Monday, June 20, 2011

Fathers? Day?

I realize we have a lot of readers here on the blog in all phases of transition to their chosen gender. Some are moving Dad to Mom essentially, others from Mom to Dad.
I have written several times I am out to my daughter so it is a non issue. Then again it isn't. First and foremost, I'm verbally out. Telling a person close to you that you are transgendered is much different than them seeing you. The next level of coming out to her will probably happen soon as I reach out to her about a few blog technology questions. When and if she reads this she will surely have a better understanding of my life.
I do however feel I will be Dad to her forever even as I transition further.
On a wider scale, Father's Day has never had the significance of Mother's Day anyhow. Dad gets a thank you, a small gift and the day comes and goes.
Perhaps that alone makes the day easier?
I'm sure it's a tragic day for those who have been severed from their family. Mom or Dad are words who don't matter when you are a parent first and foremost.
No matter where you are on the transgendered family spectrum, hopefully your day was good!

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