Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Quote of the Day

The new midlife crisis. Why get a new woman...become one! -

Taking the Night Off!

I was going to take the night off and just lay around and watch some my favorite brainless television shows.  For some reason I have moved upward or downward from "Mob Wives" or "Jerseylicious" to quality shows like "Swamp People" and Mud Catters". (I'm too ashamed to even give you all any links!)
I just couldn't stay away though, came down to the library here in the "Condo" and  checked out what a few of my blogging girlfriends were up to.
Truthfully, my mind has grown weary for the moment with the endless gender dialogue here and elsewhere.
The highlight of the day was the wonderment of how "my girls" became so sore so quick.
In the midst of my "night off" I found some one else to do the heavy lifting.
Her name is "Andie" and she writes a beautiful blog called "Andie's Place".
I am too lazy to steal any of her thunder and too impressed not to pass is along.
Her post is called "What is a sense of Gender" and here is just a touch of it:

"A section in my new poetry book is called ‘A Sense of Gender’, and it is a really curious thing. What is it to be self-aware of being a man or being a woman? Is it just a feeling of consonance with others who have bodies like yours? Or perhaps dissonance with those who don’t? That seems a bit thin somehow. I am sure that with a bit of research I could unearth psychological studies that would dip into the gendered mind, the ways we think, that place us more comfortably in one camp or the other. Except that drags us kicking into the binary conflict that simply doesn’t suit everyone."

Her post is simply a wonderful look of how many view our gender (s).

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Quote of the Day

It doesn't matter how you "present". People will see what they want to see anyhow!
A message from "Alex" a close friend!

Why We Owe Black America a Ton of Credit.

Recently the local PBS (Public Broadcasting System) channel in my area ran a documentary about the black civil rights struggles in the deep south in the early 1960's. The marches, protests and boycotts by the black community led to the Civil Right's Act of 1964. (from Wikipedia)
"The landmark legislation was a piece of legislation in the United States  that outlawed major forms of discrimination against African Americans and women, including racial segregation. It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public ("public accommodations")."

What is happening now is that transgendered and transsexual groups are using the legislation to argue we are one of the remaining groups in our country still being denied rights as Americans under the law.

"The bill was called for by President John F. Kennedy in his civil rights speech of June 11, 1963, in which he asked for legislation "giving all Americans the right to be served in facilities which are open to the public—hotels, restaurants, theaters, retail stores, and similar establishments," as well as "greater protection for the right to vote." Kennedy delivered this speech following a series of protests from the African-American community, the most concurrent being the Birmingham campaign which concluded in May 1963."

In 1964, I was in my early teens and of course followed all of this. Little did I know how it would affect me later!

Lend a Hand! has began circulating a petition to help the disqualified transsexual trans woman who was rejected from the "Miss Canada" pageant.
You can to "" to lend your support to "Jenna Talackova"!

"Weakly Horrorscope"

Here we go friends another "horrorscope" from the Frisky!

Who cares how things get done this week, as long as you haul ass and get all your ducks in a row. As it goes, you need to be on point with your plans now and know what you want. No more putting up with excuses or thinking, “Why me?” as the world can’t wait for your genius for one more day. Bring it or back out.

Sure it's weak but true!!!!!!

Quote of the Day!

"As my momma would put it.  Lips, hips, tits, and ass don't come for free nor are they covered by medical insurance." Christina Cracraft, transsexual teacher and burlesque dancer in Sante Fe, New Mexico.
Unfortunately (per norm) she is facing suspension from her teaching job. Read the story and see the news video here.

Just an aside. I saw a real live burlesque show on New Years Eve last December by a touring NYC group and it was tremendous!
If you really are looking for lessons on the sensuality of being a woman, I highly recommend burlesque or belly dancing!


It is so easy to get caught up in the life and death- give and take around here in the "Condo" It's hard to slow down.
Who did who, how hard they did it  and what did they looked like when they did it rules us sometimes. I am one of those.
First of all, I missed a couple milestones to thank you about.
Somewhere along the way recently, the fact that we zoomed past 215,000 hits on the blog and shot past over 900 posts was totally lost on me.
Slowly and sometimes unsurely, I'm still putting together as much time and effort as I can into my "" website is varyingly levels of success. My patience level on occasion collides with my lack of expertise and causes a huge amount of frustration.
One thing is certain, time keeps marching on. Thanks so much for being along for the journey!

Now I Understand you "Stealth" Folks!

I have read and even conversed with transgendered or transsexual women who have gone "stealth". OK, let me clarify some had transitioned with the operation and some had not had the operation but lived in society as females. They made no secret of the fact they wanted nothing to do with the "crazies" in our culture.
I took that as a sign of weakness. How could they not want to help in making life easier for the transgendered generations to come????
Well, the last couple of months on this blog have given me a real insight to where they are coming from and I apologize for my ignorance.
What changed? To be blunt about it, yet again recently I was told I was less of a person and shouldn't be allowed to live my life in my chosen gender. Get back in my closet and quit embarrassing the chosen ones who were willing and able to go the distance to Thailand.
Was this coming from some right wing, bible quoting bigot? Hell no, it was coming from right wing bible thumping transsexual Nazi's! Really!
Now I know why the lady down the street goes about her life quietly without ever having the mystical operation to take her to the official promised land. Wow I was thick!!!
Why would she want any part of this circus?
Why do I? Because I need to be committed! (I know there is a rubber room reservation waiting for me!) Seriously, I'm committed to helping anyone who can learn from my story. My failures and successes are out here to benefit others that's it. I won't do it any other way because it's my life and the positive karma I've enjoyed lately dictates I do it this way.
So here is my apology to all you stealth transgendered men and women. I understand where you are coming from now.
Ironically,  probably like you I have had more vicious attacks on my lifestyle from within rather from outside our culture.

Sitting Pretty

Image from JJ Hart. It never took me being a genius to figure out my appearance as a woman would cost me much more than my male self ever di...