Showing posts with label 19 and Counting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 19 and Counting. Show all posts

Friday, November 18, 2016

Good Karma Day

I am a real believer in Karma and today should be a good one for me. (I need so much!)

My first stop this afternoon will be a stop at the site of the Greater Cincinnati Transgender Day of Remberance. As I have written here, I am on the set up committee and my responsibilitees include gettting participarts from "Point A" to "Point B" etc. I figured it would be important if I knew first :).

Tonight I am going to a monthly "safe haven" meeting and donating a few supplies for the hardcore homeless in Cincinnati.

At least it will be a good day for it-70 and sunshine. Tomorrow windy and temperatures in the 30's with the possibility of snow. Never a boring moment!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

J.J.'s Sunday Edition

Hello All! Another Sunday Edition is hitting your virtual front porch! KerPlunk! 
Weather: We are in what I call a summer lull here in Ohio when Momma Nature gives us a break from the heat and humidity for a couple days. It has been really nice and I hope it is too where you are.

Page One: The Week that Was-or Wasn't: Here on the blog, the chatter over the drug DES very much dominated the conversation. Michelle Hart wrote (no relation I think):

"I see that the DES controversy has come out to play once again. I remember in the infancy of the internet, when many of us sought the hows and whys of who we were, many latched onto this tidbit of information. You have to remember that back in the late 80's early 90's, everyone had information to share, whether it was the right information didn't matter."
And went on: Today, I just think to myself the immortal words of Popeye, "I ams what I ams and that all I ams."
Plus, January Powell wrote: "Having previously miscarried, Mom got estrogen -- DES, I guess? She said the popular alternative then was thalidomide; call me lucky.

Thanks to all who commented on the original post.

Page Two: Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion: Once again the world was spinning upside down or even out of control with the events in Dallas, Baton Rouge  and elsewhere. As crazy and tragic as all of this has been-some of the reaction I have seen has been worse. Some are calling for the "zombie apocalypse" is or worse yet...other end of days. What bugs me the fact I know so many good people on both sides of the spectrum. And, most certainly we can't attempt to run a society without a police force.

If once we get there, the evangelicals have just built a full fledged reproduction of the Ark down in Kentucky which may be a place to run to. Somehow though, I don't think any of the LGBT community would be allowed in two by two, and what rest rooms would we trans folk use?

I'm far from a genius but somehow we need to stop the indiscriminate killing by and of police and start to heal so together we can face an every looming greater terrorist threat.

I'm also kind of jealous in that I would love to see my grand-kids inherit a functioning country.

Page Three: Shopping On a lighter note (finally), Liz and I are thinking about taking a trip to Maine later on this fall, and it's never too early to consider what I am going to wear for the cooler weather. I have always considered seasonal shopping to be one of the greatest pleasures of being a girl!!!

Page Four: The Back Page: Well kids, it's a busy day ahead with the youngest grandson's 5th birthday party, so I must go. Take a moment to set aside your mistrust and even hatred and worship whatever higher being you believe in...we all need it!
Luv you all!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Media Mania

First of all, you all know what I have thought about Bruce Jenner. However, I did see one of his coming out shows last night-his sit down conversation (tear jerker) with former wife Kris. And, I do know there are certain backstories which do or don't play in with me. But last night most did. Now, I did take what I saw last night at face value (no pun intended) and the story which played out between the two last night was ripped from the one which played out between my (deceased) wife and I.

Honesty, courage and communication ended up being our sticking points and I will admit I just couldn't "man up" and tell her how I really felt. I just didn't want to lose everything in life I held dear and wanted to have it both ways before I jumped off the gender cliff. I don't believe Jenner ever said it but the whole deal nearly killed me.

Also in the media recently has been the whole coming up story of the Duggar "19 and Counting Show" which has been cancelled on the TLC Network. In a classic "Bitch slap" Momma Karma beat up on Michelle Duggar who called transgender women child molesters and pedophiles in a recent anti LGBT campaign in her home state of Arkansas. Then, her son turns out to be the real deal pedophile with at least five underage girls including a couple sisters. Yes, the clan even knew of his molestations.

The whole story makes me sick from the 19 kids all the way to connections with Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. I went an immediately took a shower with lye soap after hearing all of this.

Finally,former Defense Secretary Robert Gates (now head of the Boy Scouts) said the Boy Scouts ban on Gay Adult Scout Leaders is "not sustainable" and needs to change from within. My daughters family is a huge scouting family (boy and girl) and of course support LGBTQ leaders and are very happy with this!!!!

Quite the week!

Real Life Impostors

JJ Hart at Key Largo.  At various times in my life, I have suffered from impostor's syndrome when I was out with other women celebrating...