Saturday, November 9, 2013

"Making a Woman" A Cyrsti's Condo Archive Post

As you can tell, I'm taking a big ol 2 day "cation" from the Condo, so through the miracle of modern technology I'm presenting a couple of older posts from this year which brought quite a bit of reaction:

"As I look back at my transition process in the early stages, one of the most difficult ideas to overcome was the idea that I made a good looking woman. All semantics aside, I don't think I ever had the power to make a woman. My problem was of course I was being compared to the man I was. Now before you may be thinking I'm being a total brat-hear me out.

 First of all, I was truly lost. Sure the compliments would send me into vanity heaven for weeks but in truth the "buzz" was similar to what I experience when I eat a couple of my favorite cookies. The sugar high just turns into empty calories and is gone all too soon. Looking back of course I was searching for my true transgender feelings,. Deep down I knew my cross dressing was just a quick fix and refused to face it. Following up on my last post, I slowly but surely began to open my closet door. On occasion I did it the right way but other times I was terrible. I pulled some stunts on my wife I will always regret. On the positive side though I went out into the world as a woman by mutual agreement. We enjoyed enough of an income that I could take my clothes and makeup with me, get a motel room change and spend the day out and about. The absolute most stunning realization was I just couldn't do this as just a another faceless person in public. There had to be more.

Quickly I learned I had to interact with the public. Going back to the last post, these weren't the people at the cross dressing meetings I went to or the people at gay venues-these were strangers who expected some sort of response from me as a perceived woman or even trans woman. To make matters more complicated, these encounters were normally always different. An example would a stranger asking me for directions followed my a clerk asking me for my size. No matter how good or bad, big or small these public interactions were, I would take them home with me and build off of them. Also, before I forget to tell you all this was occurring over years.

My goal. My own hair this length, color and style
Slowly but surely though my whole thought pattern was beginning to take on a different idea of who I was. I was fitting more and more into that newer transgender niche. During this time of discovery, I was starting to really stretch the boundaries of being a woman in the world. Shopping turned into lunch, lunch turned into going places I had never been before and finally to my first visit at night to a busy casual dining restaurant. Was this process tough? Of course it was. No matter how the early compliments of being an attractive woman echoed in my head. There were (and are) people who took great delight in letting me know I wasn't. On the other hand, I found the power of feminine socialization overcame the narrow minded idiots.

Again and again my message to any of you who may be in the same spot I was in years ago is somehow, someway you have to find a way to try to live it. Who knows, if you do you may find you are content to be a cross dresser. As I continually stress there is absolutely nothing wrong with that and you may be able to hold your life together and have fun with it.

The true tragedy comes when a person tries to take their gender identity too far. I know a person who went through SRS to simply become the best looking woman in the room but never grasped the "woman" part. I can only say no matter how tough this journey has been-it was the right one for me. It just feels right. When you begin to get there-you will know or won't. That's OK too. You just could be that man who "makes a good looking woman!"

Dating Yourself? A Cyrsti's Condo Archive Post

I posted this in January 2013:

"Maybe I should say-would you date your old male self? I saw this question on a YouTube video and was fascinated. I have asked here in Cyrsti's Condo would you be the kind of daughter Mom would like or even would you be the kind of girl she would like to see her son bring home? Back to the question, would I date me? For no particular egotistical reason I would say yes.

As with so many other young men in my circles, sports and cars dominated my existence so as a young woman I would have had to expect it and adjust. I worked and had an income so as a young woman I could go with me and have interesting dates. (Or at least get out of the house!) I suppose I was reasonable looking and smart enough to be headed to college so there were worse guys to be seen with. Drawbacks? As any male, past and present-old and young-I had an ego.

Picture from two summers ago with wig.
In fact as a transgender woman I deal with it now with any men I meet. To think genetic women don't learn to deal with the game all their lives is crazy. Some just do it better than others and one way or another I would have had been socialized to the experience. I was never a dating "superstar" and I certainly didn't fall into the "bad boy" category which genetic women supposedly are drawn to. Ironically the reason I wouldn't date me is because of my gender alignments. The ripping and tearing of my male and female sides made life miserable for me and all around me at times. As I got older, I also turned to self medication in the form of alcohol for the most part and considered myself rather "non civilized" following seven consecutive years in college and the Army.

Perhaps the women who did date and marry me felt the basic female need to nurture and change me? The only thing I do know is my wife of 25 years said several times she saw the basic good in me under the turmoil thank God!

 At any rate, it's a fun and interesting question for all of us to ponder-trans women or trans men. The next time you pull out the mirror to admire or dislike your image, try looking past the mirror and take a better look at yourself. The process may just make you a better woman or man."

Do Blondes Have More Fun?

Depends on the blond, right? Cross dresser or not, check out this blond on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Note from really have to stick with this video to see how amazing he looks at the end.  I almost went to sleep during the eye make up portion. Then again I have a short attention span but I was dazzled by his skill and attention to detail with makeup.  Not learned overnight I'm sure.  Plus from the look in his eyes at the end, I'm not sure he knew what to do with the finished product.

Ines Rau

Oh, by the way, she is transgender!

Ines recently came out and said she was inspired by "Tula". Other wise known as famous "007" Bond Girl Caroline Cossey seen -below.

Friday, November 8, 2013

When Is a Book Bag A Purse?

I was confused. I was under the impression our country and the world as a whole has some fairly serious problems, say like global warming.

Things must be different in Garnett, Kansas and a kid now is finding out what really is important.  The 13-year-old Kansas eighth-grader says he was suspended from school on Wednesday because he refused to take off his Vera Bradley purse.

That's huge! What's next? Mass social upheaval? The next thing we know the kid will want to wear a dress to school.  Forget about global warming or the lack of health insurance, life as we know it will end! Don't worry though, there was a transphobic busy body lurking in the shadows to make a non call on this and save the world.

Rest easily kids, the revolutionary, anti social  kid has been bagged and suspended.

For a much better perspective on this go here.

Cross Dressing in Cyrsti's Condo!

No, not me silly's although I will be cross dressed as a guy today, as I do "manual labor" around the Condo.

This cross dressing is being done by Dana on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Maria Roman

Maria Roman began her transition in Reno, Nevada at the age of 19 - after all the years she spent enduring the struggle all transgender women and men know all too well.

Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Halloween Image from the JJ Hart Archives.  Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgen...