Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Transgender Documentary's "Big Tailia"

We posted the trailer from the "Big Tailia" documentary here a week ago and this "YouTube" cut from the movie itself was passed along to me. In the video the trans woman talks about working in the sex industry.
She was born a boy in Israel and now lives in Northern Thailand.
Unfortunately, her story is familiar to the entire transgendered culture. A life as a prostitute was one of the very few offered.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

More JC Penny's

The post entitled "Is J.C. Penny's" Transphobic?" generated quite a bit of interest here as well as elsewhere.
This comment from "Annah" is very enlightening and I thought worth re-posting it on it's own:

"as a formal employee, I have to say with a big resounding NO that JC Penney is not trans phobic.

When I was hired there, they did everything in their power (before my name was legally changed) to keep my legal name confidential. Everything was set up to accommodate me. They went above and beyond their own experiences to help me.

People need to be careful when a person offends them to not put the blame on an entire company.

JC Penney rates 100% on the LGBT equality index.

I would contact a manager rather than assuming they are inconsiderate to trans people.

This isn't just coming from my own opinions, but this is coming from a person who worked there up until December 2011."

Thanks so much for contributing such an insightful comment.  That was why I specifically was careful not to indite the entire company!

Sexy Business Cards!

Several times over the past several years I have considered carrying a business card. A more realistic description would be a "personal" card.
Ideally I could use it when someone just can't stand it until they know more about my gender identity etc. The card would direct them here.
As in most things, I found out others are thinking ahead of me!
Check out this idea from "theFrisky":
There’s nothing worse than meeting Person Whose Job You Want at a party and not having any way to contact them again, foiling your plans to kidnap them and slurp up their brains. An up-and-coming career lady such as yourself has got to have business cards and if your field lets you be quirky, go with it! We think these two-sided cards featuring a retro lady lingerie do the trick. Just be very, very clear your actual profession is not a lady of the night. [$56 for 100, Etsy]

Is Worrying Hormonal?

Looking back at the genetic women who were close to me in my life, they were all worriers to some extent.
As I approach the first three months of my hormonal change, I seem to be worrying more than I have ever in my entire life.
I have wondered recently if my increased level of worrying may be a product of the hormones as much as my sore breasts?
With the vast experience of all of you, I'm sure more than a few of you can lend some expertise.
Along the same subject of experience, perhaps you have heard of the transsexual woman who was denied drink specials on "Ladies' Night" at a  Florida bar. Here's the story from the "Tampa Bay Times".
"Alex Borrego walked into Bishop Tavern and Lounge with friends Thursday night looking for an evening of fun.
At the door, a bouncer invited Borrego and one of her friends — a drag queen — to partake in free drinks as part of the Tavern's weekly "ladies night." But later, as the pair sipped vodka and cranberry juice from their pink cups, another bouncer approached.
"You guys don't get to participate," they were told. "Because you're dudes."
Borrego, whose driver's license lists her gender as female, showed her ID, but the bouncer was unrelenting.
A heated dispute ensued. Words were exchanged. And the group left the bar.
Afterward, a few in Borrego's group, which included three female-to-male transgender people, launched a Facebook campaign to boycott Bishop Tavern and Lounge, 260 First Ave. N.
The group understood the bar's denial of her friend's participation in "ladies night," Borrego said. But as a legal woman, her treatment was nothing short of discrimination, she said.
Borrego was born male, but went through two years' worth of hormone adjustment and gender-change measures to become female.
"Legally, I'm a woman," Borrego said. "And to deny me to participate in ladies night — that's very disrespectful."
By midday Friday, the Facebook group had attracted more than 250 fans, who issued messages of support for the boycott.
The controversy quickly caught the attention of Dean Marshlack, owner of Bishop Tavern and Lounge, who got in touch with Borrego and her friends Friday and apologized profusely.
"Our staff, in my opinion, didn't do anything with the intent to harm somebody," Marshlack said. "I don't think the bouncer's statement came from a place that was meant to be harmful. I think it came from a place of being misinformed."
Marshlack said he plans to speak with his staff about the incident and ensure that from now on, transgender people will be treated with respect. The Tavern also wants to work with the community to raise awareness of transgender issues.
Late Friday, a public apology was also posted on the Facebook and Twitter pages for Bishop Tavern and Lounge."

Has this ever happened to you? Personally, I have only been in the situation once and was served the discount beverages without a comment. This not a statement of how I may have presented. It is a statement that it happened.  
So for once I have no interesting story. I'm sure many of you do! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Transsexual Bride

Ms Jessie Chung, a transsexual, married Mr Joshua Beh in a ceremony in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Andrej Pejic (of course) and you thought he couldn't look any better? 


On "" watch an equally amazing "Miss Tiffany Thailand" Transsexual Beauty Contest

"Ya Think?"

I am the first to admit I post my "horrorscope" just when it is amazingly correct or is amusing or both.
I just loved this one!
Libra (September 23- October 22)
"You’ve got a freak inside of you and this week, it’ll be screaming to get out and try new things. So, drop the good girl routine and let that naughty side of you come out to play. Sure, this might only be a temporary phase, but whatever adventures you partake in now will last you a lifetime."  "Ya Think?"
I'm on the "" email list and the site has a lot of other neat "girl stuff" too!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fun At College!

Have you ever heard of tiny "Oberlin College" in Ohio?  Well, you have now!
Check out this blog post from 2009!

Question: Is Drag Ball...
a. Oberlin's answer to prom.
b. Four hours of dancing with ambiguously-gendered folks.
c. As much fun to prepare for as to attend.
d. All of the above!

Drag Ball, formerly the Lesbutante Ball, used to be a really small affair, as much about LBGTQ education as a party. Now, over 1000 people attend Drag Ball, which hosts 3 rooms playing different styles of dance music, and a giant runway and performance stage. The whole student union is transformed to reflect the year's theme (Wizard of Oz), with huge, colorful lights, giant amplifiers, streamers and craziness.

Someone Had to Do It!

The last video I posted in the "Home Entertainment Center" was a special on super model "Andrej Pejic".
Pejic of course is a hard act to follow but I believe I found a quality person in "Heidiphox100" check it out!

Is J.C. Penny's Transphobic?

Probably not but after you read this isolated story, you should at least wonder if they have policies similar to "Macy's".

Discrimation at Florence, SC JC Penney (Magnola Mall)
                                                                                                                        March 3, 2012
To Whom It May Concern,
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Markielynn Rundell. I am a transgendered female. I have been patronizing your stores since I was a young child. I have always visited your stores dressed as a transgendered female. Each time I visited, I enjoyed my shopping experience. Selecting clothing that I wanted to buy, and of course trying on the outfits before buying them was always a must. Of course being a transgendered female, I have always used the woman’s dressing room. Up until today I did so with no problems at all.
Today, Saturday March 3, 2012, my wife Lori, girlfriend Lana, and I visited your Florence, SC Magnolia Mall store for some fun filled shopping. Tonight at approximately 7:00 pm, I picked out 2 dresses that I had planned to purchase from your store. Of course I had to try them on, so I entered the woman’s fitting room. There were 3 stalls located within the dressing room. The first stall was occupied; the second stall was full of clothing, so I used the third stall. I tried on the first dress. When I exited the dressing stall to go show Lori and Lana what the dress looked like on me, one of your employees, a female African-American, who was standing in the second stall, said to me “Sir, you cannot use this dressing room”. I immediately told her politely that I was a woman. When I left the dressing room, I asked Lori to please tell her that I am a woman. Lori told her that I was her girlfriend. I went back into the dressing room and decided not to try on the second dress because I realized it would be too small. When I was redressing, I heard my wife Lori ask me if I was almost done because we are leaving and we are not buying anything from this store. Unbeknown to me, your employee went and got her supervisor, also an African-American woman. We decided to leave your store immediately to avoid any farther confrontation. I did not get the names of either employee. I just want you to know that I was not only embarrassed, I was also hurt by the rude way I was treated by one of your employees. I thought your store was supposed to be LGBT friendly. You portray that image now that you have Ellen DeGeneres as your official spokesperson. I have never felt so discriminated against in my entire life. If this is how your employees are going to treat a member of the LGBT community, I will be sure to tell my entire LGBT friends not to shop at your stores because they will be discriminated against.
On a personal note: I cannot use the men’s fitting room because I have been undergoing transformation to become a fully functioning female. Because I have been on Hormone Replacement Therapy, I have developed breasts. Because I have breasts and am a transgendered female, I would not feel safe or comfortable knowing that I could be seen by a man using the men’s dressing room. Please tell me what dressing room I am supposed to use if your policy to discriminate against transgendered females who are minding their own business and simply using the woman’s fitting room to try on clothing? This also goes for the bathroom in the event a transgendered individual has to relieve themselves.
Markielynn Rundell

To be VERY clear, I am NOT taking the entire JC Penny's company to task over this incident. I AM taking them to task for not having a company policy; if indeed they don't.
If indeed Penny's doesn't have a policy (one way or another) then shame on them!
If indeed they want to exclude transgendered women and men from using their dressing rooms then say so and we can shop elsewhere. On the other hand it is no secret many other women's clothing chains have learned to welcome the patronage (money) of the transgendered public.
Two more points. I picked up this story from the "TG Forum" and I really admire the courage of Markielynn for taking it public!

How Far will You Go?

Image from UnSplash. I have always viewed my transgender journey as a series of upward steps. A few of the steps were short and easy to take...