Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Fight Goes On!

A transgender woman has filed a human rights complaint against a Canadian bridal shop after the owner stopped her from trying on wedding dresses.

 Rohit Singh (left), in Saskatoon, was told “Sorry we don’t allow men to wear dresses here”,’ Singh said. ‘I said I’m not a man, I’m transgender.’ Singh has now filed a formal complaint with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission. ‘It’s not just my battle,’ she said. ‘It’s the battle for all the transgender community, which are discriminated day by day from all society.’

 Singh's story has a good ending as not only is she keeping the spotlight on the owner of the first shop, she also took money out of the transphobic owners pocket by purchasing a red gown at My Lynh Bridal, just a six minute drive away, where she described the service as excellent. She got married at the end of April.

 As the management of a certain large fast food chicken chain has learned, a financial slap by the gay community can be a powerful deterrent to public homophobic stances.  We just have to do the same in the transgender community. Even if you went from the home closet to the stealth closet.

 For more on the story go here.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Enza Anderson

Enza "Supermodel" Anderson (born in 1964 in Toronto) is a Canadian transgender political activist and media personality.

No Love for Santa

Poor Nicole!  All those years as a young boy waiting and hoping for the jolly "St. Nick" to bring him his own Barbie. All he got were guns and trucks.
One day though, he just knew he would show the world and own his own Barbie doll.

Well, the transsexual youth spent 200,000 pounds and 12 years transforming himself from a boy into a real life Barbie doll. Proof positive dreams can come true-with enough cash.

Jason Torres,  now Nicole Sanders, (above) has had surgeries from nose jobs to breast implants and brow lifts in a quest to be like the iconic blonde. Nicole even had controversial silicone injections in her buttocks, thighs and hips to create the feminine curves of Barbie and hide the boyish frame of her previous life. Since the age of 18, Nicole has had five boob jobs, four nose jobs, a brow lift, cheek implants, jaw surgery, chin implants, calf implants, filler injections in her lips, botox jabs and sexual reassignment surgery. There is more here.

Proof positive Nicole didn't need no stinkin Santa for her Barbie and all those cookies left under the tree for the "jolly one" didn't go to waste.
Most importantly, I can go to bed tonight knowing my Christmas spirit is intact!

Don't Ask Don't Tell ...Her Age

The great majority of transgender transition videos I pass along on the Cyrsti's Condo Big Screen are from the "millennium" 20 something generation. I'm not so sure there are proportionately more  trans women and men in the age group but they have a working knowledge of the social medias to appear they do.

This YouTube video is from a transgender woman who was 38 when this was done in 2012 which makes her more towards the "cougar" end of the spectrum and not the "dinosaur" like me!

I think it's a good find

The "Passive Aggressive" Compliment

A passive aggressive compliment sounds like a contradiction in terms-right? Very much not so in the world of feminine communication and interaction.

I used to write about the feminine socialization process more here in Cysti's Condo than I do now. Of course the more you do it, the easier the process becomes. Plus, as an added bit of spice, when you throw my transgender status into the mix-everything gets more interesting! Women just don't know exactly how to take me.

First of all the "passive aggressive" feminine dynamic is well understood. A man's power system is based on an internal sense of power.  Can he out muscle, out spend or in some other direct way "win" over another guy-easy to comprehend or I will smack you.

But as with most all human existence women have a much more complex approach.  As I have written here, I'm much more likely to have problems with other women in the world but rarely face to face. When a face to face does occur though many times the process is the other woman sizing me up. Years ago,  these were my first experiences with a "passive aggressive" compliment.

Ironically, the whole process laid dormant in my noggin full of old stuff area until a couple of television shows reawakened my interest. Specifically, Comedy Central has a show with comedian Amy Schumer. She has a very funny but true compliment clip and you can go here to see it. The other show is called Girl Code on MTV and many times their whole show is an indirect lesson on feminine communication.

Both shows reinforced my earliest communication lessons. I learned to not listen to the words as much as how they are spoken- and more importantly what was not said.  Here's an example. I could be wearing the ugliest scarf ever but that very scarf could have been the conversation starter with a woman I didn't know.  Indeed she may have been using the passive aggressive compliment on my scarf to do a little research on me.

Regardless of what you regular readers may think, sometimes I am a quick learner. Rapidly I too played the compliment card and I began to really enjoy the mental jousting.

If I am going to joust, I figure I need all the information I can find and recently Girl Code on television and theFrisky on line keep me really up to date on how younger women view their own communication-with each other-with no men in the way. The process works for me since of course I missed so much feminine interaction in my life and I'm trying to learn and catch up.

Oh, by the way- you look great and I know you knew all of this and I really do like that new scarf you just bought and.....

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Artistry of Cross Dressing

Every once in a while I run across yet another video I just have to pass along on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen. This one illustrates the true power of drag illusion:

Top Ten Transgender Woman

From TransGriot:

"The White House will honor ten TBLG officials on Harvey Milk Day and one of them will be a girl like us. Kim Coco Iwamoto, who is serving her first term on the state of Hawaii's Civil Rights Commission and previously served the state as an elected member of the Hawaii State Board of Education, is one of the people being honored on Wednesday, Harvey Milk's birthday as a Harvey Milk Champion of Change"

For more, go here.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Horror Scope

Again boys and girls it's time to part the mists here in Cyrsti's Condo and view the stars with this weeks "HorrorScope!

"Libra: (September 23-October 22): You need to be five steps ahead of the competition — including your self-sabotaging side that can get lost in the fury, rather than bathing in the fire. Yes, action and words need to sync up, so work it from your gut. Being fast on your feet is your ticket to being heard rather than trampled on, so make sure you don’t get caught with your pants down."

The stars nailed it this week!  I have always had a self-destructive side that at one point in time I tried to blame my transgender spirit for. Syncing my words up with what I really mean has always been an adventure too.  As far as getting caught with my pants down-is that similar to seeing more of the moon than the stars?

As always, "Horrorscope" is my term and you can go to theFrisky for your own "scope"!


Everyonce in a while Mother Karma comes along and lays a big fat gooey Smooch on me. The latest one was this morning and I am still trying to dry off.

This morning I made the half hour trip to my daughter's to pick up most of my meds  the VA sent me.Because of school winding down, none my grand kids (approximately 12, 8 and 5) were home at the time. This morning  we had a rare one on one moment to just chat.

Along the way, the conversation centered on my 8 year old grandson who of course managed to do something totally dumb to keep himself out the final days of school activities.  Since he did, my daughter followed up with an equal amount of home punishment-including maybe missing a boy scout meeting.

At that point she asked me if I had been following the LGBT drama with the scouts. Well of course I have and have made a point to sign the on line petitions for a pro open scouting organization.

Perhaps you remember the stir which was created when the young transgender girl tried to join a girl scout troop not so long ago? Well, my daughter used the example to open a discussion door with my grand daughter about the transgender community and how close it was to her- really close!  As with most kids her age she really could care less except for a little natural curiosity and the subject was pretty much closed for awhile.

When the first debates and protests began to stir within the Boy Scout organization of the course the topic of the kids transgender grandparent came around front and center-again. Mom and Dad gave grandson his choice of staying or going if the Boy Scouts continued to ban LGBT peeps. He said, he had a good time and would prefer to stay. Understandable. But now he has changed his tune.  Recently the group had a big open meeting in Dayton on the subject. Of course the usual group of unreasoning bigots were there spouting who knows what. Well it worked with my grandson. After the meeting he announced he wanted nothing to do with the Boy Scouts if they excluded people like his transgender grandparent!

I'm rarely speechless and luckily my hormone level was down because of VA screw ups so I didn't talk and cry with pride at the same time!. I could only blurt out I was so damned proud of the kid and his parents!

Now, can't we do something about cutting back on that punishment?

Out of My Mind, Into the World

Image from the JJ Hart Archives. There were many times during my transgender transition I was thinking I was somehow out of my mind.  I even...