Friday, May 25, 2012

Yet Another Anniversary Post!

First of all, thank you Jillian for all your wonderful comments!
Of course some would question the use of "bravery" in my life. I would prefer to look at me just having an absolute will to live as I desire-mixed with a huge amount of good fortune along the way to have experienced what I have.
In my latest journey back into the dusty archives here in Cyrsti's Condo, I was thrilled to find this very topical post from May 31st, 2010:

"Finally found some extra time for myself during the first summer holiday weekend.

The weather was hot and humid so it was definitely time to pull out the denim mini that assumed a back place in the closet. It screamed my name.
It is worth mentioning the skirt only comes about three or four inches above the knee and I wear jeans most of the time.  I rarely wear heels. (boots the exception!!!) Don't don't put me at Wall-Mart in a micro mini and 4"heels PLEASE!

So a close leg shave, a flimsy off the shoulder top, flips and off I went. I must point out, I am not a rookie. I have been out and about for years. But I had a case of the nerves yesterday.
Don't know why.  My dress for the day was appropriate for a hot day. Skin in the summer around here is appropriate. Work dictates I can't shave my arms but I can my legs for comfort and fun. So bare legs help me blend in the summer. (I love it)
But for some reason yesterday I was being paranoid about presenting.
My first regular stop was a place I've been frequenting for years.  It is a national casual bar/rest chain with several big screens where I can watch my sports. A very relaxing start to the evening.  The feel of the bare legs was tremendous. No adverse reaction from anyone. Good.
 My second stop was another  regular stop for me.  Big place, big screens and big mirrors to check my reflection.  Always my favorite place. It's dark too! I always look better in that light! lol.
Last night however proved the earlier bout with nerves might have been a correct premonition.
The bar was fairly empty so a "muscle builder" type guy with big arm tats had a clear sight pattern of my skirt and legs. Over the space of an hour, he put it to good use.  I received a lot of visual attention.
I own what I wear, if I didn't want someone to look at my legs...I would have worn jeans.  So I don't know why the nerves. My "spidey" senses were up and I was ready for the approach but fortunately he belonged to the bartender and kissed her on the way out. Over reaction ruled again.
What did we learn? Calm down!  "Me thinks" I will wear the skirt again for a couple of the guys I do interact with!"

The part that bothers me the most about this post was, I never posted it?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Yohio Video

Perhaps you have heard of the band Seremedy with a lead singer by the name of "Yohio" Take a look:

Cleanin' The Condo!

Well, not really. I don't have that much time.
Recently I have managed to get a few things accomplished though.
I went back through the dusty old archives here in "Cyrsti's Condo" to actually come up with the first published post. It was called "You Make a Better Looking Woman" from May 29th 2010. You can read it here.
There has been "a whole lot of makeup over the damn" since then!
I did get my appeal filed with the VA yesterday (Veteran's Administration) concerning their lack of wanting to pay for an outside physician to monitor my hormones and overall health. Of course I feel that stance is blantantly unfair-financially and morally.
Once again this year I missed "Stana" of Femulate during her visit in my area for what ever excuse of being crazy busy- or just crazy.
Also, I did see the disgusting story of the Japanese transsexual who sold the "extras" from her surgery at auction and even oversaw the cooking of them for the highest bidding diner. EEEEEEWH!!!!
She will be the star of the new reality show "Hormones Gone Wild"!
Finally a quote of the day:
"You can never take two things for granted when you wake up in the morning. Number one is that you will wake up at all. Number two? That your computer will come on and function properly!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Gay Bar Survival Guide

"Brianna Austin" recently came up with this "Gay Bar Survival Guide."
This whole idea has wonderful advice for you less experienced cross dressers just starting to test the feminine waters.
Gay bars and clubs seemingly are naturals for this process but again all may not be as it seems in some places.
I have told the story several times here about the intense transgender discrimination I experienced one night in a male gay bar. It was an experience which gave me the willpower to establish myself in straight venues. Follow the link above for more!

New "HorrorScope"

 I love this one!

Libra (September 23- October 22)
Be willing to break out of your boundaries and go o a new adventure, as you'll be craving a new flavor that you’ve never imagined before, and it might require some work to be satiated. The good news is that destiny is on your side and if you are willing to go out of bounds, something delicious will be waiting just past the finish line.

As always, the "HorroScope" (my term) comes from theFrisky!


I'm a contradiction in more ways than just my gender.
I know the anniversary date for the blog is coming soon but I'm notoriously bad in remembering dates. (Yes I will look it up!)
Since I have a history degree you (and I) would think I would be better.
Of course I have my own excuse why I don't.
I'm a forward thinking person who has a hard enough time staying the the present-let alone the past. On the other hand I'm a great believer in tradition and history guiding us forward.
See I told you I had contradictions!
Maybe gender is only the beginning!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Jender Jump"

Just when I say I'm against new terms, here's one I've used recently with friends in conversations: "Jender Jump".
Relax , excuse the spelling and all. Also,  I know that some of you question my transgender card for living out what is left of my male life. That's OK, it's your life and that's cool. But:
The use of the term came as we were discussing how we made the journey to where we are today.
"Back in the day" more than once I spent time in both of my genders in one night. I would start as one and visit the remaining friends from my male life, go home and visually change my appearance to match my female self and visit my new female friends. The "Jender Jump" I called it.
She said "wasn't that difficult?". Of course it was and I hated it until it dawned on me "jender jumping" for me was the ultimate determination of how I was to chose how I wanted to live my life.
Regardless of all the endless banter about trans this and trans that the only person I needed to answer to was me. I was lucky to be have the opportunity to do so.
Turns out the "Jender Jump" had some real meaning after all! It's fairly obvious where the "Jump" ended up.

Gender Confirmation Surgery and Memorial Day

I recently received a really nice comment from Josie (Thanks!) In it she mentioned a newer term a doctor has been using for SRS- Gender Confirmation Surgery. I know we don't need more labels but this one seems to hit the nail on the head!
As we are into the week before Memorial Day in my part of the world, the suddenly unpredictable weather this winter and spring has become predicable.  It's going to be near 90 degrees Fahrenheit for the 3 day weekend. It's been warm this week and I've had a chance for the first time in my life to really feel the air and breeze on my arms and back.  Of course I've been able to remove and keep the hair off my body which has been surprisingly easy. My own hair is still not up to my length standards yet so I'm still wearing the longer hair pieces which still feel so good! The whole deal gives me wonderful  glimpses into what the future will hold!
Interestingly enough, I've found that timing is everything with this Memorial Day. For those of you from other parts of the world, if you don't know Memorial Day in the USA commemorates our military veterans fallen and alive.
As my own personal celebration, it will be time to send my appeal to the Veterans Administration (VA).  As expected they turned down paying for my private doctors consultation which I had to have. It's the only way they would fill my hormone prescriptions.
To put it simply, my VA caregivers said I qualified but they had no one qualified to prescribe. The way I see it-that's their problem not mine.
It's not a lot of money but then again, I don't have a lot of money and the principal is important here!
I will pass along more later this week!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Real World Beauty

Every now and then I run across a site which I have to put everything down and look at as far as taking care of my appearance.
Being the busy trans woman that I am becoming today, this site grabbed my attention for the multiple features it had currently going on skin care, makeup and yes- even plus size clothing.
It's called the Thread.
The current featured video made me feel vindicated in a way when the "expert" zeroed in on the problems plus sized women have with finding the right size of pants. Then of course, once you find them do they flatter you?
Adapting my male hips and rear is getting easier with the hormone induced addition of "padding" to the area (away with the damn foam pads!) but I have always have had a problem with my proportions. By proportions I mean the areas roughly between my waist, crotch and leg length. Early in my fashion explorations I found women's pants had a  dizzying array of styles and sizes.
Also, earlier in my life, my circle of friends were mainly cross dressers who felt wearing any kind of pants at all was heresy! I was always attracted to the "pant" side of fashion, even to the point of loving the "man tailored"clothes.
An example is recently I was communicating with a friend who I have known for years who said that night she was hanging out with her girl friends with her hair in a pony tail and ball hat, old jean shorts, tank top and one of her old men's oversize dress shirts over the outfit. Of course she has the benefit of years of hormone therapy to pull it off. I was envious!
Some of us would not see that as any kind of a fashion statement. I see them as missing a basic idea of a woman understanding her style and making it work.
Making it work comes from following sites such as the Thread and "borrowing" ideas from experts.
Another feature on the site compared "trashy" to sexy- a problem loads of us face as we go down a cross dressing or transgender road.
Then there was a story on make up shelf life.  How many of us face budget constraints and have that eyeshadow hidden for years? (Let me raise my hand again.)
Finally, for the sake of simplicity in this post, I'm not even going to go into the skin care tips.
Every once in a while I'm dazzled by a person who thinks somehow all of this is easy or natural. Indeed the art form with any woman, transgendered, transsexual or genetic is making the whole style piece look as if it was natural.
Most certainly, operations and hormones make the whole appearance and style agendas easier. I am really shocked though when I see any woman trans or not whose style is not having one.
At that very point I see sites such as the Thread or Fabulous after 40 not being a luxury. They are a necessity!

How Far will You Go?

Image from UnSplash. I have always viewed my transgender journey as a series of upward steps. A few of the steps were short and easy to take...