Sunday, February 2, 2014

Waxing Romantic

Ever been waxed?  The bit of torture designed to make that pesky body hair go away and leave you with soft smooth skin?

Had my first waxing tonight.  Hey, what could be more fun than staying home on a Saturday night and getting waxed watching tattoo reality shows?  When in pain, watch someone in more pain, right?  Plus, some would argue I got waxed on Abita Turbo Dog Beer last night and I'm way too old to double up on party nights anymore.

If you never have been "waxed" seriously I compare it to a sunburn and I love the results.  It's safe to tell you though, I don't have much body hair anymore and I know "mo hair" equals "mo pain" - a formula I learned sleeping through high school calculus.  Kidding, I barely got through algebra, by barely staying awake.

Not to be outdone by my arms, for some reason, my girls had to get in the act tonight.  For some reason, they are very sensitive tonight.  Almost too sensitive.  Of course I have dealt with sensitivity with the girls since starting HRT but nothing like tonight.  Either, it's my time of the month or I passed some sort of hormonal level again.

All in all though, if I had a choice, Abita is my pick for a good waxing.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Drying Up and Blowing Away

You regulars here in Cyrsti's Condo, have read me whine about this winter's weather. Well, here's more:

It seems now with the effects of HRT, I'm in even a bigger battle with my skin. My standing joke is I need to take a bath in 10w-40 motor oil.  That would be the easy part.  It turns out my very short stints in the sub zero temps were a very good way to defoliate my facial skin, if I wanted it or not.  Of course I didn't and for a couple days (until the peeling stops) make up is no fun and certainly doesn't look it's best on my "transitioning" facial skin. FYI not my first rodeo with the effects of cold weather...but my first rodeo with this much damage.

Also lip balms are my "bestest" friends too.

Some how, I don't think I will dry up and blow away any time soon and brushing my hair out around my face covers my zombie skin!

Finally! A Night Out!

Seems like it's been years since we have been awarded a day or two break from our much worse than normal winter.

Last night in a rare moment of having a little extra cash and a little better weather, my partner Liz and I headed to one of our fave "watering holes" called the "Swampwater Grille" in Cincinnati.  I've written about the "Swamp" before-the home of a misplaced Western Louisiana chef and a great selection of brews far removed from the big beer company watered down near beer sold everywhere.  You know you are in a good beer bar when no Coors, Millers or Bud products are on tap.

Of course the company was as good as the food and drink and the evening went all too quick.  As far as what I wore, the usual, denim leggings, gray slouch boots and my long black sweater with a very low cut "v" neck. Unfortunately I have to say this, but an evening's success hinges on the restroom access. Plus, (if you didn't know) when you drink beer, you need to potty-frequently.  No problems last night, even going to the "room" without my partner.  She knows my paranoia and is kind enough to "run cover" for me if needed.  I don't like doing that however because, if I have a problem with someone, it is my problem, not hers.  Knock on wood, I haven't had so many problems recently.

As always, I'm careful to point out I'm not out in the world presenting as a 100% genetic woman.  Some don't read me, some don't notice me, some don't care and just as many who do read me are just fascinated.  I'm a visible, in person, poor man's Carmen Carerra or Laverne Cox. The new positive trans role models such as the women I mentioned really help me and I owe them a lot! Plus,  it helps I've learned to come out of my transgender shell.  Attitude trumps appearance all the time!

The most wonderful part of this "morning after" however, it's not like "back in the day" when I had to obsess when my "next night out would be."

Now I get many questions about when I knew the HRT transition was right for me?  The moment was a morning not unlike today.   I felt warm and at home with myself and would go back to any bit of male life only on my terms.

Now, it remains to be seen if I ever can shake the potty paranoia.

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Our feature cover girl today in the "Condo" is Agus Beluchi,  from Argentina, who identifies as both a male and a female model.

Friday, January 31, 2014

A "Natural" Crossdresser

It's no secret a few men are born with bodies which scream "woman".  Many don't ever act upon their "gift", others "cross dress" their bodies and yet another segment augments their femininity with HRT.

Here's a natural on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

As the Olympics approach, here's a look at an alternative Russia that Thug Putin has not managed to squash. We feature Alexandr Shtrauh (also known as Armago Andante) a young musician and model from Russia.

Honey "Boo Hoo?"

I'm dying.This is just funny and I got it off of Pinterest:

I "Doesn't Know It"

For all of you who followed the links to Jasmine Ford's show that I was supposed to be on, as you know I wasn't.
The only answer (txt) I ever got after waiting for over an hour and changing my plans for the evening was "running out of time."
I apologize to any and all for bringing it up at all here in Cyrsti's Condo.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tune in Tonight!

JasmineFord_face.jpgTonight (Thursday) I'm going to be a phone in guest to Jasmine Ford's new Internet Gender Experience Show on  at 10:00 p.m. I will be on around around 10:30 or so don't panic if you don't see me right away and think I'm another Janet Mock no show. I think she got bumped when Morgan became embroiled in a gun control argument with a politician from Oklahoma.

At any rate, Here is Jasmine's shows "bio":

Jasmine Ford, along with her co-host, Renee Singleton, will discuss "thought provoking material from an unconventional perspective". "This talk show was created to take a hard look at the social construct of sex, sexuality, and relationships as they occur across the gender spectrum."

To put it mildly, I'm way across the gender spectrum from Jasmine's experience.  In her pre interview with me, Jasmine said the absolute oldest transgender person she has ever met was in her early 40's. Not to mention, I'm far removed from the Miami, Florida culture-which is exactly why I need to be interviewed.

Amazingly to me, during my half hour or so on the phone with Jasmine, I was surprised how similar our idea's actually were. A prime example was when she said most transsexual women were just interested in the next operation she could afford to make her beautiful.  The real beauty they were lacking was on the inside.

Here is a link to see missed episodes .

Out of My Mind, Into the World

Image from the JJ Hart Archives. There were many times during my transgender transition I was thinking I was somehow out of my mind.  I even...