Monday, September 6, 2010

Handy Dandy How To Page

The first installment of my transgender "how to" page is up in it's own room!
Been wanting to do it for awhile!
I hope in the future to make it a feature you can add to!
Thanks girl friends!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Walk a mile in my wing tips.

What are your ideas concerning ftm transgendered folks?
For the longest time it seemed the transgender scene was dominated by males wanting to be females.
At least one prominent theory was that women could wear men's clothes and participate in many male activities without the stigma attached to a guy dressing feminine. Girls didn't have to travel far to be guys.
All of that of course is true- but slowly many of the documentaries dealing with sexual reassignment began to focus on women wanting to become men. REAL men. Not a woman in men's clothes.
What a concept!  That idea to me is as foreign as the women I see who put absolutely no work or thought into how they look.
Trading in the soft curves and skin for a hairy face and deep voice? I don't think so!
Along the way I sat down and watched a couple of these programs and even met a couple girl/guys.
OMG (always wanted to use that) they are just like us and I'm such a geek!
They feel like guys! Pretty simple stuff.  Still, positive media coverage of any of our issues is so hard to come by.
Hopefully, the new publicity will get the men out of their "man caves" and into a place we all can understand!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Narcistic Bitch?

After reading my latest post-I thought what a bitch I was!
All the eyes on me and comments like that must have all of you thinking that. I would.
OK, let me rephrase this.
I strive to be the most attractive female that I can.  At 5'9" I'm usually one of the bigger girls in the room so that alone creates attention.
I also strive to be the nicest person I can be. Like all of us who are out in the world-I'm a pioneer of sorts. I don't want to ruin that.
It just happens I like to do it on the edge a little!  Attractive and authentic is great-if I can achieve it.
Furthermore, I have to leave that "plain woman" alone in my blogs!
I just had to get this "off my chest" lol!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Creature Comforts

Recently, "CD Janie's" blog( which I have a posted a link to) featured an outstanding post on passing as a female.
Ironically her ideas sort of fit in with my "thousand eyes" post. My assumption is that both of us fit into the same category. We enjoy moving about society.  As we do, our contact possibilities are endless.
Her comment "I rather come off as attractive than authentic" was a classic.
I thought of the very plain woman  I referred to in the "thousand eyes" and concluded I rather do the clothes, makeup and hair. Not her jeans loose top and tennis shoes.. If I did a look like her, chances are the public would notice me less.
No fun!  I would miss the thrill of my hair blowing on my bare back and shoulders. I would miss the soft strokes of the makeup brush on my face and the challenge of just getting my eye makeup on just right.  Of course I would miss the feel of the softer clothes and fun shoes, bags, and even sunglasses. When I misjudge a small space and my soft breast forms accidentally brush against something I want to feel that! Sorry there are a lot of "I's" here but it's all about the eyes on me.
If I come off as attractive until someone takes a closer-so be it!  Hopefully they will think if that person is not really a female then she looks pretty good!
Although problems do and probably always will pop up for a transgender girl, the fun outweighs the problems.
I'm with "Janie". I want to be an exotic creature. A different brand of cat!
Three guys and a game?
                                                                                 According to the "Kotaku" Website, Kayo Satou , One of Japan's best looking "Street Fighter IV" players has   announced she is a he.
Now I can't even begin to tell you what any of that means except it is no surprise than no one knew the truth about the star's true gender!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Night Has a Thousand Eyes!

Or does it?
Monday's night out was as different as Sunday's was uneventful.
Sunday, I did get a late invite to a jewelry party I couldn't attend due to financial reasons! But the rest of the evening was totally uneventful.
The Monday negative was more humorous than anything. A transphobic security guard who patrols a neighborhood(where I go to a local tavern) and I met up at the door at the same time.  He paused slightly as if to open it for me then shot through and held it for me. It hurt him!
Now, there is a  good uneventful and a bad one.  A bad one is when there is no body out. No possible interactions. A good one is last night when no one gave me a second look in a place where I've had problems presenting in the past. The only person who did was a very plain lady eating by herself across the bar at a table. I could only wonder what she thought of me. She of the short straight mousy brown hair with no make up.  Me with the red curls all over the place. Certainly it was "bitch" or "guy".  She didn't pay me anymore attention so I assume it was "bitch". Plus she didn't follow me to the ladies room for a chat.
Like most females I like to be noticed for my appearance.  The problem is reading admiring glances or the alternative.
If I could only read minds for a couple of chosen hours a week!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Is it Kyra?

Did Kyra Sedgwick really accept her Emmy...or was it a stand in drag queen?

A Picture Tells...

A thousand words? Or is the image a look into your soul?
Can't answer either.
I have noticed many pix of transgendered people do show a profound happiness or sadness.  Normally, there is no in between.
When I post a new picture on my flickr photo 
site I get several comments and connections.  I wonder what you really see or even what I really see.
Sometimes I wonder who is that? Other times I see the real me. I see the other person who resides in my soul. I see a woman who looks amazingly like my Mom. I see attractive or I see male.
Recently, I've had questions asking if all the pictures were of me.
I can understand the confusion. I've been a blond, redhead and brunette. Why? The girl inside has not decided who she is totally. But-
Does the hair color really matter or is it a fun girl thing?
At the end of the day, the picture is only an image. If the day is clear maybe you just might get a look into your soul.
I did.

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...