Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Help A Sister Out!

This is from Calgary., The Breast Summer Ever 
A local radio station is promoting a contest with a breast job as a prize.
One of the contestants is actually a transgendered girl "Avery". You can go to the site and vote for her!

Innocence Lost

A friend of mine and I have been exchanging reminiscences. Strong memories of our initial excitement of life on the gender frontier.
Here's just a sample from her. " Back in the day, just as my divorce from my first wife was in progress, I used to go to this club downtown  that had male dancers upstairs in the disco bar on Sunday nights. I, like a lot of guys, would go downstairs to a quieter bar that, once the show upstairs was over was the next stop for a lot of the tipsy/drunk horny ladies of all ages, sizes, colors and in some cases species!! Talk about shooting fish in a barrel!!!!"
My memories of shooting or being shot at are as clear as if they happened yesterday.
Back in the day, smoking was permitted in the clubs we went to.  Visualize a mix of genders in a dark smoky room with loud throbbing music and light shows.
The best part if I never quite new on occasion what gender was interested for what reason. I never really knew if that beautiful woman really was born that way and what did that butch really think of me? It was all so exciting.
Certainly I am more accomplished in my gender journey and if the truth be known I am too old to enjoy those clubs anymore. Every now and then I do feel some of the old excitement with a new connection here and there. BUT "it is what it is"! lol I've been waiting years to write that.
My friend ended her message with "those were the days!"  In many ways I agree!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Washed Out!

We experienced a real storm last night in my part of the world.
Being the stubborn person I am (determined) I just wanted to go the 10 yards or so to stop in to one of my faves.
As I tried to hustle flip flops gave it up in the running water! I mean both of them broke!
Now what? I knew I wasn't allowed in to the place without footwear.
I gathered myself and headed back to my car and headed home. The problem was I wasn't ready to go or stay home.
Should I try to stop at a store and buy another pair of flips (again barefooted) or try to barefoot it across my long back yard. 
I decided to take the home route as the storm had subsided.
I made it OK finally, wet hair, clothes and all.
The whole experience just turned out to be another female lesson!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Transgender Fiction

Yet another layer of our transgendered culture is transgendered fiction. I've seen it on occasion and even downloaded an on line book at one occasion.
I equate transgender fiction with a frustrated non practicing crossdresser who wants to spend some time with me. I don't say this negatively. If we are stuck deeply in a closet outlets are needed. In addition, I love to meet good people in our culture and if in any way I can help is good karma!
Meeting a practicing "out" transgendered girl such as myself or reading transgendered fiction serve a basic need.
I'm passing along a fictionalized story based on the short lived "Ask Harriet" TV show.
It is called Ask Harriet:Disguise in love with you .
Being able to easily locate and read transgendered fiction is yet another positive influence of the internet. At least now the closet has access to the world wide web and that's a good thing!

Favorite Fantasy?

Two Japanese male servers preparing for a shift.
Every once in a while a story surfaces abut a bar or restaurant where the servers are men working as women.
How much fun would that be? Or would it?
I'm sure the workers would have many amazing stories of the reactions they receive.
Even more fun would be to work in  a place where no one knew.  Interaction with the staff would be classic!
Somewhere in the very dim recesses of my noggin, I seem to remember a short lived series on one of the cable networks that focused on two men. They were made over into a couple fairly attractive women and sent out to work.
One ended up in professional attire in an office setting. The other behind a bar I think. I've worked in the hospitality industry before and know what many females go through behind the bar. The "rookie" behind the bar was attractive enough to surely earn some positive comments.
Unfortunately, I never was able to see the whole show.
I'm sure the end result was the men spoke of what a different learning experience it was being women. I think we all know that. I'm sure at the end of the day the "office girl" commented on the experience of wearing heels all day.
Obviously, I've been lucky enough to"experience" most of my fantasies. If you see me behind the bar say Hi!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Girl's Night Out!

It seems when I want change to occur just write it about it here.
Several posts ago I wrote about my recent attraction to male attention and them to me.
Last night of course that all changed.
One woman gave me her phone number and two others just wanted to meet.
I also did have a couple drunk guys fool around like drunk guys do. Maybe there was a full moon somewhere. Well it found me!
Maybe it was my new strapless top. OK, not so new, I just wore it without a bra. For the first time ever I ventured out without a bra or padding. I probably have small "A " cup size breasts without hormones.  I really liked the look and it was very cool on  a hot and humid evening.
I've never been one to tape and bind and enjoy the feel of the clothes so the look was a plus. Most importantly I was able to follow my motto "Own what you wear".
I threw my shoulders back and was proud of  my "little A's" lol!
Now what do I say if I call the woman who gave me her number?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Film Critic Cyrsti!

"Gun Hill Road" has been chosen to kickoff the 2011 version of LA's oldest film festival.
The drama  marks the directorial debut of actor Rashaad Ernesto Green. Esai Morales stars as a dad who, after three years in prison, returns home to find that his teenage son has become a transgender woman, played by real-life transgender female Harmony Santana (pictured).

Actually it would be nice if this picture comes close enough to my part of the world to be a critic.
Santana was just starting her transition and was an ideal person to play the part. She needed to play both male and female in the film and was just beginning her development and.... what a wonderful name!!!!

A Man's Woman?

Used to think I enjoyed the company of women more than men.
Now I'm not so sure. Maybe I'm one of those women who doesn't have many female friends or doesn't like other women? Why?
Lately I've been craving interacting with a guy as a girl.  Feeling the passions of his life.Certainly this is not the first time I have thought this way. BUT
Just the thought of all this confuses even me!
A trans girl who wants to be one of the boys? Really?
Maybe this is coming from the amount of time I'm spending recently at work with women. In guy drag.
I found myself thinking "Wow I need some time with another guy to find my sanity!" BUT this is how it spins. I want to spend it with them as a girl. Maybe the whole idea is not so rare?
I have known women who feel their gender drowns in drama. They hate the "passive aggressive" nature of females as a whole. They prefer hanging out with guys.
Sure I'm speaking in broad generalizations. No matter how much it is denied, there is always a dose of sexual tension between the genders.
On the other hand, we have all known women in our life who function very smoothly with men, sexual or not.
At this moment that seems to be a very comfortable place!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Time to Process?

Met a real live man tonite. One with a personality and even a sense of humor.
He is a man's man with macho hobbies and all.
We met at one of my regular spots and the bartender who was working is one of the few remaining people anywhere who has seen me both ways.
So,I knew she was taking great interest in my "date"
We went our separate ways and he left first, kiss and all. As I sat for a second and collected my thoughts, the bartender came by and asked how everything was.
I could only say "great, I'm just trying to process the evening.
Maybe I could have said I needed a second to find my way down from cloud nine!

Turning Your Gender Corner

  Image from the JJ Hart Archives. As I made my way towards coming out of my closet and living as a transgender woman, I found I had many co...