Monday, April 1, 2013

The Toughest Night

Recently I was asked to submit a few answers and experiences from my transgender past to an aquaintance of mine who is writing a book.
The toughest question to answer was the experience of mine which was the most difficult. As with most transgender folks I had plenty of those to sort through in my mind. Finally here is the one which really stood out:

" I thought back to the first time I went out as me to a Fridays approx 15 years ago. I had quite a bit of experience in gay venues but my time in them just never felt right. As it turned out my wife was working that night until midnight so out I went. My "hair" of choice then was a long honey blond wig and I went with a very respectable pair of flats, slacks and a nice blouse. The Friday's was in an upscale mall area and I wanted to blend in well with the professional women who came in by themselves after work. The old picture above is very close to my look that night.

Before I went in, I sat in my car for what seemed like an eternity but in reality was probably 5 min or so. Finally I hitched up my big girl panties, checked my make up in the mirror and thought I had come too far to go back and went in. The hostess stand was an easier process than I imagined. I side stepped a family waiting for a table and headed for a seat at the bar while the hostess was seating someone else. The bar actually had two posts on the front two corners and one even had an open seat beside it. (I remember quite clearly wanting to become one with that post and essentially disappear.) Surprisingly though I had come this far and could still breathe plus no one had pointed, laughed or ridiculed me...Wow maybe I could do this woman thing!

Then, a very friendly bartender arrived and in my softest frightened voice I ordered a draft beer. At that point I was trying to breathe normally and enjoy the moment. I played with my hair, checked my blouse and curiously felt my panty hosed feet in my flats. I quickly drank two beers and left with a huge sense of accomplishment but little or no enjoyment. As it turned out the bartender who waited on me that night ended up at that Friday's for a decade. I went back many times and always appreciated the smile and a name greeting which normally always paved the way for a smoother reception at the bar.

As we all know most all of this process has really difficult moments but that night was a real life changer for me! Believe me, I have had my share of downright embarrassing moments which hopefully someday will totally just fade away!

Three Year HRT Story

From YouTube (of course)comes a transgender transition video on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:


Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Trans Blog of Interest

I stumbled upon a blog called Post Op Living by Christina (right) which has quite a few interesting insights into living the post op life.

Check it out here.

Silvia Burgio

Beatiful transsexual celebrity Silvia Burgio:

And a video on the Crysti's Condo big screen:

Huge Battle Brewing

Recently I mentioned the challenges to transgender discrimination which is inherent in most major health plans as ObamaCare takes effect.
This story comes from the "Pink News":

"In a July letter to trans groups, Leon Rodriguez, the director of HHS’s Office for Civil Rights, said that HHS considers discrimination based on “gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity” in federal health programmes or activities receiving funding under Affordable Care Act-covered programs to be illegal. The news was first reported by BuzzFeed. Maya Rupert of the National Center for Lesbian Rights said in a statement:”Transgender people face severe discrimination in healthcare settings and are often denied care completely. “This announcement affirms that all patients in federally funded health care settings must be treated equally and may not be denied care simply because of who they are. “We are grateful to HHS for clarifying this important policy and providing transgender people with the security of knowing they are included in the administration’s commitment to the health and well-being of all Americans.”

Certainly this directive seems very direct and positive to me...almost too good to be true. But when the radical social right gets tired of restricting our right to pee I just see another ugly storm brewing . Not a difficult prediction, right?

I also wonder if any of this will filter over to the Veterans Administration will presently covers care up to any surgery for transgender veterans.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Jahna Steele

"Older" girls like me certainly remember a little of the groundbreaking work of the late "Jahna Erica Steele"

She was one of the first transgender women who made the talk show circuit in my day.
From Wickopedia:

"(born John Matheny, 29 September 1958 — 24 January 2008[1]) was an American transgender entertainer and Las Vegas showgirl who was voted Las Vegas' "Sexiest Showgirl on The Strip" in 1991,[2] "Las Vegas Entertainer of the Year, 1992," and "Most Beautiful Showgirl, 1993."[3] She was fired after being outed as a trans woman by a tabloid television show. Steele made numerous film and television appearances, including hosting a transgender beauty pageant featured in the film Trantasia."

On the Cyrsti's Condo big screen, here's another video look at the beautiful Jahna:

Friday, March 29, 2013

Deliverance Remembered

If you remember the less than flattering images of Appalachian culture in the motion picture "Deliverance", you will know where I'm coming from in this post.

This morning I was out doing heavy man type work. I'm working on moving and I have a lot of dirty lifting to do.  Part of my work today was taking advantage of a spring day and taking laundry to the local laundromat down the street. Then saving on electric by hanging it outside to dry.

Of course I don't seem to handle boredom well and as I was filling my laundry basket with my wash, I passed this woman, a man and a kid who looked as if they were off spring of first cousins or closer...really! The woman kept staring at me...flat out glaring at times. I was thinking what the hell was her problem and checked out her crew as I left with my wash. She was busily laughing and talking to the man with a look I've seen so many times before... Hey! Look what I saw, a man cross dressed as a woman. The only problem was-I wasn't this time.

Oh well, if you have seen Deliverance, you know I was waiting for the Banjo music to start!

Medicaid and the Trans Girl?

I ran across this little bit of news which is guaranteed to make the Arizona "Pee" uprising seem like a minor skirmish if it is true:
 From the National Review Online:

" As the technocrats seriously ponder imposing health care rationing, government bureaucrats have raised a trial balloon that could result in Medicare and Medicaid paying for sex change surgeries. From the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services announcement: CMS opens this reconsideration of the NCD on Surgical Treatment for Gender Identity Disorder. Section 140.3 of the NCD Manual. The initial 30-day public comment period begins with this posting date, and ends after 30 calendar days. CMS considers all public comments, and is particularly interested in clinical studies and other scientific information relevant to the topic under review. Surgical Treatment for Gender Identity Disorder (formerly referred to as transsexual surgery in 140.3) is currently noncovered under the Medicare Part A and Part B programs. The existing policy, which became effective in 1981, states that transsexual surgery is considered experimental. Surgical sex change is a consumerist, not a medical procedure. It shouldn’t be covered by tax payers whether or not it remains experimental. And pay close attention to this: If Medicare and Medicaid covers it, believe me, Obamacare won’t be far behind. This is how the Left intends to use health care to advance its social agendas. Talk about busting the bank! “Social justice” is killing our society."

An interesting story!!!! Of course per norm the transgender culture is again being made out to be the "bad guy" in this article. It's just our rights that are being shorted...again.

Two Great Ideas!

From Creative Loafing, Charlotte, a chance to really get out of the closet:
"Ready to pay forward those jeans you never wear? Donate them to the LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, which is in the middle of a week-long clothing drive for transgender people. The drive, called Trans Closet, collects clothes for transgender individuals who can't afford to buy a new wardrobe that reflects their true identity. Shoppers will also be able to try on and receive donated clothes on Saturday. Shopping starts at 1 p.m. The experience will hopefully allow them to enjoy shopping in an accepting environment. Organizer Constance Brooks says the most in-demand donation items are work clothes, including suits for men, and women's business separates, like blouses, skirts and jackets."


The sign outside the restroom in Dr. Jeffrey M. Engel's New York office. No silly, this sign was not spotted in certain Arizona legislator offices!


What Would Mom Say

Image from Jenna Norman on UnSplash This week my question to answer on the year long bio I am writing for my daughter and family as well as ...