Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Living Like a Woman?

Every once in a while someone will ask me how long I have been "full time" or 24/7 as a woman.

The easy answer no one understands is I have lived my whole life as a transgender woman, you just never noticed and what exactly does that that mean anyhow?

It has just been in the last couple years, I have lived an "external" feminine life.

I guess 24/7 to me is to do everything from the stereotypical "girl" things to boy things too (like auto parts stores).

Getting here was tough, but I have a sense the toughest is yet to come.

My struggle is remembering gender is but a mirror and what people see of me from the outside may totally miss my insides.  Then again I have a group of friends who have always seen me for what I am and they make life on the heaven side more than the alternative-more than they will ever know.

After the meeting I went to yesterday, I realized how fortunate I am truly am.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Welcome Jessica!

Today we added a new blog for you to check out called "World of Cross Dressing" by Jessica.
Just look in our "wanna hook up" section, and if you have a blog you would like to exchange links with JJ's.
Let me know!!!

Lana Moore

   Columbus, Ohio

Monday, June 20, 2016

Cate McGregor (Archive)

Australian Cate McGregor (according to Wikipedia) (formerly Malcolm Gerard McGregor) is/was a serving member of the Australian Defence Force (ADF). 
In 2012, McGregor was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in the Military Division for "exceptional service to the Australian Army as the Director of the Land Warfare Studies Centre".[10]
Catherine McGregor, The World's Highest Ranking Transgender Military Officer, Shares What It Was Like To Come OutFollowing a period between 2010 and 2013 when numerous ADF personnel were involved in misogynistic behaviour (including the non-consensual filming of sexual encounters with women), Chief of Army, Lieutenant General David Morrison AO responded in a video speech which was written by McGregor. In the speech he described the actions as a "direct contravention" of the Army's values, and said "those who think that it is okay to behave in a way that demeans of exploits their colleagues have no place in this army." 
In 2013, David Morrison "refused to accept " her resignation and she went public" as transgender. In November 2013 McGregor was the highest ranking transgender individual in the Army, and the speechwriter and strategic adviser for David Morrison.
McGregor has been appointed as a patron of Kaleidoscope Australia, a not-for-profit organisation focused on promoting and protecting the rights of LGBTI people in the Asia Pacific region and is to move into trans-advocacy, on a full-time basis.
Follow this link for more.


Well, the colonoscopy has come and gone. With it went a whole new set of paranoia's.

Since the Veterans Medical Choice Program can't seem to get my name correct (unlike the rest of the VA), I was in the Doctor's office records under my male name. The staff was good though as I recoiled at the name and simply said what was my name preference was.

From there it was pretty much clear sailing with the name, pro noun and restroom usage. In fact, the "discharge" nurse (no pun intended) specifically showed me to the women's room before we left.

Now when I sleep off the rest of the anesthesia, life will be back to it's usual hot summer day (90). Looking ahead to Pride weekend Saturday, the weather peeps are calling for another steamy Ohio Saturday for a two mile walk through downtown Cincinnati.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


In a previous life I was drafted into the military and fought in the Vietnam Era's debacle war. Seems like each generation has one.

I have always carried some guilt over my lack of protest when push came to shove. 

Very few of us though are fortunate enough to live second lives as transgender women or trans men and to make some sort of difference.

This time, I am finally working my way onto a couple committees to give of myself to help others in the Cincinnati Metro transgender community. 

I have spoken about both, but not together. 

The first is I'm working towards helping to put together this years "Transgender Day of Remembrance" in Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky which is turning out to be an exceeding intricate large process. Not to mention difficult, when all you are working with is volunteers from essentially two close but geographically diverse places.

The second will begin Tuesday for me at the Dayton VA. Some time ago, my therapist asked me if I would be interested in an "outreach" program of sorts for transgender veterans which would originate with her. At the time I said sure! Then out of the clear blue sky, she called Thursday and said she was trying to put the first meeting together for next week, and could I make it?

Again, I said sure. Anything I could do to help a fellow trans veteran along and sometimes even survive.

She said she is expecting a small group of four for the first group to organize for the future.

Making the most of what I have done, will prepare me for the future! "Momma Karma" has had to given me a second chance for a reason.

J'J's Sunday Edition

Ker Plunk! Another Sunday Edition is hitting your digital front porch!
Weather: Near 90 but medium humidity for another day or so before Momma Nature hits us with the dual H's...heat and humidity. Had a very respectful iced "Joe" (coffee) yesterday and am thinking about a hot one today! Let's get started:

Page One: The Week that Was-or Wasn't: Of course the tragedy at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando transfixed us most of the week. Once again, people were trying to figure out where all the hate comes from to take it out on innocent people, and in this country, the debate over automatic rifle control flares up again. Both, to big of topics to bring up here. The good news was the huge Columbus, Ohio pride went off with out a hitch last week and the almost as big Cincinnati is coming up next week. Chances to celebrate our community.

Page Two: Opinion- Yesterday's Coffee: I started my prep work for Monday's colonoscopy If you never have had one, the Doc gives you a mix of something which with out a doubt will clean you out.
I start it tonight very near my fave toilet. In the meantime I have to catch up shaving my legs, working on my nails and changing out my estrogen patches. See, I told you this wasn't easy!!!!

Page Three: Father's Day: I am and always will be Dad to my daughter and she has always meant the world to me. This is what she wrote me this morning:

"Thank you for being my Dad growing up! Because of you I am a stronger woman, because of you I am more tolerant of others...don't judge others by their looks but by their actions and look for more than material possessions in life. 

I Love You. 

I used almost a box of tissues crying. Blessed be.

Page Four: The Back Page: Well,it's time to wrap this up and enjoy the day before it gets too hot. Thanks for spending your precious time with me. Love you all!!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

A Hug or a Shake?

After all this time in Mtf transgender transition mode, one of my most awkward moments is whether to hug or shake a guys hand when I meet him.

If I know him well, I usually follow the lead of the women and go in for a hug and am feeling much more comfortable doing it these days. Without reading too much into it, I am enjoying it more also.

I supposed I am allowed but seeing I came from a family which didn't thrive on human contact it's been rough. Plus working all those years as a guy didn't help either as no one hugged each other.

If I am meeting someone for the first time though I still (sort of) extend a hand to see how the rest is going to play out, and go from there.

A softer, gentler me.

Reach Out

Yesterday my psychologist called and asked if I would be interested in helping to set up a sort of out reach program she is putting together for transgender veterans at the Dayton VA hospital.

Of course I said I would be flattered to help and indeed I am.

I consider it the greatest form of good karma to pay ahead and help anyone else with my experiences like changing gender markers etc.

It's going to be a busy day on Tuesday with the VA trans vets meeting, then that evening I have a meeting with the Transgender Day of Remembrance Planning Commission I'm on for Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky. 

Then of course Sunday I will be really going in prep for my colonoscopy early Monday morning.


Running Against the Tide

Sarah McBride is running for the United States House of Representatives from the state of Delaware. Sarah grew up in Wilmington, and current...