Saturday, August 31, 2019

Georgie Stone

Another young (19 years old) transgender woman has come out as a LGBTQ advocate. Meet Australian actress Georgie Stone:

Friday, August 30, 2019

Transgender Privilege

The Cyrsti's Condo post on the new Chanel transgender model Teddy Quinilivan brought on two great responses:

  1. "What an excellent advocate, of course we can't all look that good, but this is about so much more than clothes and looks. I am pleased and proud that so many trans women who have "passing privilege" are proudly coming out as being trans. I am sure that this helps normalise our existence."

  2. "Wow! I can understand her feelings, because being trans will probably always emote them. At the risk of sounding like a curmudgeon, though, she has no idea how much privilege she has in comparison to those of us who were struggling with our gender identity at her age - forty-some years ago. It's not that I consider myself a hero, but those of us in our sixties and beyond, and who have taken the steps necessary to be living authentically, have paved the way somewhat, at least.

    In just two generations, then, "coming out" is taking on a new meaning. Instead of it being a declaration of identifying as a trans woman - after establishing oneself as a man, it is now possible to be a trans woman who would have to declare herself as such - because most everyone thought her to be a woman all along. If I were her, I might think twice about making such a move, but then, I'm thinking from an old (trans) lady's perspective."
  3. From another "old" transgender lady, I think it is great (as Paula does) that she (Teddy) had the courage to come out and be an advocate. Something which was so so missing in my generation.  Just looking at her and others of her generation who have come out, it's hard to realize  the  distance we have come.  Just think of the availability now of hormone replacement therapy and even puberty hormone blockers.  A great example is Cincinnati Children Hospital which has a transgender program for anyone up till the age of 24.  I often wonder how it would have been not to have worked so hard (as Connie said) to establish myself as a man.
  4. I guess maybe I have come out of this with a better, more complete knowledge of what gender is. It alone could be considered privilege.  

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Teddy Quinilivan

She’s a rising star in the fashion industry and is using her position to advocate for the LGBTQ+ community.
Teddy Quinlivan has made fashion history by becoming the first openly trans woman to appear in a Chanel campaign.
She demonstrates some of the brand’s beauty products, along with a tutorial for how to get a summer glow.
In an impassioned Instagram post, Quinlivan says: “I find I don’t cry anymore when things are sad, but isn’t it interesting when we shed tears in moments of triumph. This was one of those triumphant cry moments for me. My whole life has been a fight.”

It’s a particularly powerful moment for the 25-year-old because she walked for Chanel before publicly coming out as trans, writing: “When I came out I knew I’d stop working with some brands, I thought I’d never work with the iconic house of Chanel ever again. But here I am in Chanel Beauty advertising. I am the first openly trans person to work for the house of Chanel, and I am deeply humbled and proud to represent my community.”

Teddy Quinlivan
Quinlivan in her coming out video, called ‘World Meet Teddy’ (YouTube/PA)

Quinlivan describes how “I always knew I was female”, despite being born in a male body. She says: “I went to extraordinary lengths to present as cisgender”, but she wants to stop hiding the fact she is a trans woman.
There are pretty powerful reasons for her wanting to speak out about this – knowing full well how tricky it is for trans models – saying: “I want to help break the stigma” and “I wanted to be the hero that I never had growing up for somebody else”.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Chick fill A

I received this comment from Gracie concerning one of my fave topics...Chick fill A:

"I agree wholeheartedly (wholehartedly?) about the positive impact of exposure of various non-LBGTQ influenced groups to positive LBGTQ people (such as yourself). I know that you have a strong distaste for Chic-fil-A, and I certainly understand why. I am a crossdresser, and often, while dressed (in your home town), I will eat my lunch at Chic-fil-A. (Bear with me here.) Primarily, because they often, for no apparent reason, send a free sandwich coupon to their app. So for the cost of a small drink, I get lunch (I am frugal). I have only been met with acceptance and kindness by the employees, and anyone paying attention can see that I have been cursed with a Y chromosome. I had one server keep stealing glances at me (probably trying to figure me out). I just smiled back, and she offered to refill my drink, and gave me the perfunctory "My pleasure ma'am". Another time the young man taking my order kept saying referring to me as "sir". I think he was confused and didn't know what to do. I smiled and continued my order as if all was well. At as he handed me my receipt, he said' "Have a nice day ma'am", with a sincere smile on his face (I detected no hint of irony in his voice). My hope is that I gave these two people, and others working there, something to think about to balance their contrary preconceived notions of the TG population. In my opinion, this is a better way to gain acceptance than trying to force it."

The problem I have is when I discuss issues such as Chick, is I have a tendency to become a little too emotional. I have a deep passion (of course) in trying to hurt anti LGBTQ companies finances. After all, it is one of the few recourses we have and yes I do believe in meeting force with force. 

I do have to make the distinction though over be accepted by a Chick employee over fattening the checkbooks of their stockholders. I seriously doubt the greatest majority of their employees have an anti LGBTQ stance. 

So when you go there the employee may have noticed there was something wrong with the picture. But in the long term, you just helped to make the company's financial picture  a little brighter. Unless you have a free coupon!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Different Strokes

Sometimes I wonder why I continue to be a regular at the one transgender - cross dresser (Cincinnati) group I go to. The easy answers are I enjoy it and think I have something to add.

The reason I think I have something to add is very simple...I have just survived longer than anyone else in the group. I get many "aha" moments when the occasional cross dresser will deny any advanced feelings about becoming a woman and then, in the next breath say she can't wait to go somewhere and have men hit on her. I smile knowingly, remembering when I felt the same way. I thought when and if a man hit on me, it was a validation of my feminine self.

It's a small example of what I hear and feel at the meetings. I am also fascinated by the cross section of socio-economic types who attend. In other words, how such a different cross section of people can come together for a couple hours to hopefully help each other.

My big input at the meeting last night was what I wrote about in Cyrsti's Condo yesterday. I mentioned the benefit of getting into group situations outside of the LGBTQ community. It is a chance for you to be accepted as a person for a change...not a transgender person. An example is the one person who came to the meeting last night who is a member of two belly dancing groups. I know at least three readers who do the same thing. Paula over in the UK with her music groups, Mandy in all her travels and of course Connie who works a whole job as a woman. (And I know I missed many of you!)

The fact remains not everyone's goal is to live full time as a woman, however , one should never say never. I am proof of that.

Sometimes I think I am a glutton for punishment. Last night I volunteered to run for the board of the group. However, someone else is too, so maybe they will be chosen instead of me. I am qualified from running years of board meetings with several civic organizations. So we will see.

In the meantime, I will continue to add in my comments and observations when I see fit and hope I don't bore too many people!

Monday, August 26, 2019

All Nighter

As expected, Saturday was a long day. Liz sold her canning items successfully during the small festival we went to.  Best of all, it was a picture perfect almost early fall like day. Since I am still in my "fashion" medical boot, mobility was at a minimum. Acceptance of me as a transgender woman was not as a minimum though. Many of the people there I already knew, so in ways they probably didn't understand, they paved the way for others to accept me too.

The day passed fairly quickly and it was time to go a ghost hunt. We (Liz and I) are now members in good standing of the local "Cincinnati Ghost Hunters" group. Since we completed our second paranormal adventure. This one was quite a bit more tame intensity wise than the first one was but still interesting. I did have a fairly intense encounter with a spirit on a old church pew upstairs in the opera house. I was watching the reactions on a meter as I asked questions and was told later I should have taped the whole encounter. It  was a spur of the moment thing though, so I didn't have a recorder as my cell phone was almost out of charge.

The whole evening was finished off with an impromptu classic rock music presentation by one of the event organizers. At that point I was able to try to shake off the effects of the mocha espresso drink I had been sipping and try to lay down in the car and sleep for a couple hours.  I do believe I did manage to get an hour and a half of sleep.

I do know at this point of my life, it is tough to shake off the affects of having very little sleep and I spent most of Sunday dozing off.

Regardless of how it happens, I can't empathize the possible positive impact of joining various groups who are not particularly LGBTQ influenced. Along the way, I have been able to be accepted for the transgender person I am and at the same time show another group of people how easy it is to know a trans person.

It's great to show people we are not really so much different than they are after all. Tonight I return to reality though and attend another transgender - crossdresser support group meeting. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

Fall is Coming

One of my favorite seasons of the year is the fall. Finally, our hot and humid temperatures start to subside and it's time to pull the sweaters, leggings and boots out of the closet.

As far as fashion goes, the changing of the seasons is always a great time to splurge a bit and update a wardrobe .As always, the fashionistas of the world are standing by to help us with color choices,

Since I receive the Fabulous After 40 fashion emails (free), I can always be assured of knowing a little about what's going on in the fashion world.

Here's an example: "Fall.s neutral colors include..."

Or, if you are like me, you are style challenged and need help putting it all together:

For more, go here and move on with new ideas for your fall wardrobe.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Another Haunting

Saturday is going to be a test of my foot boot as it is going to be a busy day. I am just going to try to keep my walking to a minimum.

Liz starts her day with a martial arts class. Including one on board breaking, which takes her to one o'clock, at which time we are supposed to set up at a Mother Earth vending event in which we raise money for the only homeless shelter in a nearby county. It is scheduled to run until eight at which time we tear down and get ready to drive forty five minutes south into Kentucky.
Roh's Opera House

At ten, we are signed up to tour Rohs Opera House in Cynthiana. We will find out if the rumors of it being haunted are true. After our last haunted adventure turned out to be so intense, I highly doubt if this one will come up to those standards!

One way or another, Saturday is going to be another one of those busy days. I hope my "boot" doesn't give me the boot!

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...