Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Transgender Dreams

I sure most of us have dreamed of the life this young transgender woman has been able to achieve! Wonderful does't even begin to describe it! From a couple of the comments, it seems she has also battled cancer in her young life! Wow!

More Womanless Pageant Pix

Here are a few more of the remaining pictures I pulled from the Yahoo Womanless Beauty Pageant site.
You have to love the feminine "cute" look in picture one and wonder if father and son are in picture two and
the final picture is almost in the "too good to be true category". I tried to follow the link listed and the site got bounced by my anti virus protection. If indeed he is a contestant-no wonder he is smiling!

Monday, December 3, 2012

New Transgender Beauty Contestant

Kylan-Arianna is competing for Miss California USA 2013. She is the pageant's first transsexual contestant.

For a more complete look at Kylan, go here.

Horror Scope

Yes kids, it's time to look to the stars for all of us Libra-tarians! Here is our latest Horror-Scope from Cyrsti's Condo:

 "Leave your schedule open because spontaneous opportunities are coming and the universe is going to be saving the best for last. Uh huh, just like that Vanessa Williams’ song says, “Sometimes its all a big surprise...” Stop trying to control your world, because this week will show you have none -- but that’s okay, because all will work out just fine."

Just have to love this one! Key words such as "spontaneous, surprise and no control" work out perfect in my little world!

As always, "Horror Scope" is my own title and you can get your own at theFrisky

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Transgender Cambodian "Poppy"

Cambodian transgender TV star Poppy is busy. She also runs a thriving beauty salon.
She of course was no different than the majority of transsexual youth growing up and speaks about it here.

Tears and the Transgender Girl

Another of my "trifecta" of hormonal results involves tears and the trans girl.
Of course men crying is rejected as weakness- except in times of extreme duress and that was me.

Now I discover I feel deeper senses of joy or melancholy but certainly haven't bought into the fallacy that women are the weaker gender. Ironically, crying still isn't a sign of weakness. It's a sign of feeling. Memories, friends and world are suddenly closer to my emotions.

I still can't say I'm reduced to huge bouts of sobbing but then again I know several genetic women who aren't either. I can say though I have cried more in the last eight or ten months than the last last 50 years.
As in so many things in this transition process, I didn't set off to do a scientific experiment or to add relevance to my feminine inner self. It just happened.

Taking all of this a step further, I recently received an email from a person considering beginning HRT at the age of 60. The worry was the effects would be lessened at an older age. At the age of 63, I believe my hormonal effects have been nothing short of wonderful. Especially considering the minimal dosages I have been on for 6 of 11 months. The deepened senses of joy and melancholy are emotions I would have missed if I didn't start the hormones,
Of course in my decidedly non medical opinion, age brings on a natural HRT anyhow.  Certainly I have less testosterone in my body now that when I was 25. Another post for another day!

I'm sure those of you who stop by Cyrsti's Condo who have experienced much more transition than I may agree much of the process sort of sneaks up on you. You hope the changes are coming and sometimes they may involve a few tears. But as an genetic woman will tell you tears are just another part of the gender and not necessarily a disaster.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Beautiful for a Cause

A point that is lost on me quite a bit when I come across an especially convincing womanless beauty pageant contestant or winner is the reason behind their participation. Many times the contestants are donning drag for really good causes such as Mitchell Ashford  on the right.
The womanless beauty pageant was raising much needed funds for a cancer victim-well worth the effort on those nails Mitchell!

Then there are the others for the ages who have donned drag for laughs and money or personal career advancement.

Back in the day during my youth and in the the prime of black & white television it wasn't uncommon to see any of the major comics in drag for a laugh. Perhaps the best known was Milton Berle.
Uncle Miltie just could have been just a little over the top in the picture on the right.

Of course as time went on we saw the likes of Geraldine courtesy of Flip Wilson.

Then again, this post didn't start out to be a history lesson and I really wanted to finish it with a giant cheap shot to Rude Paul.  But it is getting close to the serious holiday season - so I better act like it!
I want to be good for Santa!!!!

Yikes! There is a Man in the Rest Room!

Last night was girls football night out.  All of us drink the big glasses of draft beer and as all of us beer drinkers know, any consumption to speak of - off to the bathroom you go.
Of course last night was no different and I had to go. When I went into the rest room, it was empty except for one woman on her phone by the sinks. As I went into the stall to pee, I heard another woman come in and then intermittent comments from a very male voice. Of course two or three things went through my mind including wow is there another trans person in here or did indeed I have too much beer?
I left the stall and came around the corner to see two very sheepish women looking at me.  They quickly reassured me the man was actually on a speaker phone and they were having a water problem at their house. We laughed as I washed my hands.
I was so glad my privacy wasn't violated (ha!) and I got a chance to pass along a cute restroom story for a change in Cyrsti's Condo.

Running Against the Tide

Sarah McBride is running for the United States House of Representatives from the state of Delaware. Sarah grew up in Wilmington, and current...