out with other women celebrating...