Anne, once again for your edification I am going to point out your replies have been posted to the proper posts.
You simply must go to the posts to view them.
I know it must be hard for you to believe, I do have a life away from the computer screen and yes I could take your rants and make a separate post with them.
Then again, I don't have the time or inclination to do that. So, in the meantime you must take the effort to go to the post and see your replies have been posted.
As always Anne, your reply will be posted here on this particular post.
I wish I had the power over Google Blogger to change the platform of this blog. I get the replies and they are posted...simple as that.
Secondly, I didn't set this up as a pure forum although comments and replies are always welcome. I just don't want to get bogged down into personal attacks which are so common in our community. In your life Anne perhaps you have been to meetings that get bogged down with minutia which can only be described as committee work. If person "A" wants to comment on what person "B" said in comments to this blog then they should establish contact with each other and go at it. That goes for me too Anne, like anyone else you are free to email me with any personal attacks you may have. My Email Anne is posted here.
Also Anne, this blog is for my own edification. I put the time and effort to love it, nourish it and put a lot of work into it. I'm sure you know Anne the amount of time to undertake something like this-AND the opinions expressed here are only mine and I never claim or claimed to be an expert.
My only goals are to help others with my experiences-to do the best I can. Everyone does not have to like me or agree with me!
Finally, I don't have the knowledge or time to change the entire platform of this blog to set a comment/forum style format you desire Anne. Certainly I'm working on it but in the meantime Anne, I afraid you are going to have to follow Google's rules that I didn't establish.
Someday I would love to meet you in person Anne. Some tell me most people are much different in attack mode when they have to do it in person looking a person in the eye. Computers and social media have certainly have changed the dynamics the ideas of interpersonal communication. I guess I'm just old school.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
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