Thursday, September 5, 2013

Some are just Naturals!

I may have passed this video along here in Cyrsti's Condo before but it is worth another look at this beautiful transgender woman's transition:

Oh Pedestal, How High art Thou?

I know what you are thinking, not another cheap drug reference about being high here in Cyrsti's Condo.  Hey, what can I say I grew up in the 60's...I think.

What I am referring to is the pedestal I so easily want to hoist myself up on.  Fortunately, Momma Karma hangs around to slap me off my little ego stand.

Let's take yesterday for instance. You all know of my latest appointment at the hair salon.  For me the experiece is always a mixed bag. On one end is the euphoria of having someone who knows what they are doing lavish attention on my hair. On the other hand is the stares I get from clientele and crew although I must say most went out of their way to be nice yesterday. The only thing that should matter is that I was there. A couple of years ago, I would have thought such an experience would have been an unreachable dream.

At any rate, as I was feeling all warm and pretty on the way home, of course I had a flat tire.  Momma Karma's little way of saying back to reality Cyrsti.  Not to worry, I had my handy dandy auto club card in my purse.  Of course at that point the worries did start.

Over the years, I have had mixed experiences with tow drivers and the company.  I don't have a very presentable feminine voice and it's a bit difficult to explain exactly who is with the car. I solved part of the problem with getting a dual membership in both of my names last year for a very minimum cost.  The other part of the problem was indirectly but effectively solved by the woman from the auto club.

From the phone conversation she assumed I was calling for Cyrsti who was with the car. Not a problem, the driver would meet her there. In a surprisingly short period of time he did meet me there and cheerfully explained he would have me back on the road in minutes - as he did. No fuss, I stood idly by as he worked his magic and resumed the trip home. No extra glances, no knowing smiles, just relief the tire was only flat on one side.

Of course the view from my pedestal covers more than just a trip to get my hair done. As "Momma" tells me "what if tomorrow never comes? Remember Cyrsti princess, if you are up on that damn pedestal thinking you are ahead of this transgender life game, you are blindfolded up there."

She is right of course and since I am afraid of heights, I climbed slowly down.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Estrogen "Contact High"

After my trip to the hair salon today I believe I can skip a couple days of my estrogen dosage.

There was so much estrogen in the air just breathing it gave me an "Estro contact high"

Today's appointment was thoroughly enjoyable until the very end - when I saw the results.

As you can tell from the smile which is not on my face, I wasn't particularly happy with the result from my replacement stylist.

I guess I have now reached the level of a great majority of genetic women I knew over the years who disliked the results from most of their salon visits intensely.

Perhaps I can compare today's experience to the classic country song "Did I Shave my Legs for This?" Today I paid how much for what?

You CAN Join em and Beat em Too!

As Drew-Ashlyn Cunningham steps into the wrestling ring her male opponents may be taken aback. But, despite her feminine looks and curves, the 5ft 11in British blond packs a serious punch when she fights under her alter ego, Harley Ryder. 
Drew in fact is the UK's only known transgender wrestler and, after months of training, is preparing to take on the men in her first wrestling matches.

I have only one rhetorical question, would it be tougher for a guy to get beat in the ring by a genetic or transgender woman?

Go here for more on the story!

Heidi Phox

I have passed along a couple of Heidi's YouTube vids here in Cyrsti's Condo in the past and have actually followed her for a number of years.  Of interest to me is how she has deftly changed labels recently from cross dresser to MtF and back again - or both!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Horror Scope"

Here we go again kids!  Yet another exciting "Horror Scope"!

Libra September 23-October 22): Nobody is going to read your mind, so don’t let the past repeat itself by keeping silent about what you’re thinking. Besides, you’re in a new situation and it’ll require ingenuity to maneuver around. Yes, use your imagination. In fact, let it run away with itself. If anything, allowing yourself to see grand visions will be your ticket to a newfound happiness.

Number one, my mind is a very quick and easy read and number two I am rarely silent. I have been accused of having too much imagination and "ingenuity" is only proven by success or when you get away with something!

Wow! this scope packed a lot of punch in a very few words. See if yours does too!  From theFrisky here!


Summer number two on HRT is now officially over.

Two quick observations stemming from one certainty- this summer was much easier than the first. Why? Because the summer itself was cooler and I have adjusted to the fact my internal thermostat has been broken. Yes, it is now me who is thinking about reaching for a sweatshirt when the temperature drops into the low 50's...really?

Ironically after my very stressful weekend, my hormonal effects seemed to step up their game and I have no idea why.

Finally, tomorrow is a long put off visit to my salon.  My poor stylist would have had her work cut out with this "mop" of hair I have but she took the easy way out and went on maternity leave. In her place though I will have a guy working on my hair as a transgender woman for the first time. Never a dull moment!

So that's it. At least for the second. Life changes quickly in my world and my "Horror Scope" is calling for more of course.

As for now, I'm just along for the ride!!!

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

It's tough enough if you don't fit neatly into the gender binary and even tougher if you have a family who doesn't support you.

This morning (Tuesday) NBC's The Today Show had a short feature on a family who does support their young son's desire to be gender non conforming. 

Perhaps you have heard of Lori Duron's blog called Raising my Rainbow.  Now she has written a book and here's a preview:

"Raising My Rainbow is Lori Duron’s poignant, heart-breaking, and at times hysterical memoir of her and her family’s adventures of raising a gender creative child. Whereas her older son Chase is a Lego-loving, sports-playing boy’s boy, her youngest son C.J. would much rather twirl around in a pink sparkly tutu, with a Disney Princess in each hand, singing Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi.” C.J. is gender variant or gender nonconforming, whichever you prefer. Whatever the term, Lori has a boy who likes girl stuff; really likes girl stuff. He floats on the gender variation spectrum from super-macho-masculine on the left all the way to super-girly-feminine on the right. He’s not all pink and not all blue. He’s a muddled mess or a rainbow creation. Lori and her family choose to see the rainbow."

I just love the gender creative term!

I'm sure if you check your television listings, Lori will have the opportunity to tell her family's story on other shows you can look for plus the book is available everywhere.

Of importance this morning was the point made that a great majority of kids don't have a family system such as "C.J.'s".  We can always hope Lori Duron's efforts will open so many more!

Nearly One Year Ago!

Transgender model and entertainer Huong Giang from Vietnam made a bold statement for transgender women and men everywhere when she came out approximately a year ago:

She came out live during Vietnam Idol as a transgender woman on Thursday September 6, 2012.

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...