Friday, May 31, 2013

Captain Cross Dresser

I love this video! Thanks to Angel for passing (no pun intended) it along for the Cyrsti's Condo big screen.  It's Captain Cross Dresser :

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Quote of the Day

"A lot of people disappear from view if they can no longer face a mirror...."

I didn't write this and it is taken out of context, but if you just sit and think about it- it makes a lot of sense!

A touch of Korean for your Thursday

From Xinmsn Entertainment :

"Harisu made a shocking debut in 2001. When the beauty with a voluptuous body revealed her Adam’s apple in a TV commercial, the term “transgender” was brought to the forefront in Korea for the first time. And unlike other sexual minorities, Harisu has been catapulted to stardom suited to her stage name, which originates from the term “hot issue.”

Since then, she had enjoyed huge popularity as a singer, actress and entertainer on TV shows and has often been described as “more beautiful than women.” She left the spotlight in 2007 after marrying celebrity Mickey Jung but recently returned in the musical “Drag Queen” in which she plays a show girl."

This is actually part of a very revealing interview with Harisu as she talks about familiar topics within the transgender community.  Prejudice, suicide as well as the omnipresent criticism from within from Trans Nazi's and others are discussed.  Follow the link above for a look.

Long Cool Organic Woman

The other day here in Cyrsti's Condo, I mentioned my fascination with style and the genetic woman and how it carries over into my transgender world.

I see style (no pun intended) as bits and pieces of reality- clothes, shoes etc assembled in a process dominated by the senses.

A couple recent examples I can think of were my meeting with Stana of Femulate and a woman I saw on my book store trip the other day.  Stana is what I refer to as a "niner". She dresses to the nines. From head to toe she has in her mind what she wants to look like, acquires the items to do and does it well!  The other example was a woman going through a parking lot headed for a small group of three or four stores. I will call her the ultimate "organic woman". Tall and slim, she was wearing what appeared to be a long cotton skirt, short sleeved top and a woven sash around her waste with sandals-of course. Just for kicks and giggles, I waited a second to see if she was going into one of the stores which happened to be an organic food store. Of course she was!

From the closeted cross dresser to SRS transsexual, we certainly have done battles with the style "demons". I could start another blog with mine and in fact recently did battle with my makeup demons. As you remember.

It is easy to say we didn't have the benefit of moms, sisters or girlfriends to play with our style during our lives and it used to be you couldn't even begin to purchase any stylish clothes in larger feminine sizes. Today we have the benefit of so many on line style sites which can help us to close the style gap and needless to say there are many clothing store options in all price ranges to do it.

You must be patient though.  One word of advice is to observe women in your age bracket. Remember the "over done" and the "under done" and put yourself in the middle. BUT specifically remember the the pleasant ones who are put together just right. Dressing to the nines can indeed be a jeans inspired outfit.

More than likely if you don't become the ugly cross dresser at the mall stereo type (big blond wig and tiny mini with 4 inch heels), you will be fine.  In my case it seems the whole world notices I'm trans someday's and other times no one.

Here's the fun part:  Being a girl allows you to experiment and change your look with the seasons. Who knows? Maybe the next time I see "organic woman" she will be tripping the light fantastic in her four inch heels?

Finally, a few basics.  Sit down and listen to your inner feminine soul and visualize how she wants to be presented. Remember, there will be tons of trial and error along the way. Don't get discouraged. As a genetic woman would tell you "welcome to our world". And the biggest one of all: own who you are and how you look-the world will notice.


Wow! I think I'm a couple days late on this Cyrsti's Condo "HorrorScope"!
Better late than never with this one:

Libra (September 23-October 22): You know how bullshit sounds, and it’s never very pretty, unless it’s coming out of your mouth. Yes, you know how to make even the worst predicament sound enticing. It’s your talent and this is your week to exploit that skill. However, stay conscious of your lies now, because you sometimes are so good that you wind up believing in them too.

Really? Well if I said anything right now, you wouldn't believe me anyhow?
As always this is a "scope" for all of us Libra's. For the rest of you unfortunates go here to

Plus, while you are there check out "Becoming Diana: One Transgender Woman's Journey to Self Acceptance" or "Girl Talk: I transitioned from female to male."

I have mentioned theFrisky before- they on occasion pass along really in depth transition transgender stories!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Every Kid's Dream?

This Saturday the Children's network The Hub is introducing an animated series with a new super-heroine named SheZow  Turns out  that SheZow's alter-ego is actually a 12-year-old boy named Guy.  Guy magically  transforms into a female costumed crime-fighter by uttering the phrase "You Go Girl!" and using a power ring inherited from his dead aunt. 
ShaZam! How I would have loved a ring like that when I was 12! I'm pretty sure I would have "misplaced" the ring when it was time to switch back!

As I was looking at the above pix, I noticed the girl behind SheZow and her raised eyebrow thinking Wow I wish I looked as good in those boots. The kid on the floor? Typical first time reaction from insecure male. Tomorrow, he will be asking to borrow the ring.

Go to the Los Angeles Times  to catch more on this upcoming series and then figure out how to commandeer the television from your kids to watch it.

My Life in a Bottle

No Silly's!!!!
I know you were thinking a Jaegermeister bottle.

I'm talking about a pill bottle and all the meds I'm taking.  In essence I have become my Dad in the chase to ingest the most legal substances into my body before I die. I used to think Wow! I hope I don't get to that point but guess what? I'm here and about 20 years early. 

Now, I know no one twisted my arm and said Cyrsti you are going to start HRT or we will make you watch back to back Dr. Phil shows into eternity. 

And of course there are the medications for my other problems. Luckily my "Spiro" lowers blood pressure along with my testosterone, so that's cool.

Plus, I have to take my aspirin a day and huge multi vitamins which look as if they could be prescribed for a horse.

Now, my biggest problem is trying to remember if I took what pill when and I know there is another pill to help me with that. My Doc has told me a permanent magic marker is not the way to go.

All is pretty good now. After all I still sitting here writing this and those little blue pills the pharmacist hollered across the store about -were indeed estrogen not Viagra.

So dammit again! I so wanted to be that virile middle aged guy in the dessert stopping to buy a bottle of water to keep his overheated classic car running! The pharmacist screwed up!

OK kids, here you go. I'm using one of the most over used ridiculous terms of all times: "It is what it is.".  Just what the hell is it and why do I have to accept it?

I do have to accept my life in a bottle to get to where I want to go as a transgender woman. The problem is when they tell you not to be in the Jaegermeister bottle with some of these drugs, they mean it. So bottom line "it is what it is" - dammit!

A Musical Transgender Blond

For all you birthday peeps here in Cyrsti's Condo, this is for you!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


DUDE! Lose the beard!!!
From Odd Stuff Magazine comes the second coming of Conchita Wurst. No not bratwurst or mettwurst...Conchita.

I had to read this a couple of times to figure out where the writer was really coming from-or where Conchita was. She wrote:

"When I saw the picture I said (very politically incorrect) “Yikes“, when I saw a performance I said “Oh… well…” and when I saw more I said “She will go to Eurovision for Austria“. Conchita Wurst is a fictional character and has come to fame through the recent Austrian casting show “Die Große Chance” in which she came 6th, despite having won the second semi-final.

Wurst (German for sausage) is a woman with a beard, which is exotic enough, but when you hear her sing it’s even more surprising. Her real name is Tom Neuwirth, a shop window decorator who made it (as himself) to the final of the 2007 version of Starmania (He had his coming out during the show). In the final he was beat by no other than Nadine Beiler, who represented Austria this year in Düsseldorf. The Kronenzeitung suggests that the Eurovision application as Conchita Wurst may be an attempt of Neuwirth’s at revenge."

So I guess it's really Tom all along?

This is definitely not Eurovision's first encounter with anything which even hints at a man with a beard singing like a woman.  Back in 1998 Israel's transsexual performer Dana International won the competition. Could it be a shake up in the staid and transphobic American Idol show will break the trans barrier next season? OMG what's next-same sex marriage?

Anyhow, here's a 2012 look at Dana on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

How Far will You Go?

Image from UnSplash. I have always viewed my transgender journey as a series of upward steps. A few of the steps were short and easy to take...