Saturday, April 25, 2015

"Color Blind"-A Girl's Night In.

This week at Liz's house, it was "gray attack" night on Tuesday. In other words, the gray hair roots on our noggins were progressing nicely and had to be put back in their place-concealed.

I know there are several of you who are fortunate enough to have the budget to be able to go to a salon to have your hair colored. I just can't but wish I could! Being pampered in a salon is an experience like no other...but-

Previously here in Cyrsti's Condo I have mentioned the major trials and tribulations of coloring ones hair. First, you have to pick out the color and of course somehow get it applied to your noggin. The ways to do it are- a friend or partner (like Liz) or yourself. The last time I colored, I did do it myself and yes I did OK. This time Liz colored mine (better) but then I colored hers. A little scary. Why?

You can't just "slop it on." Especially if you have a bunch of hair like both of us do. Take my word for it, you don't want to have several spots you missed. If you rub too hard it's possible to burn the scalp so you have to use the applicator to get to those pesky gray roots.

Finally, the past colors you have used factor in. Example? Once I went to a much darker color last fall, it is tougher now to easily lighten up my hair for spring/summer. When you recolor, the end product is affected by the beginning product. (Gray)

These days, I am wearing my hair pushed back behind my ears and soft bangs over the forehead. Essentially my goal is to keep lightening the hair around my temples which gray the most and my main part on top to a softer red for the season.

We will see-literally! I should color about once every 4 weeks-just in time for my Trans Ohio Symposium workshop!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Ready or Not

Bruce Jenner in Malibu.The event we transgender women and men have been waiting for (one way or another) happens tonight (Friday EST). ABC.

Bruce Jenner and Diane Sawyer sit down for a "chat" and as predicted, it is a circus. As reported in this New York Daily News story.

"The Bruce Jenner interview is becoming the social event of the season. And New Yorkers are staying home on Friday night to tune in to Diane Sawyer’s two-hour “20/20” special with the Olympic legend.
“Of course I am going to watch it. I am anticipating it myself, "Kim Kardashian's bestie Jonathan Cheban tells the Daily News. “I think I’d be the only one in the world not watching it.”
Many are marking Jenner’s reported big reveal — that he’s transitioning into a woman — with festive viewing parties to celebrate his journey.
“It’s gonna be huge! It’s definitely one of those things to do with a group of friends, like having an Oscar showing,” says Mary Twiss, 24, who is hosting seven friends in her Gramercy apartment.
“It’s a big deal for Bruce Jenner, and also for the LGBT community. It’s definitely a reason to celebrate,” she says."
We will see. We will see. The "celebration" word seems way too intense for me. The next thing I expect to hear (and have) is "some of my best friends are transgender."

Parts is Parts?

"Would a transgender woman who agreed with Lisa be an Artificial TERF, then? 

The reasoning used by TERFs is the same as that used by those who are opposed to trans people using the bathroom of their self-identified gender. I do believe, by the way, that trans men have been allowed to participate at the MWMF all along, simply because they have the "correct" body parts and have had to experience -at least in their youth- the oppression of men over women (or womyn, which is a different sex, I guess). Male privilege is derived from the penis, I suppose. Lisa. So, one man's privilege is another woman's woe?"

This comment is not mine but another Connie sent in. 

Actually, I believe there are "Trans Exclusionary Trans Women" too who actually believe they should have their "woman" card punched primarily because they went out and bought a vagina. (Artificial Terf?) The only difference seems to me is when you happened to acquire your vagina. 

To be sure, men have oppressed women over the centuries and each other. The oppression crosses race and religious lines (especially as we are seeing today.) The only thing I have never understood about the gay and lesbian community is how long it took them to get up to speed about what the transgender community is really all about. They are now. In fact push back from major lesbian organizations was a major factor in Lisa packing her tent and heading home.

Let's face it, there will always be a segment of the world who will never understand the concept of gender versus sexuality. Part of human nature dictates the need to be part of a tribe too. Lisa Vogel is not alone in her tribe. Just the tip of the ice berg.

If I had the chance to sit down face to face with her, I would love to explain why I was - or wasn't crashing her party. Simply-I would have to try because she told me I couldn't. But, I sure would have wanted to because the festival would have given me another chance to learn about the feminine world I missed and yearned for so much. I was too far away. No more and no less. 

Lisa does not have to like me. Don't care. I can tell you in all my research my family never owned any slaves, fought in every war (back to the revolution) AND I never oppressed a girl/woman in my life. Put them up on pedestals yes. Oppressed no. 

That's why indeed I would have enjoyed going to Lisa's festival. You all know me enough to figure I would enjoy wondering around with Liz enjoying an adult beverage and listening to the music. Forget how much "passing privilege" I have or androgynous I look and to hell with the semantics of what a trans woman versus woymn is. Life is too short. 

Put all this energy into making sure our daughters (transgender or not) are empowered and have a better life. One of inclusion-not exclusion.

It's Mammogram Day

  JJ Hart, image from Columbus, Ohio. Once a year, my doctor puts in a request for a mammogram screening for me. Mainly because breast cance...