Thursday, April 5, 2012

Africa's First Transgendered Artist!

Check out the video: Her name is Titica, from Angola.

Trans Surfer!!!

Every once in a while it is great fun just to to leave all the bitterness and cat fighting behind and just head out on "Al Gore's" world wide web and see what's going on-and have some fun!
As you regulars know I post what I call a "Horrorscope" from "theFrisky" when it is interesting and or fun. It was neither this week so I followed a link to "Manthhose" It definitely puts a new spin on male fashion!
Read on:
"Apparently some dudes are into wearing fancy tights these days, according to upscale hosiery retailer Emilio Cavallini, who tells WWD that purchases by men (and for men) now account for 2 to 3 percent of their annual sales. He noticed the trend about three years ago:
When we started our online shop we noticed that a lot of tights sized medium-large were being purchased by men ... So I did a search on the Internet and discovered there is a cult following for mantyhose."

But wait, there was more as I surfed on!
Under "Girl Talk" "He was the Prom Queen" caught my eye.
Here's a teaser:  "
When I received a Facebook request from a statuesque woman named “Carol Lee,” I knew the face but not the name. Mentally, I scanned my Midwest childhood, former life as a musical theater dancer, and transition into grad school. I have always loved colorful people, and she did look familiar.
“Do you remember me?” Carol Lee wrote in the message that followed.
I didn’t, until I read the next line. “I took you to prom in 1993.”
My curser blinked along with my cognitive dissonance. Carol Lee was a dead ringer for my high school friend Matt because she was Matt!
Some Google stalking revealed that Matt/Carol Lee was Orlando’s favorite drag performer in 2010, a bodacious blond who called Bingo at a place called Hamburger Mary’s.
I wasn’t amused." For more read here.

Finally, there was a short piece I saw on their rather vast site about a texting service for men where women can make a few extra dollars. To make a long story short this particular site encouraged men to ask a woman any particular question except explicit sexual ones and the fee would be automatically be deposited in her Paypal account.(PayPal is a service that enables you to pay, send money, and accept payments without revealing your financial information.)
Of course I immediately thought of a "trans woman or trans man" service. But just as quick discarded the idea when I thought the lack of sexually explicit texts would doom the service immediately. (For trans women. Can't speak for trans men.)
As I was blazing away through cyber space I thought of a comic book idea that probably already has been tried somewhere.  My "TransSurfer" idea would  be done in the style of the ultimate super hero comic book guru "Stan Lee".
Just think, another Halloween costume idea to dazzle your friends!
Going back a few more years, the "Archie" comic series would slip in a couple of the male characters dressed as rather attractive girls.
On occasion, Stana on "Femulate" will post a vintage picture of one of these "Archie" comic series .
 The one I'm passing along is a parody  and
 is not licensed by "Archie Comics" , but simply a parody of them and falls into fair use laws. It is from "" if you would like to see more.

More Than Jenna

All of the exposure given to Jenna Talakova's bid to participate in the Miss Universe Canada Pageant has led to more exposure from other transgendered pageants.
Check this video!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

International Transgender Updates

There is a new documentary being produced in Puerto Rico which actually crosses lines between the drag and transgender culture. Here is a preview and a link. It's called "Mala Mala".
You can check the video trailer below too!

Across the world, Singapore has seen some recent changes too!
From Asia One:
"It's a small step for censorship, but a giant leap for Singapore's entertainment scene. During the early 1980s, event organiser Richard Tan said that he tried twice to bring a famous Thai transvestite show, the Tiffany's Cabaret Show, here.
The 65-year-old event consultant from E-Fair Enterprise revealed that during that period, his application for the show's licence was rejected both times due to its "sensitive content". At that time, censorship for events was handled by the censorship section of the Ministry of Culture.
But times have certainly changed."

Then of course is news that "The Donald" Donald Trump overturned the decision to keep contestant "Jenna Talakova" out of the Miss Canada Pageant.
All good news indeed!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Anne, once again for your edification I am going to point out your replies have been posted to the proper posts.
You simply must go to the posts to view them.
I know it must be hard for you to believe, I do have a life away from the computer screen and yes I could take your rants and make a separate post with them.
Then again, I don't have the time or inclination to do that. So, in the meantime you must take the effort to go to the post and see your replies have been posted.
As always Anne, your reply will be posted here on this particular post. 
I wish I had the power over Google Blogger to change the platform of this blog. I get the replies and they are posted...simple as that.
Secondly, I didn't set this up as a pure forum although comments and replies are always welcome. I just don't want to get bogged down into personal attacks which are so common in our community. In your life Anne perhaps you have been to meetings that get bogged down with minutia which can only be described as committee work. If person "A" wants to comment on what person "B" said in comments to this blog then they should establish contact with each other and go at it. That goes for me too Anne, like anyone else you are free to email me with any personal attacks you may have. My Email Anne is posted here.
Also Anne, this blog is for my own edification. I put the time and effort to love it, nourish it and put a lot of work into it. I'm sure you know Anne the amount of time to undertake something like this-AND the opinions expressed here are only mine and I never claim or claimed to be an expert.
My only goals are to help others with my experiences-to do the best I can. Everyone does not have to like me or agree with me!
Finally, I don't have the knowledge or time to change the entire platform of this blog to set a comment/forum style format you desire Anne. Certainly I'm working on it but in the meantime Anne, I afraid you are going to have to follow Google's rules that I didn't establish.
Someday I would love to meet you in person Anne.  Some tell me most people are much different in attack mode when they have to do it in person looking a person in the eye. Computers and social media have certainly have changed the dynamics the ideas of interpersonal communication. I guess I'm just old school.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Hormonal Update

Well, I can now say the first quarter is "in the book" I have been officially on the hormones now for 3 full months.
Along the way, I have documented the obvious. Most recently the crying binge and before that the first hot flashes and my skin drying out and becoming chaffed as if I spent the day out in subzero weather.
Of course, the beginning of breast development was an exciting experience.
The less obvious but much more important point I can't fail to overlook is the tremendous support of my friends.
I can safely say for most of my life I had many acquaintances and very few friends. Now the opposite is true.
The support and understanding I have received before I embarked on the hormone therapy was only exceeded by the support I received after I started.
Many of you I know read the blog and a few don't but to all of you I can only say any benefits from the hormones pales in comparison to knowing all of you!
Thanks more than I can say and I can't wait for the next three months!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Quote of the Day

"We already love him. We just now have to love him better!"

From a PBS show on children.

Don't we all wish our families all thought this about us!!!

Dream Weaver

I know there are several of you who join us on the blog who believe in the meaning of dreams.
Truly it's another one of those vague philosophies I don't believe or disbelieve in.
Now, for the first time in my life I am encountering a reoccurring set of frustrating rest inhibiting dreams. No, they are not nightmares.
Basically, here is how these set of dreams have fallen into a real pattern.
In them, I'm always stuck in situations where for what ever reason there is no way out.
Let me reiterate, I'm not in any physical danger. It's more as if I'm stuck in different kinds of mental mazes and trying to find the exit.
Whatever I'm trying to do however,  I can't find the right items or people to get it done. The situations I'm in change but the lack of resolution stays the same.
 Either I wake up or wake myself up in a total state of frustration. 
Of course I'm always trying to connect the dots with all of this to my transgendered feelings or even the changing of the hormones in my body
Maybe my subconscious is transferring the process to my dreams?
I don't know.
I have always prided myself in being tenacious if nothing else. I just know that during one of these dreams I will finally solve whatever problem or situation I'm facing.
I know I am solving my gender dysfunction in my everyday life. I just have to convince my subconscious I guess!

Out of My Mind, Into the World

Image from the JJ Hart Archives. There were many times during my transgender transition I was thinking I was somehow out of my mind.  I even...