Sunday, August 22, 2010

They Are Back!

Although the great majority of girls in the transgendered community never put their pantyhose away-or did it grudgingly- they are making a comeback. Apparently, according to a story in the London Daily Express, skintone pantyhose are coming back into fashion.  And guess who is at the forefront of the fashion trend; that's right, it's Sarah Jessica Parker of Sex and the City . Ironically it was Parker who helped start the bare leg trend..
I for one went the "bare leg" fashion route but never liked it. Now it is good to see that fashion is going full circle (again) to a look that I feel is more flattering and elegant.

Friday, August 20, 2010

You Lookin At Me?

We have covered a lot of gender communication basics here recently. It's a forgone conclusion that women listen better. Females also utilize sight and touch better than males.
But what about that damn scowl pasted permanently on male faces? Women smile more? Why?
If you asked my Dad why, he would have certainly said the scowl came from living with my Mom for all those 50 years.
But in reality if we look at the genders from an purely evolutionary viewpoint, a man's scowl is protecting his territory as sure as the male lion protects his.
Certainly there is nothing soft about the traditional female role of child bearing etc but there certainly is a softer side when you add in nuturing and family.
Maybe women do have more to smile about, The real "girl's night out" centers around men and family or clothes and friends. Sure there is criticism in the female circle but not the competition in a sports driven guys night.
As a species, we haven't changed that much yet. Men smile when they win-women when they are with friends and family.
Just another nuance in the female communication cycle. Here's the smile, Now figure out what it really means-and wipe that scowl off your face!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Con Game

Relax! It's just me I'm conning.
A couple nights ago I had one of those heavenly evenings wherever everything seemed to be going right. I'm usually so insecure of how I look (the whole process).
My first stop, I played some trivia and ate an appetizer.  On my way out I stopped in the Ladies' Room to fix and repair and use the facilities. The place has mirrors on the wall behind the toilets. As I entered the stall I saw a rather attractive red head looking back at me. Very reassuring! (you can refer to my profile pix if you want)
For once the temperature out side was nice, I could feel my long hair on my bare shoulders and it all felt so real. My movements were slow and fluid not forced and choreographed.
 Sometimes with me it's all a battle of the genders. But the other night I actually was thinking this is me as a girl and I should start making plans to do it..all the time.
My clothes, the vanilla body wash scent, the smooth legs all felt so right.
I'm not naive enough  to know that I could feel this way all the time if I went full time.  On the other hand I'm realistic enough to know the deep satisfaction I feel.
No matter how many operations or hormones a person takes, "he" never really becomes a "she". BUT there is really no reason "he" can't live in the female world. Touch it, taste it and feel it!
I guess that is where the "con-game" ends. When you quit fooling yourself.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Just when I think I am this beautiful creature with the perfect clothes and make up...I see this shot of "Shannel" from "RuPauls' Drag Race" TV Show.
Oh well, probably nobody likes her!
Lets see now. Where's that new foundation I just bought!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Just Had Too!

This saying really pertains to some of us:
"It is what is is-even if it isn't!"

Is the Grass Really Greener?

For years I've lived in a world where I felt the female gender had an advantage. After all girls are supposed to be the more intuitive gender.
Guys are fairly straight forward critters and women know the game!
During the last week, I've started to rethink my thoughts.
Last Sunday night one of my friends and I were discussing a game at our pub.  If you can get a quarter to stay on top of a lemon in a flower vase full of water for 5 seconds you get a free beer. This is actually very hard to do and the money that falls to the bottom goes to a very good cause.
She was telling me that a couple younger guys a week or so ago were harassing her about buying them a beer if they could drink all the water in the vase.There was quite a bit of H2O in the vase plus it was very gross.
She refused the offer and asked me why young guys were like that?
I believe she is in her mid 30's (very attractive)and knew that I should have a pretty good idea of what makes a young guy tick.
Naturally i do. I was surprised at her lack of understanding!
I simply said "they were pushing you." They knew you wouldn't say "that's a deal-drink it!"
Later on in the week, I was sitting next to a younger couple.  The girl was animatedly talking to the guy and he was just as intent on ignoring her. As it unfolded I felt she was either nagging or was really trying to impress the guy.
She did her best for nearly a half hour before he went to the bathroom. She was devastated and confused all at one time and I felt real sorry for her. She gave the impression that she gave it her best shot-failed and had no idea why.
A similar thought pattern of mine. I had no idea the female gender was as clueless as I've witnessed recently.
Maybe these were isolated instances (I hope so!) Maybe women aren't all they appear to be? Similar to me?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Does Lola Like it Hot?

I'm sure you've heard of the "Kinks" song "Lola" or have seen the "Billy Wilder" comedy classic "Some Like It Hot".
Recently I've been able to combine the two.
First and foremost, I'm very much out on Al Gore's Internet.. I'm on Yahoo, Facebook, Flickr  and a couple main TG sites, not to mention my blog here.If you are any sort of a regular reader here, you know I live an active girl life.
Everyone once in a while the sun, the moon and the stars come together for an interesting time.
Nearly a month ago, I started receiving messages from a self professed 20 year male virgin. I don't know if the virgin part is true but I've seen the kid. He didn't know me and I'm old enough to call him kid! I told him I was flattered but he was so young, I couldn't even be a Cougar!  As most young males do, he grew tired of the game and moved on."Lola" the song relates a very similar story.
It is about a TG girl who hooks up with a presumed young male virgin in a club in Soho, England.
During the same period of time my 80 year old male admirer from a restaurant I go to frequently began to show renewed interest. (I wonder if he has any money?) lol! So here I was with two dramatic age interests at the same time! The major difference is the older guy is a great person and I would not hurt him for the world!
But he does remind me of the character "Osgood" (Joe E. Brown) in the movie "Some Like It Hot". At the very end of the movie "Jack Lemmon's" character (Daphne) reveals to Osgood that she is really a man. The reply? "Well, nobody's perfect!"
I can hear my old friend saying that!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Luv You!

Just a quick note thanking a couple people in my life who have helped to make this all a lot more liveable.
"Mikikitty" a life time soul mate who I actually only met last winter. Also "D" who I see on occasion. She never fails to light up my life.  These two are the essence of the true female soul! (They are genetic females). They mentor me more than they will ever know!
Also thanks to all who follow this blog and take the time to comment!

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...