Monday, March 21, 2016

Holy Cross to Set Up Transgender Scholarship

Alison Laing Circa 1956-65

The DTA is designed to increase the accessibility of transgender history by providing an online hub for digitized historical materials, born-digital materials, and information on archival holdings throughout the world.
For more from the "Advocate" go here

Worcester Massachusetts,  K.J. Rawson, assistant professor of English at the College of the Holy Cross, recently launched the world’s first Digital Transgender Archive (DTA), a collection of transgender-related historical materials. Rawson’s project was recognized in 2013-14 with funding from the American Council of Learned Societies Digital Innovation Fellowship, awarded each year to a handful of academics to advance digital humanistic scholarship.

From left: Alison Laing, Ariadne Kane, Dottie Laing, Dallas Denny, Marilyn Volker, and Pam Geddes at Fantasia Fair.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Listen up! Another Sunday edition is hitting your virtual front porch! It's a chilly Spring day here in Cincinnati, so grab a cup o joe (coffee) and get started,

Page One: The Week that Was or Wasn't: On the national scene battles continue to rage on the local and state scenes on transgender rights. Good luck on yours, even though luck is secondary and activism is first. Speaking of activism, I was pleasantly surprised Friday night when the "Circle" Meetup group Liz and I are part of announced they would be supporting a table at this year's Cincinnati Pride weekend. Keep in mind, only about three out fifty members are LGBT orientated and I would have never suggested doing this.

Page Two: Seeing is Good: I mentioned earlier this week that I ordered feminine glasses for the first time in my life. Previously, I wore none at all or just wore my old male glasses. In a serious twist on a funny saying, A blind squirrel roots out an acorn, this squirrel found the acorn and I kind of like the glasses I picked out. More importantly, my fashion coordinator (Liz) approved too and Connie, the glasses actually hide some of my wrinkles. I do have bifocals without lines so as I write this with glasses is different. Not that it will be making my writing any better.

Page Four: The Back Page: Today's edition is short because it seems, every second of the day is planned, including a two hour meeting of my writer's meet up group. You all have a great Sunday and thanks for stopping by Cyrsti's Condo!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Gender Fluid?

Recently, I saw a comment on a blog I follow which I totally disagreed with.

Basically the commenter was totally against the idea of a person feeling one gender one day and another the next. The argument was essentially you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Obviously the person had not heard of, considered or believed in the idea of "gender fluidity." It's relatively new and tough on a lot of people who want to stay within the binaries. This time the gender ones.

For the longest time, I have felt I have been gender fluid more than a strict transgender woman. Now though, I am tipping the scale to the feminine side, except for a couple days coming up I know I will have to tip to what's left of my guy self.

So I find very little problem with claiming both my shares of the cake -and with ice cream!  Why? Because I deserve it for all the hell I have gotten over the years. Plus, it's fun to be dressed totally as a guy with Liz and be called a girl.

So those you reject the gender fluid term out of hand should feel fortunate they did not have to wake up most mornings trying to figure out which gender you were.

Friday, March 18, 2016

By The Numbers

If there was ever a survey I didn't want to see Ohio show up towards the top in, it's the one I saw on Femulate from Twitter:


Thanks Stana!!!

Who Put the "S" in Stealth?

I remember 'back in the day' when stealth was a dirty word among some(including me). Somehow it just seemed like those transgender or transsexual individuals who were blessed with the looks or the money, to jump the gender fence and ...disappear. Then, the more I discovered the trans community, I could understand why.

It seemed those who stayed close enough to shine a light on the process also weren't the most pleasant peeps in the world.

So now, I often wonder who put the 'S' in my increasing degree of stealth. I can say no one "ran me out" and I will (in the foreseeable future) continue my writings on the state of being a transgender woman will continue.

In the meantime, I also am not going into any public places where I am not noticed and scream "Hey! I'm trans."

Guilt somehow enters into all of this. The Goddess has blessed me with all my acquaintances who for the most part are non LGBT peeps and my partner for a reason to be named later.

If you ever hear it from me, assume I have passed to the other side and since I am not Houdini I am not coming back. 

All of this sounds like a topic for my therapist and I to talk about at my next Veterans Administration visit.

Speaking of the VA, I was in the Social Services office the other day asking for info they provide on setting up a living will etc. I was standing at the desk when a genuine transgender veteran woman comes out of one of the offices. Wow!

I said "hello" but didn't have a chance to talk. I will in the future.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Good News or the Bad News

When someone asks me that I say "Give me the bad first, the good will feel better!" 

Sort of like yesterday, I received my new checks to use, but now I have to use them.

Then today as I showed up for my blood letting (Phlebotomy), as I was checking in, the only two guys in the waiting room asked was it "a boy or girl." I tensed up and whirled around ready to go to war with them until it turned out they were talking about a story on CBS This Morning called "Raising Ryland. About an eight year old transgender boy.

Ryland and Mom

The good news happened to be both of them seemingly did not have a negative attitude about it. They were just amazed he used be "a girl" at all (their words.)

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Time Flies When...

It's difficult to believe it has been since Sunday since I have had a chance to post to Cyrsti's Condo but it has, so let's play a bit of "catch up and mustard."

Yesterday was the primary voting day here in Ohio and I ended up with two positives. I could cross party lines (Republicans or Democrats) and yesterday was my very first vote as Jessie. A big moment. Or should I say my first time not voting as that mean old person I used to be.

Unidentified Ohio Voter 

Also yesterday, I was fitted for my first pair of feminine glasses. 

Be careful...very soon I will be able to see YOU!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Cyrsti's 's Condo Sunday Edition

Ker Plunk! Listen up! Another virtual edition of the "Condo" is hitting your front porch! The weather here in Cincinnati is a "balmy" 70 something with a light rain. A great day so far just to curl up in your jammies' with a cup o joe and enjoy the start to your Sunday!
Page One-The Week that Was - or Wasn't: Last week Caitlyn Jenner rejoined the fray where she left it, behind the eight ball. Very simply she stuck her chin out and stubbornly explained why she still insisted on supporting political candidates dead set against LGBTQ rights. On the local scene, I found out I needed to be scheduled for another colonoscopy. Regardless of the indignity of the procedure, the possible options are worse (colon cancer.) Plus, I look at it this way, this is the beginning of my "pretty,pretty princess" phase going full circle. "The Princess" is what my deceased wife called me when she was telling me I wasn't man enough to be a woman. It took a while to prove her wrong.
Page Two
 Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion-See How Easy that Was? Last night, Liz and I met a relatively new friend for a late lite dinner. Along the way the conversation changed from on line dating sites (Liz and I met on one four plus years ago) to pictures for it to my second book. Liz has access to some of my older "photo shopped" pix and showed one to our friend, who kind of gasped. (Positively I hope :)) I did jump in quickly to explain to her how I managed a picture like that years ago. First of all, the hair was a wig and the picture was taken at an angle in a mirror on my cell phone. Finally, I blurred it a bit more before going public with it. So there you go, I'm clean and what you see now is what anyone gets.

Page Three-Hormonal Update: Yesterday was a big day of sorts in that my estrogen patches were actually "re-upped" and I received my next three month supply through the mail. Since I have been back on them, my precious hair is coming back as well as other bodily changes such as sore breasts. Also "coming back" is my gray hair in time for spring/summer coloring. I am truly dangerous since I can do it myself! I'm thinking about going back to a lighter shade of red to reflect the "Celtic" past some say I have.

Page Four-The Back Page: Time to go! The dogs feel like they need a walk and together they are a "force!" Thanks for taking time to stop by Cyrsti's Condo, Love you All!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Caitlyn STOP! Please

I operate on a couple levels of existence, my own which includes loved ones of course, and another which includes reading/discussing the current happenings/future of the transgender family.

The only change I can hope to help with is on Cyrsti's Condo.

 Now, let's face it, most people are having more and more problems with a real ugly election campaign. I'm so disgusted after the Chicago violence recently I don't know what to write to those of you who read the blog outside the United States.  I really didn't think I would see what was really a civilian race riot in my life-but I did.

Then let's toss good old Caitlyn Jenner into the political fray supporting candidates that hate the LGBT community..REALLY????

I've ranted on and on about Jenner enough that I am just too emotional (damn HRT) so I'm going to pass along a link from the Huffington Post which says it better!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...