By now I'm sure you have heard RuPaul's "Drag Race" is set for season four.
Perhaps you heard that "Clown Paul" used the "T" word again.
I have never taken him seriously anyhow. His existence and mine are as different as the straightest man in the world and I. "Clown Paul's" over the top act is a disservice to transsexuals, transgenders and crossdressers alike.
Another person who
really has disliked "RuClown" for a number of years is "Monica Robert's" of
Transgriot who wrote a couple years ago:
"“The gay media has a bad habit of referring to RuPaul as a
transgender person when he’s not. The fact that he’s (allegedly) Black
on the outside and has a penchant for dressing up in feminine attire
doesn’t make him transgender. He’s also not highly regarded by many
people in the SGL and transgender community for his unwavering support
of a certain obese white gay man who does a blackface minstrel show.”
“So please stop calling on him as an ‘expert’ on what the Black
transgender community or our community in general is thinking because
there are others who are far more qualified to do so than this serial
apologist for Chuck Knipp.”
Should white people be the arbiters of appropriateness in using the
“n” word in reference to him? Should we poll a straight men to see if
it’s acceptable to call him faggot? No. RuPaul is a gay man that
shouldn’t have any say on who uses the “T” word.
Perez Hilton asked of Rupaul
Do U think RuPaul has a point or should he be the next celeb
apologizing <>
for casually using the offesnive word?
I don’t think RuPaul will ever apologize, but he should. And if he
doesn’t, he should be called what he is…
an insensitive bigot. Kelly Osbourne didn’t know any better. Neil
Patrick Harris was careless. RuPaul’s statement is just arrogant,
blatant bigotry."
All so true.
I'm not so sure "Clown Paul's Drag Race Four" isn't the
"Logo's" Network very own "Work It!"