Friday, September 17, 2010

Quick Quote!

Ana Fernatt, a contributor to Chicago Now! Writes an "Accidentally Sexy" Blog. She says a woman should be "classy and fabulous!' Great words to live by.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Quote

T-girls are a different breed of woman. We don't think exactly like women - and we don't act like men. We're unique. We're the best of both sexes!

I "Rhoda" in to a Transgender Friendly Place!

To many of you girls who are entrenched in your closet, or those who are tentatively stepping out-here is a story that I hope will help.
Some of it is repeated in the "Handy Dandy" how to post but please be patient with me. I'm more mature and we do things like repeat ourselves!
Number one, when you shop-the great majority of clerks will love you!
Especially "DeeDee" at Charming Charlie's in Dayton. I've plugged the place before. It's just a great spot for accessorizing your wardrobe! Jewelry, bags, earrings and the such!
I was in the store for about 5 minutes or so when she introduced herself and asked if I needed any help.
I said "no" and then she said "are you (me) Rhoda?" Rhoda is "Rhoda Horse" and she is a beautiful blond performer in the Dayton, Ohio area.
I said "I'm flattered, but I'm not and actually Rhoda and I are much different breeds of the same cat."
Quickly, I explained. (I had serious shopping to do!) Rhoda does female to perform. I do female as a lifestyle.
So, if you are ever around the "Greene" off of I-675 outside of Dayton look the store up and definately ask for DeeDee!
Sales people such as DeeDee can offer you some great insight into your look and you offer them a respite from a all too often grumpy female clientele.
Shopping as a girl is truly an occasion when you can use being transgendered to your benefit!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

OMG! My Own Jerry Springer Moment!

It finally happened! My own Springer transgender moment. Perhaps you've seen or have heard of Springer's non ending parade of transgender girls whose boy friends don't know the truth. Of course I had to go down that road myself. Accidentally!
In my constant quest to spread my self too thin on the world wide web, I decided to set up a "My Space" site.
As you probably know, they make the set up so easy a "cave girl" could do it! What they don't do is give us a transgender option and when in doubt I choose female...but I make no secret of the fact I'm a transgendered girl. In fact on "My Space" I listed transgender in about the third sentence of my profile.
SO! the first two "I'm madly in love with you" guys didn't bother to read and just looked at the pix. (Just being guys, right?)
By the time we got to the third round of bringing me home to mom-I asked "Hey!" did you read my profile? Well, no they didn't.
The first one was a bit more worldly and asked if I was transgendered, did I have a ... I said yes, three of them and they are great cats who need to be fed and keep the mice under control!
At least he said "bye!"
The second one was from somewhere in Virginia and never really understood what being transgendered was all about. He never even said goodbye!
The moral of the story is you won't see me on Springer with the internet boyfriend who didn't know I was transgendered. But if you do-I sign autographs!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Just When You Think....

Have it together, here comes another question!
It's Saturday night and I went out after my Buckeyes posted a big win!
I was going to a slightly upscale place so I was looking for a special outfit. After digging through the closet, I found this black shortish "flippy" skirt.
I paired it with a white "T" under a black jacket. I loved it!
I took off and went to my spot. As I walked through the main room to the bar, I thought "I shaved my legs for this?" Yes and it was fabulous. Freshly shaved bare legs brushing the skirt and I was in heaven.
I also went blond for the evening which is always kind of a reach. The blond does get more attention which is always not so good. I don't know if blond's really do have more fun but they get more attention!
I found a seat at the bar and was watching my Reds struggle with the Pirates when a tallish black guy with dreads sat down next to me. Being black is not really a factor, just part of the story later.
He was alone for about 10 minutes when his girlfriend showed up. I thought since she was there I wouldn't have to prepare for impromptu conversation.
Following another short time span, he turned to me and said "do people treat you differently?" I said "No-Why?" "Do people treat you differently because you a a big black guy with dreads?" He just laughed.
He was actually very polite but had to ask a few more questions. The first question was one I should have printed on cards with an answer and my name!
"Why do you dress as a female?" Because I want to, I love the feel of the experience, my soul tells me it's right and I can.
The answer seemed to satisfy him and he only asked one more question (what was my given male name) before he turned back to his girl who was chatting with another woman next to her.
My only disappointment was getting read by him. It wasn't the first and won't be the last. It really just drives me to work harder. Saturday I hoped I presented as good as I felt! Hopefully to the remainder of the patrons I did.

Urban Nights

As I mentioned in my previous post, I said I would get back to my "Urban Nights" story. I actually had three experiences this weekend. Not all good!
Friday night was fabulous! The weather was perfect-an early fall evening in Ohio.
I wore my "bestest" jeans and kind of a slinky form fitting top. The whole outfit was designed to show off "the girls". I wore comfortable flip flops and pretty much blended well with a middle age to younger upscale group of people.
Ironically, most of the crowd didn't seem to notice me at all. The exceptions were women in my own age group. I noticed a few "side glances" and a couple quick eye contacts. Could have been anything from reading me to just noticing my style which is a little uptempo for a girl my age!
That look is exactly what I strive for! I hate it when women automatically start cutting their hair shorter and use less of everything when they get a little older.
At any rate the feel of the hair clothes and body was fun and satisfying! Sensual even!
Halloween is the next big event there!
Don't have to tell you what that means.
Friday, in many ways was the highlight. I'll have more for you girls later!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Gender Quake?

Have you heard the term? I suppose it describes the blending of the genders in the younger generation.
Last night I went out to a downtown art and music festival in Dayton (more on that in another post) and of course stopped for a nightcap in my fave tavern. It was a slow sports night and they were showing video's on one of their zillion big screens.
"Lady Gaga" soon showed up. I have to tell you I'm not her biggest fan. It sure has hurt her career! But you've probably heard of her transgender rumors.
If she is or isn't a boy isn't really the point. (She really could be!) Drawing attention to the transgender scene in a positive way is the great win for all of us!
Maybe to an extent the Springer Show even is a positive-IF you think that any publicity is good publicity. I don't think that but...
It probably is time for more transgender programming on networks such as TLC,BBC, Discovery etc.
"Degrassi" has a FTM high school character so hopefully more is on the way.
Personally, I would like to see a show or two about people who live in both genders.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


"Trapped in a man's body" is a phrase that has received a lot of attention over the years in the transgender community.
During the past week and a half I've been trapped in that body.(I have a brutal work schedule and have not been able to play) But have I really been trapped in that body at all?
That body has treated me well over the years. It has been blessed with excellent health and some questionable intelligence.
More importantly that body has allowed Cyrsti to be a kept woman. It still earns the income for her existence.
That body has also provided the basics to go out in the world as a female. It has had the basics to jump the gender barrier.
Drawbacks? Sure! The size that allowed some athletic action and less bullying as a youth had it's benefits. Now the bigger wrists and broader back are not so useful.
However, as age increases I'm experiencing a natural hormone replacement therapy. The once dark body hair has grayed and thinned considerably. Leg hair is easier to keep under control and beard cover is much easier. In addition, my skin is softening noticeably.
The biggest drawback are breasts. If a genie jumped out of a bottle and granted me 3 requests-breasts would be very high up the list. In the future a full time girl existence is very possible. I can't put that body through all the surgery but I would put it through breast enhancement. I just want the sensuality!
Well, it's obvious you can't have your cake and eat it too. The calories just go to your hips! But as the "Rolling Stones" once sang-"You don't always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need."
That body has given me that. I guess I was never trapped in it anyhow!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...