Saturday, January 11, 2014

Gender 101

Lesson #1 when you cross dress pretty boys in pretty feminine clothes- you get great looking cross dressed boys as seen on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

The Purse Monster and Muscle Memory

This will seem like such a small piece in the huge transgender MtF transition puzzle but then again it's not.

For many years I have noticed with interest how women approach moving and grasping items with their hands.  Regardless of the inherent size difference in the hands, most genetic women just seemed to have more dexterity working for them.

Now, as I work my way through counters and clerks with my purse and it's wallet, I find I need more coordination to accomplish all the moves.  Gone are the days of picking up the change and shoving it into my pockets and moving on. Plus, just tossing everything into my purse doesn't work either.  If I don't keep some sort of basic organization going in my purse, then I am doomed to carry a stylish yet deadly "bottomless bag." You know the purses I'm talking about.  If you have lived around a woman for any length of time, the "changing of the bags" is often not pretty.  No one knows what is living down there and how the hell did the purse get that heavy? Things were breeding similar to how life began on Earth.

As I transition into more and more full time "purse living", I know now. I'm developing the "layers" of "stuff" women accumulate over time.  It's comparable to an archaeological dig when you uncover that old lipstick you loved and couldn't find. It disappeared into the bottom layer of my purse and was waiting patiently to see the light of day again. Forget the "boob pinch" pain I felt a couple nights ago, the real pain could be lurking in the bottom of my purse and will it attack with no warning?

Look, the last thing I want to be doing is holding up a line at a counter while I dig through my purse, get attacked and lose a finger.  People do have a tendency to care less if I am transgender in line but care a lot if I'm slow. Just imagine if they had to call the paramedics to reattach my finger?  How would the peeps behind me buy their "cigs" or lottery tickets?

I have a plan though to combat all of this, I call my new "dexterity" a slide move.  At the counter, I know the basics of what I'm paying with, what kind of change or receipt I am going to get and where it's coming from and going in my purse.  The smoother I can accomplish all of that, the more feminine I appear or at the least fit in.

In order to insure success though is repetition and committing the moves into my muscle memory.  Now if I can keep my purse from sliding off my shoulder at the wrong time and messing up the entire process- life will be better!  "Sigh" Who would have thunk it that all this "girl stuff" would have been so complex! Women make it look so easy and they still have all their fingers. It's because Mom warned them to beware of what could be lurking in their purses!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl of the Day"

qJmUoKWXkqWVp6oOur "cover girl" is a bit different in that he shows pictures of himself as a boy with his girlfriend on the site I'm going to give you. No mention of being transgender or transsexual, he just happens to be a make up artist who happens to look great in make up.

 The 18-year-old cross dressing beauty, Yiming Zhao, is attracting of attention on Weibo, China’s Twitter, particularly after his photos were mistakenly listed in a photo collection of beautiful Chinese girls on a Korean forum. Wonder why?

I've selected a couple for you to take a look at here.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

Credit for this quote goes to Janie Black and my shower.  Janie asked on her blog today what gender means her readers and/or how they would define it.  I came up with a short version in the shower, where I do some of my best thinking.  (can't sing)

"Gender is simply what is between your ears and how you decide to present it to the world."

Cyrsti's Condo "Woman of the Day"

Amelia Maltepe
a transsexual model from Toronto by way of Bangladesh and a strict Muslim family.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Katie and the Trans Girls!

Carmen Carerra

Recently Laverne Cox and Carmen Carrera stopped by the Katie Couric show.  Katie for the most part has always presented transgender women and transgender men in a very positive light.  Go here for the videos.

Laverne Cox

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


As I watched this video sent along by Lynne, I began to consider if more than a few of these dramatic cross dressing transformations are what set men on edge. If you can't trust that girl sitting across from you to be "home grown", what can you trust in life?  Maybe she is a "hybrid" and more satisfying than any other woman he has ever been with but sadly will never know.

Check out the video for yourself on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope."

Here is our first true weekly "scope" for the New Years!

Libra:  (September 23-October 22): Your moods will be hard to stabilize, but when you’re around others, try to have a sense of humor. People in authoritative roles will try to run you over, but you don’t have to take it lying down. Use your charm and be willing to laugh it off. If you maintain your sense of respect with this person now, they will give more to you in the long run.

All I can say is, when I went into semi retirement, it was to get away from people in authority. Now I have to see if my dog is going to force her issues with me this week!

For your very own "scope" go here to theFrisky!

Out of My Mind, Into the World

Image from the JJ Hart Archives. There were many times during my transgender transition I was thinking I was somehow out of my mind.  I even...