Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Cult of Narcissus

For the record Narcissus was a product of Greek mythology
Essentially, here is how the story went:

He was exceptionally proud, in that he disdained those who loved him. Nemesis saw this and attracted Narcissus to a pool where he saw his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus died. Narcissus is the origin of the term narcissism, a fixation with oneself.

Certainly it's not a reach to tie Narcissus to many in the cross dressing community and even farther up the transgender ladder. I just felt I have reached a point where I should stop and examine my relationship with our buddy Narcissus. Or just why I don't go to great lengths here in Cyrsti's Condo describing in detail my style and make up regimens to name a few.

Well, at times I indeed have felt guilty about not going into detailed dissertations of my style, clothes fashion etc.
I have not done it for basically two reasons: Style is highly personal and I don't feel qualified to pass along hints. My friends know my style, expect it and it has simply become a part of me.  It's not that it's not hugely important and I don't give my style consideration-I just don't have the time anymore to live in the mirror, plus I simply am not much of a girly girl.

At one point of time I was. . But all of the sudden  I have reached the point genetic women told me I would get to eventually-day to day girl. (And who would she be?)
Well,  as early as six months ago I would have told you the end of my mirror worship and style obsession would come at the hands of the HRT.  But they didn't.  The head of hair I was genetically blessed with marked the end. E.-N.-D.

Example? Now before I go out, I still feel a huge part of my getting ready process is missing. Now I put on my makeup and try my best to brush out and comb my hair. I'm done and the final part of my getting ready regimen has been suddenly taken away. No more do I have a choice between a couple wigs.
Even more interesting is when I come home and I'm still trying to take a wig off.

Look, I know a great majority of us live in the closet, the mirror or even the camera. So the last thing I want to do is throw rocks at your mirror or put myself up on some Greek pedestal. I'm really good on trying to climb up on pedestals and falling off.

Very simply my goal is to write at least three posts reflection. Exactly how do I feel at this point of my life. New Years Eve will mark a very exciting and wonderful year and good Karma willing just the beginning.
Bringing up Narcissus seemed like a good place to start.

Walk a Mile in her Shoes

Or at least a short distance as Jared Leto recently did. Jared is one of Hollywood's hottest heartthrobs and   was completely transformed as he stepped out on set dressed as a woman for his role in the Dallas Buyers Club. The 30 Seconds to Mars singer looked in pensive mood as he strolled down the pavement with his co-star Jennifer Garner in New Orleans on Monday.
I'm not so sure "pensive" is the right term to use. If indeed this Jared's first time out in "heels and hose", he is somewhere between nervous and terror stricken!
He plays a HIV positive transgender woman.

Cyrsti's Condo Quote of the Day

"You know you have arrived-when you are dead."
Overheard in an empty cemetery.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Transition Time Line

Every once in a while here in Cyrsti's Condo I love to pass along a You Tube video detailing a transgender person's gender journey. More than a couple of the videos are just short of amazing. In fact the people who do the vids are just as amazing to be willing to share their life with the world!

True Transgender Survivor

The true transgender survivor just happens to be Justine Ferrer from the Philippines. She has been called the “Beauty Queen from Caloocan City” Of course her trans background has made her a no stranger to controversies. As a natural-born male, Justine is the first ever transgender castaway of Survivor Philippines: Palau (and probably among the very few from the entire franchise around the world).

Japanese Transsexual Star

Ai Haruna possibly, is the most famous transsexual singer and one of the most popular TV personalities in Japan. Haruna was born as a boy named Kenji Ōnishi in Osaka on July ,1972. She underwent a sex reassignment surgery when she was 19 years old. Following SRS, Haruna started her entertainment work by imitating pop Japanese singer Aya Matsuura which made her widely known. In October 2009, she won the Miss International Queen (a beauty contest for transgender
people held in Thailand), becoming the first Japanese contestant to win the title.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Time again kids for another exciting "Libra-taritan" Horror-Scope here in Cyrsti's Condo:

Libra Sept 23-Oct 22
Someone is going slather a lot of charm all over you, making you melt. Go ahead, go for it. There is no reason to short-change yourself of some fun now, but know that boundaries have to be set prior to jumping in, if only in your head. Yes, be warned, the longer you expose yourself to this obvious diversion, the higher the risk for painful psychological twists that can trap you.

But hows that "slathering" working for me!

"Horror-Scope" is my term and the scopes themselves come from theFrisky. Go here for yours!

What Would Mao Say?

At the height of the hippie culture many of my revolutionary friends carried copies of China's revolutionary leader Mao Tse -Tung's "Little Red Book". (Mostly for shock value I think.).
Referring back to my "You've come a long way Baby" post, I wonder what Mao would think of this story:

"Considered as the "Legend" of Eastern Media Group, Regine Wu, or Li Jing in Chinese, was born on October 25, 1962 in Taiwan. Born as a boy named Wu Zhongming, she underwent surgery and became a girl when she was 22 years old. Differing with other transsexual entertainers, Wu has always denied she had a sex change operation, claiming that she was born as a hermaphrodite with organs of both sexes and the ability to give birth. After working at the Shopping Channel (part of Eastern Media Group) Wu showed her sales talent and broke several sales records, including selling more than 700 laptops in 85 minutes, 250 motor homes within an hour, and 380 one-carat diamonds in 80 minutes. Since 2004, she has hosted TV programs such as the Diamond Club, Super Idol and Gossip Queen. In 2002, Wu married her boyfriend, a man 14 years younger than her."

Somehow I don't think Regine would have been recognized during Mao's reign!  This story came from

You Little Devil...

South Korea's transsexual Lee Si-yeon, born on July 24, 1979, was once widely known as a male model named Lee Dae-hak. With his feminine appearance and slim figure, Lee was the first male model in South Korea to perform for a famous woman's clothing brand. After suffering various pressures in show business, Lee decided to undergo SRS in 2007. In 2002, Lee appeared in the South Korean comedy film "Sex Is Zero", acting an effeminate man. In 2007 after her sex change, she returned to participate in the sequel "Sex Is Zero 2".

What Would Mom Say

Image from Jenna Norman on UnSplash This week my question to answer on the year long bio I am writing for my daughter and family as well as ...