Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Transition Emotions

This video on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen showcases the emotions of a young transgender woman before and during HRT. Check out Michelle:

Bond...Justin Vivian

I love!!! this site title:  Paper  "On the front lines of cultural chaos since 1984" Wow! That says it all!

Just as fun was Paper's recent interview with Justin Vivian Bond (left)on being an arrogant feminist and the problem with NYC Pride here are a couple of my favorites and of course you can read the entire interview here.

Night of a Thousand Judys (of course they are)-- the charity variety show which celebrates all things Judy Garland -- is happening tonight (with tickets still available here) and they've got quite the line-up. Of the many performers who will grace the stage and give their best Judy, Mx. Justin Vivian Bond may just be having the biggest moment. And:

"Mx America is my show that came about from this quote, which is by my friend's father: "You can tell the depth of a person's tragedy by the amount of space between how they see themselves and how they're seen by others." I thought that as a trans person and as an American, that was an interesting notion. So I decided to address that in a cabaret form. It's just me. And the good thing about this Mx America is that there's no competition -- I'm already the winner! You
can enter with real confidence knowing you're going to win."


A Blond Having More Fun

This video on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen is a little different in that you have to wait deep into the vid to see any before HRT pictures of this transgender blond:

Falling off the Soapbox!

I have started this post three times now and ended up standing on so many soapboxes, I thought was going to fall. So, I am going to let the magic of the Internet whisk you away to a Brynn Tannehill post called The Canary in the Coal Mine.  

It's in the "Huffington Post Gay Voices" section and among other things, discusses LGBT findings from a recent Pew Report which of course set me off on one of my famous tangents- transgender stealth.

Follow the link above for many factoids and figures which probably won't surprise but definitely should concern!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Self Made Man

A Self-Made Man trailer from Lori Petchers on Vimeo.


I loved all of your replies to my Dad's Day picture I swiped from Stana!

Truly it's nice his daughter does approve of "Dad". I am one who is fortunate to be in that category....BUT I guarantee you there isn't enough surgery to help me to look that good!

I do however keep thinking of all kinds of more possible comments from daughter and I will pass them along just as well as Dad passes..I hope!

Kind of like:

"Hey Dad, have you seen my Mani/Pedi gift certificate?"
"Now I know why my razor is so dull when I go to shave my legs"
"Christmas, will be easy this year"
"God I hope VH-1 or my friends don't see this!"
"Is that why he has picked Thailand for a vacation?"
"Was he kidding about what SRS really meant?"
"So that's why Dad only wanted the clothes in the divorce?"
"Now I see why he practiced a year with the boys for the womanless pageant."
"A great suggestion for Father/daughter day at the Spa!"
"So that's why there was never is any money in my college fund?"
"I refuse to call him Tiffany,  then again he looks like her. Well never Buffy."

And finally:

"Dammit! How did this make it all the way to Cyrsti's Condo so even she could make fun of me?"

A "Gem" of an Evening

If you have been following any of my "Pride" area event listings here in Cyrsti's Condo, perhaps you remember me mentioning the Yellow Springs, Ohio second annual event last weekend.

To give you a little background on Yellow Springs, it's located maybe 20 miles from Dayton, south of Springfield and is the original hippie village. It was no huge surprise then when the organizers put together a wonderful event topped off by a performance by the Rubi Girls. You have read me rave about them before and I was really excited to see the show.

As luck would have it, I met another friend at Peaches in Yellow Springs about an hour or so before the show and even then barely got a seat.

If you live in the Dayton, Ohio area-this is a must see drag show. In fact I hesitate to even call it a drag show. Not very many drag queen wannabes are covering "The a Morning After", a touch of the "Love Boat" and even "MacArthur Park". I was laughing so hard, I was glad there was a nearby bathroom-in case I had to pee.

By the way, Peaches gets props for a gender neutral bathroom up front. I'm not sure about the ones in the back. PLUS, please note Peaches is not a drag show bar.

 The Rubi Girls are much more than just a drag show plus they have donated over a million dollars over the years to fight AIDS. Talk about good karma!

For more information follow the links to The Rubi Girls and Peaches above!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Get in Your Holes!

All you round peeps, get into those round holes! All you square peeps, you know where you are supposed to be...Now get there.

Do you really think I should have to work harder as a parent and explain what you are?  Can't you come here when no one else is here. Have some respect!

Then there is that pesky gender binary deal. Doesn't everyone belong to one or the other?

OK, I see now- you are lifting your leg to pee. Are you even allowed to pee here? 

What's wrong with you. Don't you know life would be so much easier for us if you weren't  wearing that pink collar?

Feeling the Pain

  Image from Eugenia  Maximova  on UnSplash. Learning on the fly all I needed to know concerning my authentic life as a transgender woman of...