Monday, September 3, 2012

Horror Scope

Libra (September 23-October 22) Your social life and love life will start to merge as one and it’ll make you feel larger than life. Yes, finally there is a possibility that you are on to something with your latest honey, as the lines of separation are fading. However, instead of thinking this is the only test to pass, know it is the first of many more, but this is the most important one.

Venus Demars
As always the "Horror Scope" is from theFrisky and the title is my own!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Darling or Drag?

Cinema's best and worst cross dressers from the Hollywood News.
Don't expect any earth shattering relevations from the post.
If you are bored and want to take a look again at some of the best and worst cross dressing moments on the big screen- go here.

Jennifer Leitham

The award-winning documentary I Stand Corrected. is airing in a few areas of the country (such as South Florida) now. This story is from the
The South Florida Gay News

 "The film centers on the life of acclaimed jazz bassist Jennifer Leitham, a transgender woman who first established her musical career as John Leitham, and performed with Mel Tormé, Doc Severinsen, and many other jazz luminaries in the ’80s and ’90s. She also recorded several well-regarded CDs such as The Southpaw. But throughout those years, her gender identification as a female was kept hidden from the public. After Leitham’s sex reassignment surgery in the early 2000s, she came out as a woman. She has received support from many musicians, particularly Doc Severinsen, who appears in I Stand Corrected. She has also had to deal with intolerance. As she noted in an April 2009 interview with JazzTimes: “There are a lot of people who are uncomfortable being in a room with me… I just wish it were possible for the jazz community to be as creative about social issues as it is about music.”

As I said about the the rock musicians who have publicly outed themselves as their true gender - All of this is positively huge for the transgender transsexual community.
Truthfully, I have not been big jazz fan but now I will be listening for Jennifer's work!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Crunchyroll Forum

When I first encountered the Crunchyroll Forum site, of course I thought of a great candy bar.
Instead I found a discussion of Korean/Japanese stars who look like girls.

The woman to the right is actually Thai and is Nong Poy 
who we have pictured here before.
I have added another pic from the site which started a discussion about the true gender of the girl.

If you want a bite of Crunchyroll, go here!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I am on a roll!
Venus Demars
You’re hot on the tail of insanity, so jam on the gas pedal and go! You work better with a fire under your ass and if you want to make your anxiety amount to anything, then work that muscle harder. Yes, stop blaming others and take responsibility. There are new tales to tell and they will only be apparent once you walk through this fire, so push it! Astro Guide 2012: Libra
From theFrisky!

Is the Horror Scope just another way of saying "when you are going through hell- you better run faster?"

Transsexual and Naked in Korea?

 From ChosunIlbo:   " Lady, the world's first manufactured transgender band, are releasing a nude photo album. Countless female stars have taken it off for the camera, but this is the first time in Korea that a band of transssexuals will be appearing in what are no longer their birthday suits." Here's the interesting part: "Starting with the provocative title -- "Women, reflect!" - the album throws down the gauntlet to born women, with the implication that all of these former men have worked so hard on their bodies that they can now stand comparison with internationally famous models. Indeed, one of Lady's members, Sahara, came fourth in an international transgender beauty contest, while Shinae has done commercials."

 I have posted another picture in Cyrsti's Condo Kitchen!

Note! The "manufactured transgender band" comment is a quote. Are the Koreans manufacturing transgender peeps in a "Kia" car plant? If they are, Car & Trans Driver should give them a 5 star rating!

Coming to a Stage Near You?

According to the Los Angeles Times Sony Pictures Entertainment has announced it has signed a five-year deal with Tony-winning Broadway producer Scott Sanders to adapt the studio's films for the stage. First up in the studio's extensive catalog? The 1982 comedy "Tootsie," which starred Dustin Hoffman in drag. Don't look for it soon though. No creative team has been announced but you can start practicing now!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thai and Transgender

Baramee Phanich is looking forward to Thursday. That's when he, along with other Thammasat University graduates, will be attending the annual royally sponsored graduation ceremony. For Baramee or Denjan, as he's known to family and friends, the ceremony has special meaning, as he, along with four fellow transgender students, have been granted permission to dress as women.

It's all Fun until Someone Gets an Eye Put Out

Here you go, a very serious look at the behind the scenes workings of Cyrsti's Transgender Condo.
Well, maybe not so serious-this is not brain surgery. If it was we would all be in trouble.
In case you haven't noticed, my thought patterns are all over the place. Inspirations for me (well I had to come up with some sort of term) either are like an Oak Tree in the middle of a dessert (none) or a long Chessie freight train running through my head. (hundreds)
Currently, I have been writing down ideas by hand in a note book and checking them out when I get home. So what I have now is yet another pile of written thoughts. Being the progressive critter I am, I am looking at electronic devices to transfer all this stuff to.
As I was going over some of my older stuff, I just found this title. It's cool, it's fun, it's violent! BUT where was I going with this?
Maybe my long lost Vagina post? I have thought about going to the Rad Femme fun bunch for a vagina answer: How much is the relative value of a home grown vagina as compared to a constructed purchased one? Is there a commodity price on the stock market? Somehow I don't think they would see the sense of humor and it's more entertaining to watch the ones who bought one fight with them.
Chances are my eye would have been at the least verbally blackened so I don't think I was going the vagina direction.
As I shuffle through this mass of notes, I'm sure I'll figure out where I was headed-by next spring.

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...