Saturday, August 17, 2013

Carmen Carrera Photo Shoot

Perhaps by now you have heard of or seen the beautiful transgender model/actress  Carmen Carrera. (right)

If you have or haven't, it's worth your time to go here to check out the WMagazine chorus girl photo shoot.

I have posted two of approximately 12 pictures as a sample here at
Cyrsti's Condo.

Living the Dream

One of my two thousand eighty eight pet peeves is when I ask someone "how you doing" and they say "I'm here".  Not good karma! I'm finally to the point of saying you may want to see if there are any openings in the cemetery down the street. Now the newest come back is "I'm living the dream" which is much better to me. In many ways I am living the dream right now.

If you would have asked me ten years ago if I would have the life I have today, I would have never thought it possible for good and bad reasons. Then again, dreams do get mixed in with nightmares.

The bottom line is I don't believe in luck but I do believe in opportunities and everyone has a "glass ceiling" of sorts.  Somehow you are given the cards to get to a certain point in your life. How you play those cards decides your life. Very simply, transgender cards were dealt to me early in my life and I had to opportunity to play them later on.

Playing my cards now is simply a way to break my gender glass ceiling and live a dream. The only problem is at 63 (almost) I don't feel even close to getting up from the table.  Has to be another dream I can buy with my cards, right?

I have picked a video to play on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen of another transgender person who is playing her cards. Enjoy!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Trans Leak

A photograph of Wikileaks leaker Bradley Manning wearing makeup and a blonde wig was released yesterday by the army as part of documentation related to Manning's trial.

It's the first such photo of Manning, who is transgender. The photograph was attached to emails Manning had sent to a therapist, Capt. Michael Worsley, and an NCOIC, Sgt. Paul Adkins, about gender identity, in which the army private expressed a belief that a career in the military might "get rid of it."

Manning's lawyers introduced the email to Adkins and accompanying photograph as part of the trial.

Not the best of a public relations coup for the transgender nation.

I guess you have to be careful what you "leak" because old pictures may come back to haunt you!

It Does Get Better

You probably have heard of the It Does Get Better public relations effort which began some time ago to reach out to TGLB youth. Nothing is more tragic to me than the stories of trans kids who are subjected to extreme bullies and ignorant families. Ultimately suicide is the only answer for some.  So sad! Despite the age difference, most of their problems are similar to ours.

The fact remains though, what does and doesn't the campaign mean to the "more mature" transgender age groups? Actually everything and then again not so much. Bottom line in any self help campaign is : "what does it do for me?"

In essence we are still our parents trans kid peeking out from the closet to see what's going on. The problem is, the closet over the years has become very full of the baggage we have accumulated. We have painted our self into a corner of the closet with few alternatives. Such as these simplified examples:

Number One is going down with the ship. You have hidden your gender issues for so long, what's the problem with a few more?

Number Two are the final solutions. You can't stand the pressure anymore and you check out with suicide or you go ahead come out before you harm yourself.

Number Three is cautiously checking the waters. and slowly come out into the world.

No matter of age, the only way anything gets better is effort. Check the link above for effort on the highest level!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

We Got Mail!

Our fancy high tech Cyrsti's Condo mailbox has been jammed full of responses lately.

 From Shelle  :"It is always risky to play in any part of the girls sandbox for girls like us, we are likely on most occasions to dig up something similar to what a cat may have buried there." True!! I'm afraid I have had some of the "buried treasure" dug up and tossed at me too but over the years I think I'm learning a little about how the cat fights too! What's that television slogan I'm seeing now? "Men fight wars, women wage battles."

Then to a couple comments on our FtM post. The first from Paula: " It is a great shame that so often the F to M seem too be ignored by the "T Community" I sometimes wonder just what sort of community it might be."  I used to think that too Paula. Sometimes now I believe the trans men are the force now in our community. What has helped me are the discussions I have had with my trans guy friend Draco. I wonder too what the future holds for the women and men of the transgender community.  For whatever reason I think stealth still hurts our side of the group more than the guys but I have absolutely no solid evidence to base my idea.  Let's call it trans woman intuition!

Finally, on the same FtM subject, Pat commented:
Many years ago I had a matter which called for some research into the medical issues involved in TS surgery. I recall finding one article in the medical literature written by a surgeon who did both MtF and FtM surgery and I will never forget this quote, "It is easier to dig a hole than plant a pole"

All you can say is all those years of medical school paid off for that surgeon!

Thanks to all of you girls! and guy!

Lauren Harries

Lauren Harries, 34, is reportedly entering the Celebrity Big Brother house. According to The Sun, Lauren - who had a sex change in 2001 - is on a list that includes Louie Spence and Mr Motivator. The former child star first found fame as an antiques expert when she was a boy called James - as anyone who saw the 12-year-old's appearance on Wogan back in 1990 will recall. Since then, Lauren has been a regular on numerous TV shows, including guest spots for Big Brother's Bit On The Side and she also speaks on transgender issues.

Having all the Big Brother fun across the pond?

Transgender Feminism

Have you ever considered how feminism effects us as transgender women? Does it at all and are we accepted if we try to participate?

On some levels we are met with a resounding NO by the more radical of the feminists who view us as little more than impostors. On other levels YES by those who need whatever political clout we can offer.

Truly over the years I have believed in total equality between the genders. Back in the day when men of my age bracket were being drafted to fight in the non war no one wants to remember, I perceived the process of blatant gender discrimination. Men and women both should have been drafted! All in all though the process turned out to be another dose of my wonderful male privilege!

Of course I read loads of the feminist posts and do believe in equality but I wonder if once again as a trans woman how much really effects me? I just don't read much from genetic feminists mentioning the enormous injustices we are subjected to. Regardless of our birth genders the rift seems too wide to cross. Certainly we deserve the same amount of money as men for the same job...if we can get one at all.

Recently I received an invitation to a dinner/speaker local "Women in Government" meeting. The invite gave me a chance to consider if I wanted to shell out the 25 dollars to hear the speaker and the possible consequences if I went.  Per norm I certainly would have been the "one of a kind" person in the room with a chance to network the transgender culture. All the warm and fuzzies to be sure but would it have been the time to ask the women in government about their views of transgender feminism? Undoubtedly not what the participants would have expected I'm sure.

So, I didn't go and in some senses felt bad about not doing it. I do however have a couple other avenues I'm considering such as an youth TGLB group in town.  They of course are always looking for help.

In today's world, everyone tries to protect and build their own little hill of sand including the genetic feminists. It's another part of the girls sandbox I'm not sure of wanting to play in.

The Elephant in the Corner

In this case our Cyrsti's Condo pachyderm in the pink tutu has her hand out.

As far as I can tell there are three basic ways you can "finance" your blog:

1.-not at all- no ads
2.-ads which do pay the blogger a minimal percent based on factors such as people "clicking" on them.
3.- the "tip jar" where you are encouraged to make a donation.

Of course you have seen the ads on my blog. In fact there is probably one flashing at you right now. Do I like them? No. Do I need them? Yes I do make a minimal amount when and if you think they are compelling enough to look at. Yes I do value the minimal amount I make. Finally, no I don't have very much say in which ad's they are.  Truly I might if I was smart enough to learn the system more.

Speaking of the almighty "system", it is bigger than the elephant in the corner.  "Back in the day" I basically played with starting blogs on a Word Press format and here on Blogger. As time went along, my very limited idea of the technical side of a blog led me here and off of Word Press.  Nothing they did...just me.

Occasionally I think about updating the format/template I work off of here. There are many and I see several pros and cons of maybe attempting an "upgrade" of sorts which will allow us to "grow" here. So we will see. Obviously I'm paranoid about doing something dumb and not being able to recapture the work I have done.

In the meantime, I figured I would fill you in about the pink tutu which is not mine. Mine is purple!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

And You Thought this was Easy?

No silly's not writing Cyrsti's Condo. As any blogger will tell you, be careful before a labor of love, hope and understanding becomes a job! Some days I have writers and world block and keep asking my dog for ideas. I'm sure you remember several of those posts and thought "just what the hell was she thinking?"

I'm sure videos must be the same and even worse from the technical end and here's an example. This drag queen looks good doing it too!

Out of My Mind, Into the World

Image from the JJ Hart Archives. There were many times during my transgender transition I was thinking I was somehow out of my mind.  I even...