Friday, June 24, 2011

Navajo Dine'

NPR is running a story on "Michelle Enfield" a transgendered woman from Los Angeles.
Michelle is part of the Navajo nation. She has been on hormone replacement therapy since 1997 and recounts the story of her family accepting her. Here is an excerpt:
My family had already been accepting of me through all the different stages of my life because as a Dine' (Navajo), our people see LGBT individuals as having many healing energies.
I have been discriminated against; I've been sexually and physically abused; I've loved and have been loved. Learning to take care of myself emotionally requires me to be happy with all of me. I must accept and learn from all of my experiences because they make me who I am today.
Michelle Enfield

I have said before how fascinated I am with the Dine' and their culture.

Different Strokes For....

I'm presenting a montage of pictures just a bit out of our blog comfort zone!

The first is "Bailey Jay"  transsexual porn star who alluded to the fact she looks like this because she always wanted to and it just happened.
Sure Bailey, and porn is "PG" rated!

"Nomi Ruiz" pictured left is a Brooklyn born singer/songwriter.
As is the case with many of us, Nomi knew she should be a girl at a very early age.

Last and least is a picture of "Weird Al" Yankovic doing "Lady Gaga". Actually it's Al's face pasted on a girls body. He should have gone all the way! Come on Al!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Gabrielle Rivera :"It's Not Getting Any Better"

The much publicized campaign ("It Gets Better") aimed at LGBT youth is indeed a wonderful message. In the midst of the celebration of the victories the community has won, at least one voice is reminding all of us who far we have to go..or is she?
Bronx poet Gabrielle Rivera, said  “No, it doesn’t get better—but you do get stronger.” Has she been living under a rock? I believe it has gotten much better. No way in my youth could I have gained the acceptance I have now.
Gabrielle Rivera is right in that I am stronger and happier.
I certainly understand the gains are sometimes temporary and hard fought.  At least now when a public person takes aim at our community, there is a backlash.
Gabrielle Rivera must spend no time with kids. More and more care less and less about traditional gender roles. Much of my most positive feedback comes from "20 somethings"
On a personal level I need to get stronger. I should have made the effort the other day to say something to the woman with that stupid smirk on her face and I should done a better job of correcting a trans slur at work.  But hey, I'm trying and I will get better because we have a long way to go!
I know people in NYC feel their world is one of the only relevant ones that exist before you get to the west coast.  Gabrielle Rivera needs to get out and see it!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Vanity Rules The Night!

If the truth be told. I did come home last night and changed outfits for the first time in years.
The evening began with my "blond on black" look. A wonderful thigh high black flared skirt with a black camisole and a tie off sheer top.  It's a very cool outfit to wear on a hot summer day.
I wore a comfortable pair of flats and headed out to do a little afternoon shopping before I went to my favorite hangouts. My stroll through the mall and a couple specialty stores was very uneventful
I did know for sure one woman read me. Other than her nothing.
The first place I went is perfect for the outfit.  I've written about it quite a bit. Many upscale professional women frequent the pub so I fit in well. Very well I think to the guy who sat next to me who kept a close eye on my crossed bare legs.
Didn't stay long and took off to see the upgrade in another spot I go.  Visited with an older gentleman who is very nice and played a little trivia with him and took off.  My highlight had to be a "Hi" from one of the other regulars who had never spoken to me!
The night was still relatively young and I considered making one more stop at a place close to home. The problem was I was terribly over dressed so I did stop home and change to a comfortable pair of jeans and flip flops.
I suppose it could have been vanity but comfort was a factor. 
The wind kicked up and gave me a real casual "wind blown" look. I know for sure one guy I'm not sure!

A Day of Thanks!

The world goes by so fast.
Days into weeks, weeks into know the rest.
At some point in time a past due thanks needs to be sent out.
Thanks to all of you who read the blog!
Thanks to all who stop by to just check on me when I'm out.
Thanks for the opportunity to do it all!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You Are What You Wear

Recently, we've celebrated heels, argued over hose and discussed mascara running over a sad chick flick.
All relevant topics in a huge screwed up world...Right?
Well, maybe not so much.  All of the topics however are very relevant to your own personal style.
If you are the mini in heels girl in the mall you need to own it as completely as the country girl in jeans and boots at the bar.
I have written in depth on my style which I call vintage hippie. Jeans, frilly tops and even shorter skirts are the basis of my style. I own it and it's who I am.
My current long blond hair actually reflects my age.  It's not too blond and is "used". What I mean is the hair actually resembles a woman my age.  The years of perms, styling and dieing show through.

All of that is all well and good but why am I agonizing over what I'm going to wear tonight?
It's very warm and muggy so I could wear a skirt. I could wear jeans and an off the shoulder top with my long off the shoulder bag or even dress the whole outfit up with heels and a tie off top? My destination tonight is full of women dressed all different ways so a specific look doesn't enter in to it.
As I like to say it's a game time decision.
What ever the style choice I make, the most important decision is to own it!

Chick Flicks?

Last night I actually stayed home and (as you can tell) blasted the blog!
Finally sleepiness fell in and I settled into to watch part of a movie before I went to sleep.
I chose a quiet fairly current "chick" flick film.  Never been really interested in them...should be able to sleep.
Except last night. I couldn't put the movie down mentally. I got soooo involved.
The movie ended and I did get to sleep and did my usual work gig today.  In the middle of it all today the realization struck me subconsciously I had crossed another gender line.
With no hormones.  Should this being happening this way?
What's next? Curling up with ice cream and a box of tissues?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fathers? Day?

I realize we have a lot of readers here on the blog in all phases of transition to their chosen gender. Some are moving Dad to Mom essentially, others from Mom to Dad.
I have written several times I am out to my daughter so it is a non issue. Then again it isn't. First and foremost, I'm verbally out. Telling a person close to you that you are transgendered is much different than them seeing you. The next level of coming out to her will probably happen soon as I reach out to her about a few blog technology questions. When and if she reads this she will surely have a better understanding of my life.
I do however feel I will be Dad to her forever even as I transition further.
On a wider scale, Father's Day has never had the significance of Mother's Day anyhow. Dad gets a thank you, a small gift and the day comes and goes.
Perhaps that alone makes the day easier?
I'm sure it's a tragic day for those who have been severed from their family. Mom or Dad are words who don't matter when you are a parent first and foremost.
No matter where you are on the transgendered family spectrum, hopefully your day was good!

Just Had To...

I just had to pass this photo along from "Femulate".
The "Wow" factor of Australia's " Courtney Act is amazing.
Courtney is the person who auditioned for an Australian talent show as a guy and was turned down. She came back the next day as a girl and made the cut.
Wonder why?
Thanks Stana for a wonderful picture!

Why Me???

  Image from Paige Cody on UnSplash Earlier in life, when my journey into transgender womanhood was weighing heavily on me, in despair I wou...