Monday, May 16, 2011


Meggan Sommerville
From the "WLS" news blog in Chicago: ":A west suburban transgender woman has filed two charges of discrimination with the state against the Aurora arts and crafts store she has worked at for a number of years, stating that management has barred her from using the women's restroom and threatened her with further disciplinary action if she were to use the women's room in the future
Meggan Sommerville of Oswego was born Mark Sommerville,  according to the charges filed in April with the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR).
Sommerville has worked for Hobby Lobby, an arts and crafts supply store, in Aurora "for a number of years," according to her lawyer, Betty Tsamis. In July of 2010, Sommerville began to transition from male to female, the charges state."
The story goes on to point out the Meggan was not allowed to use the women's room at work and even was written up for using the men's at one point. She adjusted by changing her fluid intake at work and was even going across the street to use the woman's bathroom at lunch.
Really? Is something as common and mundane as a bathroom visit causing this woman so much pain? Actually the bathroom is the line in the sand for transphobics around this country. The bathroom issue is just one of the battles in a big war.
The other shame is that "Meggan" can't tell "Hobby Lobby" to go to hell and go out and find a better job. I'm sure she would tell us all it doesn't work that easily for trans women or as a matter of fact for most people in today's economy.
What a brave woman Meggan is for bringing to the spotlight "Hobby Lobby" in Aurora  for such a ridiculous stand.

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Building a Huge Bridge

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