Thursday, September 2, 2010

Creature Comforts

Recently, "CD Janie's" blog( which I have a posted a link to) featured an outstanding post on passing as a female.
Ironically her ideas sort of fit in with my "thousand eyes" post. My assumption is that both of us fit into the same category. We enjoy moving about society.  As we do, our contact possibilities are endless.
Her comment "I rather come off as attractive than authentic" was a classic.
I thought of the very plain woman  I referred to in the "thousand eyes" and concluded I rather do the clothes, makeup and hair. Not her jeans loose top and tennis shoes.. If I did a look like her, chances are the public would notice me less.
No fun!  I would miss the thrill of my hair blowing on my bare back and shoulders. I would miss the soft strokes of the makeup brush on my face and the challenge of just getting my eye makeup on just right.  Of course I would miss the feel of the softer clothes and fun shoes, bags, and even sunglasses. When I misjudge a small space and my soft breast forms accidentally brush against something I want to feel that! Sorry there are a lot of "I's" here but it's all about the eyes on me.
If I come off as attractive until someone takes a closer-so be it!  Hopefully they will think if that person is not really a female then she looks pretty good!
Although problems do and probably always will pop up for a transgender girl, the fun outweighs the problems.
I'm with "Janie". I want to be an exotic creature. A different brand of cat!

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Back Up Plans

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