Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo Entertainment News

Lauren Foster
Seems like today has been dominated by news from transgender - transsexual women in the entertainment field.
Cyrsti Hart,- Gossip Reporter
This post from the fabled "New York Post" (kidding kids) reports a ton of drama in married transsexual model's Lauren Foster's life:

"Art imitated life for transgender model and “Real Housewives of Miami” guest star Lauren Foster. The blonde — married to architecture-firm owner James Foster, though the duo have lived apart for a decade — had a steamy affair with her on-screen co-star Corey Cann in an art film directed by photographer Joesph Lally, “Lauren Foster Star.”

 Actor and fitness model Cann plays Lauren’s troubled on-screen lover. Sparks flew both on and off screen and, in May, Cann moved into Lauren’s Miami home. “Our relationship was tantric,” Lauren told us. But the passion has since fizzled — Lauren told us the two are now just friends. Meanwhile, estranged husband James is reuniting with Lauren in Miami."

I just love drama...if it isn't mine!

"A Touch of Eden"

From Hareetz:
"Eden Yohanan has a mane of honey-colored hair, pretty brown eyes and a smooth complexion dotted with freckles. She also has long legs, a vivacious personality and a tendency to laugh loudly and expose lovely white teeth. Yohanan plays Avi the Singer’s girlfriend on the mockumentary “The Life of Avi the Singer,” which began airing three weeks ago on Hot’s Comedy Central channel.

In the audition scene − which appears later in the series ‏− the character of Avi the Singer, who is trying with all his might to make a comeback and regain the public’s awareness, introduces his transsexual girlfriend to his agent. The latter goes completely crazy, and forbids the two either to see each other or be seen together in public.

Originally from Afula, Eden Yohanan, 24, works as a bartender and dancer at parties. Three years ago she underwent a sex-reassignment process in Thailand. It’s possible that if she weren’t so open and didn’t speak so freely about it, none of the people around her today would even be aware of her former gender"

For more on a visit to "Eden" follow the link above.

Kim Petra Revisited

A Kim Petras revisit on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Captain Cross Dresser

Cartoon time kids, on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Brows and the Trans Girl

Recently I ran a post here in Cyrsti's Condo which basically went into my adventures over the years with eyebrows. Taking care of your brows once again proves this "girl thing" is intense and sometimes painful!

Of course as Karma usually dictates I just ran into the "10 rules for creating perfect brows" from Lucky Magazine.
With all of these "rules" I know many, if not most of us in the cross dressing -  transgender community are still closeted and can not apply all the tips.
But we can pick and choose the most helpful ones and make a dramatic change to our appearance.

Here are a few I picked that may help:

1. “Draw an invisible line straight up from the outer corner of your nose: Your brow should start here and end along a line from the corner of your nose to the outer corner of your eye. The highest part of your arch should line up just outside your pupil.”
2. “Shower first to open your pores, soften your skin and make tweezing easier. After, use aloe gel to prevent redness and bumps.”
3. “Pull hairs in the direction of growth, one by one, working in natural light.”
4. “Use a regular (not magnifying) mirror;otherwise you can end up with a hole. If you can’t see the hair in a regular mirror, neither can anyone else.”

For my successes and failures in this all so important beauty area go here.

"Out" with Lynn Conway

If you are relatively new to the transgender culture, perhaps you haven't heard of one the true respected pioneers in our time Lynn Conway. Among other accomplishments Lynn (right) is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Emerita, University of Michigan.

Recently she wrote an article for the HuffPost Gay Voices called "The Many Shades of Out". It's a fabulous look into the recent decades of the transgender movement.  Here's the beginning:

"On a sultry June afternoon, as my husband and I strolled towards the White House East Entrance, I reflected back to the time of my gender transition, in 1968.

 Shamed as a social outcast, I'd lost my family, my friends and all social support. I'd been fired by IBM, and lost a promising computer research career. In many jurisdictions, I could have been arrested and charged as a sex offender -- or, worse yet, institutionalized and forced to undergo electroshock therapy in a mental hospital.

 Evading those fates, I completed my transition and began building a career in a secret new identity, starting at the bottom of the ladder as a contract programmer. Even then, any 'outing' could have led to media exposure, and I'd have become unemployable, out on the streets for good. The resulting fear channeled my life into 'stealth-mode.' I covered my past for over 30 years, always looking over my shoulder, as if a foreign spy in my own country.

 But this was June 13, 2013, and what a contrast it was. My husband Charlie and I, along with many other activists, advocates and allies, were about to join the President's White House Reception in celebration of LGBT Pride Month. The atmosphere was full of joy and hope for the future. As we waited for the President, I reflected further..."

And of course you can go here for more!

If You Care

After one year Kara Hays is back to set the record straight- if anyone cares.
Don't remember? Let me help! One year ago, headlines suggested a transgender woman spent tens of thousands in plastic surgery to look like Britney Spears. That was Kara Hays and she says was misunderstood and stresses she is happy in her own skin.

I feel sooooo much better! The weight of all the wrongs in the world have been righted!

I'm even happier I could bring you the news here in Cyrsti's Condo!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...