Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

"The Greatest Challenge In Life Is Discovering Who You Are. The Second Greatest Challenge Is Being Happy With What You Find." #quoteThis really speaks to transgender women and men!

Who will you be this Spring?

Nice subjective question I saw pop up in one of my email boxes this morning and I paused to see who it was from- I quickly saw the email was coming from one of my "dream" fashion sites "Free People" . It's a boho clothing site featuring clothes I can't possibly wear or afford but I can dream. My part of the dream is simple, even though I may not be able to buy or fit in to "Free People's" clothes-I can learn from them and find less expensive alternatives which will fit me here and there.

So, who will I be this spring?  Or, who do I want to be?  After looking at Free People's offerings, I knew.  I want to fill my bucket list up with water and swim in it.  I know how to swim but have never embraced it and felt it was something I  could never do as a girl. As you all know, never or ever are words I embrace less than water.  However, this summer may be the chance to frolic in my bucket of water. It's big to me too because I view the whole experience as one of the ultimate's in feminine expression-until I get eaten by a shark!

Now though, with my HRT changes in skin, breasts, hips and hair-it may be time.

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Heads up! Another Cyrsti's Condo Sunday Edition has hit your virtual front porch.  Get your cup o joe and jammies ready!
Page 1.- The Week That Was-or-Wasn't:  It was an easy choice this week, the story of Bruce Jenner, who at press time was involved in a fatal accident. Unharmed, Jenner was being chased reportively by the paparazzi. Also riding on Jenner's possible MtF transgender transition was helicopter traffic reporter Zoey Tur. I just can't imagine sitting around the average American dinner table when one of the so called entertainment shows once again features either one of them.  Maybe stealth doesn't look so bad after all!
Page 2.- Transgender Seniors: For some reason this week, I fell and couldn't get up on the topic of transgender seniors and nursing homes.  An exceedingly tough discussion for anyone but worse of course for trans women and men.  Connie commented:
 "Having an advocate, like your daughter would be, is probably the most important thing for anybody when confined to a hospital or nursing home. I've had to be that advocate for family members and a friend, and I shudder to think of how much worse it would have been for them had I not made certain demands regarding their care. But, we know of so many transgender women and men who have been abandoned by family and friends. This very thing has led to suicide for too many of our transgender brothers and sisters. We, the survivors, must realize that getting past the pain of what life has handed us is not going to be of much help when we have to give up our own identities in order to receive medical care; care that could save our lives (even though we may feel as though we're dying inside at the same time).
Page 3.- Returning to the "Seen" of the Crime: Many times I think you lose track of your changes under HRT. Last week, for the first time in a while, I went back to one of one the venues I literally transitioned in. Wow, how times have changed! As I said in the post, two of the original bartenders are still there and no the venue itself didn't find itself in a "dangerous" neighborhood over the years. Go here to revisit the post.
FemulatePage 4.- The Back Page.  Congratulations this week to Stana of Femulate fame celebrating another blog anniversary! She is incredible! And, so are all of you for taking time to visit Cyrsti's Condo time after time! Thanks!

How Far will You Go?

Image from UnSplash. I have always viewed my transgender journey as a series of upward steps. A few of the steps were short and easy to take...